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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 430 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Sedimentology and Diagenesis with respect to the Reservoir Development of the Mississippian Midale Beds in the Pinto–Roche Percee Area, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Celine M. Chow, Haimo Qing
Williston Basin Symposium
... distribution within the Midale Beds throughout the Pinto–Roche Percee study area give insight into the location of certain lithofacies and show...
Horizontal Potential in a Lower Midale (Vuggy) Reservoir of the Mississippian Midale Beds, Weyburn-Steelman Area, Southeastern Saskatchewan
Andrew Nimegeers and Erik Nickel
Williston Basin Symposium
... Midale and distribution of the S2 anhydrite. 1. Introduction The Mississippian Midale Beds of southeastern Saskatchewan are dominated by peritidal...
Limestone Facies and Stratigraphic Traps: Abstract
Ralph W. Edie
Tulsa Geological Society
... maps showing the probable distribution of permeable shoal areas are extremely valuable in outlining petroleum prospects. Such prospects include both...
Lithofacies and depositional history of Midale carbonate-evaporite cycles in a Mississippian ramp setting, Steelman-Bienfait area, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada
Hairuo Qing, Andrew R. Nimegeers
CSPG Bulletin
... limestone reservoirs of the lower Midale unit. The purpose of this paper is to: 1) describe lithofacies and their distribution; 2) establish regional...
Highstand Stacked Tidal Flat / Standing Water Evaporite Cycles of the Midale Evaporite in southeast Saskatchewan, Mississippian Williston Basin; #10715 (2015)
J. H. Lake, D. M. Kent
Search and Discovery.com
... does the Midale Evaporite facies distribution look like? In general, the topographic relief on the Midale Vuggy and Marly controls the accommodation...
Hydrocarbon Trapping in Mississippian Strata of Southeastern Saskatchewan: Ratcliffe to Souris Valley Beds
Andrew Nimegeers, Don Kent, Arden Marsh, and Erik Nickel
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... "plays ". Examples include 1) the eastward extension of Midale "Marly "production from the Elswick Field, 2) successful horizontal drilling of a thin...
The Midale Beds Log-Core Correlations in Tatagwa Oil Field, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada
A. Matiisen, M. Shehata
CSPG Bulletin
...The Midale Beds Log-Core Correlations in Tatagwa Oil Field, Southern Saskatchewan, Canada A. Matiisen, M. Shehata 1987 443 453 Vol. 35 (1987) No. 4...
ABSTRACT: Geological Controls on Reservoir Properties: Midale Carbonates, Southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada, by John G. Kaldi; #91030 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Dolomitization models for the Frobisher and Midale Beds in the Steelman Field, southeastern Saskatchewan; #90211 (2015)
Arden Marsh and Andrew Nimegeers
Search and Discovery.com
... that cyclical lithofacies successions in Frobisher and Midale carbonate-evaporite parasequences were deposited in a peritidal environment. Complex...
Abstract: Exploration/Development History and Sedimentological Drivers of Reservoir Performance of the Mississippian Madison Frobisher-Alida (Rival) - Midale Fields, Burke County, North Dakota; #91206 (2023)
Edward C. Starns, Tim Nesheim
Search and Discovery.com
...) - Midale Fields, Burke County, North Dakota; #91206 (2023) Edward C. Starns, Tim Nesheim AAPG Datapages/Search and Discovery Article #91206 © Rocky...
Abstract: Diagenetic Trends Affecting Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in Mississippian Midale Carbonates; Weyburn Field, Saskatchewan; #90225 (2015)
Erik Nickel and Hairuo Qing
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Diagenetic Trends Affecting Carbon Dioxide Sequestration Potential in Mississippian Midale Carbonates; Weyburn Field, Saskatchewan; #90225...
Mississippian Sedimentation in Southeastern Saskatchewan*
Ralph W. Edie
CSPG Bulletin
... limestone and basin-type argillaceous and siliceous limestone. A lithofacies map of a 200 foot thick slice of the uppermost Mission Canyon in the Midale...
