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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Geostatistical Models of Secondary Oil Migration Within Heterogeneous Carrier Beds: A Theoretical Example

Lee Rhea , Mark Person , Ghislain de Marsily , Emmanuel Ledoux , Alain Galli

AAPG Bulletin

... velocity data. APPENDIX Separate-phase, secondary oil migration within sedimentary basins is controlled by a number of factors, including buoyancy...


Some Remarks on Regression and Transgression in Deltaic Sediments

Gerard Dailly

CSPG Special Publications

... of sedimentation, the infilling of the marine depression will result in several depocenters. This is presently the case in the Mississippi Delta (Woodbury et...


Advances in Simulation of Hydrocarbon Production From Shale Reservoirs

Masoud Alfi, Zhi Chai, Bicheng Yan, Brian C. Stimpson, Maria A. Barrufet, John Killough

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in hydraulically fractured reservoirs is evaluated through some case studies. An Embedded Discrete Fracture Model (EDFM) is discussed in the second...


Chapter 19: Andean Deformation and Its Control on Hydrocarbon Generation, Migration, and Charge in the Wedge-Top of Southern Bolivia

Martin Pereira, Gustavo Vergani, Ignacio Cambon, Juan Reynaldi, Jorge Iturralde, Ramsis Guerrero, Gloria González

AAPG Special Volumes

... maturity. For the Tacobo area, constant heat flows of 55 mW / m2 (low case) and 62 mW / m2 (high case), and for the Yacuiba area a 60 mW / m2 (low case...


Injection Wells and Operations Today

Erle C. Donaldson

AAPG Special Volumes

.... C., and A. F. Bayazeed, 1971, Reuse and subsurface injection of municipal sewage effluent--two case histories: U.S. Bur. Mines Inf. Circ. 8522, 34 p...


Colloidal Soap as Proposed Primary Migration Medium for Hydrocarbons

Robert J. Cordell

AAPG Bulletin

... migration and alteration of petroleum in south Sumatra: Geologie en Mijnbouw, n. ser., v. 19, p. 172-181. Erdman, J. G., 1965, Petroleum-its origin...


Groundwater Modeling

Uriel Oko

Special Publications of SEPM

.... Processes that control the migration of the solute are advection, hydrodynamic dispersion, geochemical and biochemical reactions. (If no reactions...


Different scales of salt–sediment interaction during passive diapirism

Mark G. Rowan and Katherine A. Giles

AAPG Bulletin

... and CHSs, how can they be distinguished? In the case of layer MTSs and thickening-wedge MTSs, the boundary is simply that between constant-thickness...


The Elements of the Oil-Well-Spacing Problem. A Summary of the Factors Influencing the Distance Apart at Which Oil Wells May Be Economically Spaced

Lester C. Uren

AAPG Bulletin

... at greater distances apart than in the case of shallow wells, other factors remaining constant. If sufficient comparative cost data are at hand, it should...


Sulfur-Isotope Geochemistry of Petroleum, Evaporites, and Ancient Seas

H. G. Thode , J. Monster

AAPG Special Volumes

... content of the contemporaneous seas, sulfur isotope studies should be useful in solving migration problems. Ault, W.U., and Kulp, J.L., 1959, Isotope...


Petroleum Systems and the Role of Multi-Dimensional Basin Modeling

D. H. Welte, T. Hantschel, B. Wygrala

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... migration modeling, instead of just relying on assumptions concerning, for example, regional seals. In the case shown here, the unit that was previously...


Methane Accumulation and High Concentration of Gas Hydrate in Marine and Terrestrial Sandy Sediments

Takashi Uchida, Amane Waseda, Takatoshi Namikawa

AAPG Special Volumes

... in microbial (biogenic) activity with depth and upward gas migration through the sediment column. In the Mackenzie delta, methane in gas hydrate...


Prediction/Assessment of CO2 EOR and Storage Efficiency in Residual Oil Zones Using Machine Learning Techniques

Abdulrahman Abdulwarith, Mohamed Ammar, Birol Dindoruk

Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS)

..., ∅ is the porosity, 𝜌 is the density, S is phase saturation, mi weight fraction for each component i, v is Dracy Velocity, Di is the coefficient...


Seismic Inversion

Michel Kemper

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Gain : 10.0 ... Fl Gain : 5 .0 o'FI Fig. I. Offset gather and angle 'field' obtained from a velocity profile (left) and resulting angle stacks...


Modes of Extension and Oceanization at Magma-Poor Margins: An Example from the Brazilian/African Margins, #30435 (2015). Part1

Marta Perez-Gussinye, Mario Araujo, Marco Romeiro, Miguel Andres Martinez, Jason Phipps Morgan, Elena Ros

Search and

... granulite Dry olivine 35 km Mafic granulite Dry olivine Boundary conditions: constant velocity 5mm/yr at box edges Visco-elasto-plastic rheologies...


Modelling Petroleum Generation, Migration and Accumulation in the Central Bass Basin, Tasmania, Australia

N. Arian, P. R. Tingate, R. R. Hillis

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...Modelling Petroleum Generation, Migration and Accumulation in the Central Bass Basin, Tasmania, Australia N. Arian, P. R. Tingate, R. R. Hillis...


Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas

S. J. Pirson

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

...Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas S. J. Pirson 1978 53 63 Vol. 18 (1978) No. 9...


Real-Time Pore Pressure Gradients: An Example from the Pattani Basin, #41075 (2012)

Isara Klahan, Watanyu Nopsuri

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... systems to the north and to the west. The pre-rift fault system appears to have been primarily east dipping en-echelon listric faults soling...


Fluid Flow in Brittle Shear Zones and Coeval Precipitation of Nodular Chert in Paleozoic Carbonate During Regional Deformation in the Hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt

Pamela E. Jansma, Glen S. Mattioli

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... sources: quartz dissolution and clay-mineral reactions within shear zones; reactive fluid migration through footwall siliciclastics; and incorporation...


The Origin of Inverse Grading in Muddy Debris Flow Deposits--A Review

Michael A. Naylor

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... ideally be abrupt, vertical migration of plug boundaries with time would tend to "blur" these changes. Again, in the ideal case, zones of shear...


Scaling Analysis of the Coupled Compaction, Kerogen Conversion, and Petroleum Expulsion During Geological Maturation; #42409 (2019)

Qingwang Yuan, Yashar Mehmani, Alan Burnham, Alexandre Lapene, Johannes Wendebourg, Hamdi Tchelepi

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... Braun, R.L., and A.K. Burnham, 1993, User’s Manual for PMOD, A Pyrolysis and Primary Migration Model: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report, UCRL...


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