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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Gas Generation Potential of Upper Jurassic (Tithonian) Source Rocks in the Sonda de Campeche, Mexico

Demetrio Santamara-Orozco, Brian Horsfield

AAPG Special Volumes

... rather than cumulative GOR predictions, thereby supporting the notion of mainly localized vertical migration avenues in association with a late timing...


Iron Sulfides in Pleistocene Deep Black Sea Sediments and Their Paleo-Oceanographic Significance: Geochemistry

Robert A. Berner

AAPG Special Volumes

..., R. A., 1967, Thermodynamic stability of sedimentary iron sulfides: Am. Jour. Sci., v. 265, p. 773-785. Berner, R. A., 1969, Migration of iron...


Use of Chemical Gas Tracers Reveals Details of the Cleanup of an Unconventional Gas Well in the Vaca Muerta Formation

Joaquín Ramirez, Daniel Garcia, Daniela Ceccon, Carlos Ferlaza

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... net stress is exerted on the proppant, which causes damage such as embedment, rupture and shale migration, causing fluids to diminish. In the case...


The Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Model of Shallow Layers in Sub-Sag, Slope and Salient of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study of Huanghekou Sag in Bohai Bay Basin; #10550 (2013)

Chen Lei, Tian Lixin, Zhou Xinhuai, Niu Chengmin, and Zeng Xuan

Search and

...The Hydrocarbon Migration and Accumulation Model of Shallow Layers in Sub-Sag, Slope and Salient of Continental Rift Basin: A Case Study...


Limitations on Resolution of Seismic Reflections and Geologic Detail Derivable from Them: Section 1. Fundamentals of Stratigraphic Interpretation of Seismic Data

Robert E. Sheriff

AAPG Special Volumes

... geology. Velocity filtering and the redundancy provided by recording with high degrees of multiplicity permit the attenuation of many types...


Pressure and Basin Modeling in Foothill Belts: A Study of the Kutubu Area, Papua New Guinea Fold and Thrust Belt

Jean-Paul Callot, William Sassi, François Roure, Kevin Hill, Nigel Wilson, Renaud Divies

AAPG Special Volumes

... petroleum migration by two-phase fluid flow. Application to some case studies. Collection colloques et séminaires-Institut français du pétrole, v. 45...


The function of faults in hydraulic hydrocarbon entrapment: Theoretical considerations and a field study from the Trans-Tisza region, Hungary

Brigitta Czauner, Judit Madl-Szonyi

AAPG Bulletin

... during the evaluation of hydraulic function of faults. Aydin, A., 2000, Fractures, faults, and hydrocarbon entrapment, migration and flow: Marine...


Development and Preservation of a Mid-Holocene Tidal-Channel Network Offshore the Western Netherlands

Ruben Rieu, Sytze van Heteren, Ad J.F. van der Spek, Poppe L. De Boer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... shoreface erosion removed all but the deepest parts of the channel fills, which do not show any evidence of systematic landward migration. This field...


Coring Shale Gas Formations with Wireline Coring Technology in a Complex Geological Structure in the Medium Magdalena Valley: A Case History from Colombia, #41067 (2012)

S. Rodriguez, E. Tovar, L. Valderrama, C. Vivas, M. Gray, V. Daza, L. Delmar, C. Gomez

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...Coring Shale Gas Formations with Wireline Coring Technology in a Complex Geological Structure in the Medium Magdalena Valley: A Case History from...


Mechanisms of Petroleum Generation from Coal, as Evidenced from Petrographic and Geochemical Studies: Examples from Almond Formation Coals in the Greater Green River Basin

Mario Garcia-Gonzalez, Donald B. MacGowan, Ronald C. Surdam

Wyoming Geological Association

... increase (Barker, 1990) which fractures the vitrinite-semifusinite matrix (or network). In this case, the primary migration is more difficult due...


Angle-constrained VSP least-squares reverse-time migration based on a high-efficiency stabilized Poynting vector

Xuan Ke, Mauricio Sacchi, Ying Shi

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

...Angle-constrained VSP least-squares reverse-time migration based on a high-efficiency stabilized Poynting vector Xuan Ke, Mauricio Sacchi, Ying Shi...