Facies, cyclostratigraphic and secondary diagenetic controls on reservoir distribution, Ordovician Red River Formation, Midale Field, southern Saskatchewan
Williston Basin Symposium
...Facies, cyclostratigraphic and secondary diagenetic controls on reservoir distribution, Ordovician Red River Formation, Midale Field...
Pool characterization of Ordovician Midale field: Implication for Red River play in northern Williston basin, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada
Renhai Pu, Hairuo QingGeology by Renhai Pu, Hairuo Qing, Donald M. Kent, Mark A. Urban
AAPG Bulletin
...Pool characterization of Ordovician Midale field: Implication for Red River play in northern Williston basin, southeastern Saskatchewan, Canada...
EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Ortonella (calcareous algae) as an environmental indicator in the Midale Beds of southeastern Saskatchewan
J. Lake
CSPG Special Publications
...EXTENDED ABSTRACT: Ortonella (calcareous algae) as an environmental indicator in the Midale Beds of southeastern Saskatchewan J. Lake 1998 515 518...
Paleokarst in the Midale Beds, Carnduff Field, Southeast Saskatchewan
W. H. Bill Gatenby, Scott Carter
CSPG Special Publications
...Paleokarst in the Midale Beds, Carnduff Field, Southeast Saskatchewan W. H. Bill Gatenby, Scott Carter 2001 470 491...
Front Matter, Table of Contents, Agenda: Twenty-seventh Williston Basin Petroleum Conference: Core Workshop Volume, 2019 (SP26)
Gavin Jensen, Lynn Kelley, Kim Kreis, Meagan Gilbert, Ralf Maxeiner, Murray Rogers
Williston Basin Symposium
....) and Arden Marsh (Saskatchewan Geological Survey) Paleotopography on the Sub-Mesozoic Unconformity, and Reservoirs of the Mississippian Midale Beds...
Chapter 20: Horizontal Drilling in the Williston Basin, United States and Canada
Julie A. LeFever
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
.... Lithofacies present in Midale Field. After Kaldi (1982). Secondary interparticle, moldic, or vuggy porosity averaging 5.3% is found within the lower...
Mississippian Sedimentation and Oil Fields in Southeastern Saskatchewan: Carboniferous
Ralph W. Edie
AAPG Special Volumes
... the Midale trend appear to be limited by the distribution of permeable limestone facies. The effective method of exploration along this trend...
Mississippian Sedimentation and Oil Fields in Southeastern Saskatchewan
Ralph W. Edie
AAPG Bulletin
... argillaceous and siliceous limestone. A lithofacies map of a 200-foot-thick slice of the uppermost Mission Canyon in the Midale area and lateral facies...
Extended Abstract: Dolomitization of the Frobisher and Midale Beds in the Steelman Field, southeastern Saskatchewan
Arden Marsh and Andrew Nimegeers
Saskatchewan Geological Society
...Extended Abstract: Dolomitization of the Frobisher and Midale Beds in the Steelman Field, southeastern Saskatchewan Arden Marsh and Andrew Nimegeers...
Potential for New Stratigraphic Play in Mississippian Midale Anhydrite, Eastern Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Lorna A. Porter, Fred S. Reid
AAPG Bulletin
...Potential for New Stratigraphic Play in Mississippian Midale Anhydrite, Eastern Williston Basin: ABSTRACT Lorna A. Porter, Fred S. Reid 1984 945 945...
Mississippian Oilfields in the Northern Williston Basin
D.M. Kent, F.M. Haidl, J.A. MacEachern
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... are preferentially located along the traces of six of the marker-defined units: Souris Valley, Tilston, Alida, Frobisher, Midale and Ratcliffe beds...
Saskatchewan Geological Society
... are important to the distribution of potential reservoir rock, porosity development and occlusion in the Midale Beds are the result of multistage...