Times of Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum in Abo Reef of Southeastern New Mexico--A Hypothesis

William K. Stenzel

AAPG Special Volumes

...Times of Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum in Abo Reef of Southeastern New Mexico--A Hypothesis William K. Stenzel 1965 243 256 M 4: Fluids...


Effective Use of High Density VSP Measurements to Predict Pore Pressure and Estimate Mud Weight Ahead of Drilling in the Mahakam Delta, Indonesia

Mohammed Badri, Stephane Gazet, Gregoire de Tonnac

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... In this case the effective stress does not decrease but remains constant causing the velocity to appear as a plateau on a velocity versus depth plot...


Fold-accommodation faults

Shankar Mitra

AAPG Bulletin

... or bedding-plane surfaces characterized by resistance to flexural slip. We first consider a case where the fold tightens by migration of axial planes from...


Palaeohydraulic Interpretation Using Mathematical Models of Contemporary Flow and Sedimentation in Meandering Channels

John S. Bridge

Dallas Geological Society

.... Bed shear stress (hence velocity, as f is constant) and texture patterns predictably follow each other closely, giving rise to ‘transitional...


Palaeohydraulic Interpretation Using Mathematical Models of Contemporary Flow and Sedimentation in Meandering Channels

John S. Bridge

CSPG Special Publications

.... Bed shear stress (hence velocity, as f is constant) and texture patterns predictably follow each other closely, giving rise to ‘transitional...


Chapter 8: Insight on Mechanical Stratigraphy and Subsurface Interpretation

Ronald N. McGinnis, David A. Ferrill, Alan P. Morris, Kevin J. Smart

AAPG Special Volumes

... in mechanically layered rocks: The case against the frictional drag mechanism: Tectonophysics, v. 576–577, p. 78–85. Ferrill, D.A., McGinnis, R.N....



Donald S. Stone

Montana Geological Society

.... Chester, J.S., and Chester, F.M., 1990, Fault-propagation folds above thrusts with constant dip: Journal of Structural Geology...


Inversion of Salt Diapir and Sedimentary Bed Observations: A Gulf Coast Case History

K. Petersen, I. Lerche

GCAGS Transactions

...Inversion of Salt Diapir and Sedimentary Bed Observations: A Gulf Coast Case History K. Petersen, I. Lerche 1993 Vol. 43 (1993), An inverse...


The Quantification of Diffusive Hydrocarbon Losses Through Cap Rocks of Natural Gas Reservoirs--A Reevaluation: Geologic Note (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... Schaefer, and A. Yukler, 1982, Role of diffusion in primary migration of hydrocarbons: AAPG Bulletin, v. 66, p. 408-429. Smith, J. E., J. G. Erdmann...


Secondary Flow in Meandering Channels on Submarine Fans: Implications for Channel Morphodynamics and Architecture, #40480 (2010)

Jorge D. Abad, Octavio Sequeiros, Benoit Spinewine, Carlos Pirmez, Marcelo Garcia, Gary Parker

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... of turbidity currents in meandering channels should be reversed compared to rivers. Were this to be the case, the planform geometry of submarine...


Possible Ground Water Influence on the Habitat of Oil in the Gulf Coast

James K. Rogers

GCAGS Transactions

.... In this case, even though the velocity of seaward movement of water is very slight in comparison to that of the Biscayne aquifer described by Cooper, et al...


Mismatch Between Time Surface and Stratal Surface in Stratigraphy

M. Royhan Gani

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., channel, and clinoform) migrate in time and space to fill a basin. Migration of geomorphic surfaces (i.e., time surfaces) is commonly associated...


Source Material, Compaction History and Hydrocarbon Occurrence in the Cagayan Valley Basin, Luzon, Philippines

Noe L. Caagusan

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... transition zone is formed and the migration of fluids will be downward. This happens in the case of buried reefs or other porous and permeable formations...


Geological Model Predicting Optimum Sandstone Per Cent for Oil Accumulation

Kinji Magara

CSPG Bulletin

..., Compaction and Fluid Migration--Practical Petroleum Geology: New York, London and Amsterdam, Elsevier Scientific Publishing Company, (in press). Smith...


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