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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Spatial Change of Grading Pattern of Subaqueous Flood Deposits In Lake Shinji, Japan

Yu Saitoh, Fujio Masuda

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... areas, where only plunged hyperpycnal plumes reach, the plume velocity is correlated with river discharge. Thus in the case of a single-peaked flood...


Spatial Change of Grading Pattern of Subaqueous Flood Deposits In Lake Shinji, Japan

Yu Saitoh, Fujio Masuda

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 10). In distal areas, where only plunged hyperpycnal plumes reach, the plume velocity is correlated with river discharge. Thus in the case of a single...


From Petroleum System Evaluation to Geomodeling, Production Forecasting and Reserves Determination in Unconventional Reservoirs

Cristhian F. Aranguren Silva, Antonio Ch. S. Gomes, Roberto Aguilera

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...: the accumulation. But there is a lack of proper understanding of the first three processes: trap formation, generation, and migration of hydrocarbons...


Morphology, Processes, and Recent Sedimentary History of a Glacial-Outwash Plain Shoreline, Southern Iceland

Albert C. Hine, Jon C. Boothroyd

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... from river distributary migration and from glacier-burst floods (Jokulhlaups). These floods fragment and inundate certain portions of the coast, thereby...


Channel Modeling Based on Seismic, Wells and Analogue Data: Parameter Uncertainty Handling and Volume Uncertainty Assessment Using Experimental Design

Yuniyanto, Paul Thompson, Lothar Schulte, Andrian Elim, Vikram Sharma

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... was seismically mapped in the time domain. In order to address the velocity anisotropy the seismic migration velocities were calibrated to three check shot...


Autogenic Erosional Surfaces in Fluvio-deltaic Stratigraphy from Floods, Avulsions, and Backwater Hydrodynamics

Vamsi Ganti, Michael P. Lamb, Austin J. Chadwick

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... theoretical predictions using a flume experiment of river delta evolution governed by persistent backwater hydrodynamics under constant relative sea...


Morphodynamics of Tidal Channels In the Open Coast Macrotidal Flat, Southern Ganghwa Island In Gyeonggi Bay, West Coast of Korea

Kyungsik Choi, Joo Hee Jo

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...). In the case when marked point-bar migration occurs during low flow stage, a step-like sigmoidal profile can be generated (Thomas et al. 1987). For instance...


Overpressure and mudrock compaction in the Lower Kutai Basin, Indonesia: A radical reappraisal

Agus M. Ramdhan, Neil R. Goulty

AAPG Bulletin

... Memoir 76, p. 6172.Lambert, B., B. C. Duval, Y. Grosjean, I. M. Umar, and P. Zaugg, 2003, The Peciko case history: Impact of an evolving geological model...


Abstract: Towards an Optimal Workflow for Azimuthal AVO; #90171 (2013)

David Gray and Shangxu Wang

Search and

.... Clair, C., 2008, Wide azimuth imaging and azimuthal velocity analysis using offset vector tile prestack migration, First Break, 26, 9, 103-107. http...


Anisotropic elastic full-waveform inversion for crosswell seismic data for Wyoming CarbonSAFE project

Olga Podgornova, Shujaat Ali, Ting Lei, Peng Li, Matthew Johnson, Lu Lee, Zunsheng Jiao, J. Fred McLaughlin, Erik Borchardt, Lin Liang, Pierre Bettinelli, Joel Le Calvez

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... between adjacent wells, operate at much higher frequencies than those of surface sources. Through advanced interrogation, seismic migration can...


3D Seismic Proves its Value in Bakken Geosteering

Angie Southcott, Harold Harper

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the well top picks made on logs (Kappius, 2014). It took five passes of the tomographic inversion to update the migration velocity field, each pass...


“Grain-size bookkeeping,” a new aid for siliciclastic systems with examples from paralic environments

Tony Reynolds

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Cretaceous Ferron Notom Delta, Utah: Sedimentology, v. 62, p. 2060– 2089. Lin, C.-Y.M., 2011, Bedform Migration in Rivers [M.Sc. Thesis]: Simon Fraser...


Abstract: The Design and Application of Converted-wave COVs; #90187 (2014)

Richard Bale, Tobin Marchand, Keith Wilkinson, and Jeff Deere

Search and

... point sorting and converted wave velocity analysis solved by PP and PS Pre-Stack Depth Migration: 69th Annual International Meeting, SEG, Expanded...


Wave Climate and Littoral Sediment Transport, Northeast Gulf of Alaska

Dag Nummedal, Michael F. Stephen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... in the Gulf of Alaska was determined from synoptic meteorological charts combined with mapped migration paths of storm systems generated on the Pacific...


Recent Advances in the Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs with Wide-Azimuth Seismic Data

Ran Bachrach, Colin M. Sayers, Sagnik Dasgupta, Josimar Silva, Stefano Volterrani

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... here are defined by the residual moveout which is optained after anisotropic depth migration with tomography. Rock intrinsic properties like anisotropy...


Some Problems in Thermal History Studies

David Deming, Jeffrey A. Nunn, Steven Jones, David S. Chapman

Rocky Mountain Section (SEPM)

... to the velocity, density, specific heat, and temperature of the moving fluid. Upwelling groundwater increases the temperature gradient near the surface...


Basin Modelling in the Mahakam Delta Based on the Integrated 2D Model TEMISPACK

Jean Burrus, Etienne Brosse, Ghislain Choppin de Janvry, Yves Grosjean, Jean-Louis Oudin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Figure 9. Calculated distribution of HC saturations at 5, 2.4, 0.5 Ma and present-day. The arrows represent HC migration velocity vectors. They are mostly...


Enhancing Fault Interpretation Through Broadband Processing and Diffraction Imaging: The First and Successful Experience from Madura Offshore Area

Pongga Wardaya, Rino Saputra, Syaeful Amin

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... faults are used not only in the reservoir sealing system analyses but also in the study of the petroleum migration pathways. Understanding the fault...


Pore pressure and stress regime in a thick extensional basin with active shale diapirism (western Mediterranean)

Fermín Fernández-Ibáñez, and Juan I. Soto

AAPG Bulletin

.... F., L. W. Gardner, and A. R. Gregory, 1974, Formation velocity and density: The diagnostic basics for stratigraphic traps: Geophysics, v. 39, p. 770...


Deformation History and Structural Style in the North Ucayali Basin

Ricardo Bertolotti, Isabelle Moretti

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... the Upper Cretaceous, the North Ucayali area became then a foreland, very distal and then proximal. Due to the eastward migration of the thrust front...


The Hydrodynamics of the Big Horn Basin: A Study of the Role of Faults (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... The results depend upon whether the fault zones are lateral barriers to flow. In the case where the faults are lateral barriers, the basin is broken...


Resedimented Conglomerates in the Bottomsets of Gilbert-type Gravel Deltas

George Postma , Thomas B. Roep

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... turbulent flow. In the latter case, the debris flow would have originated from gravity transformation of the turbulent flow (Fisher 1983). In both ca es...


Paleoflow Characteristics of a Late Cretaceous River in Utah from Analysis of Sedimentary Structures in the Ferron Sandstone

Edward Cotter

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... by Schumm are used to estimate channel sinuosity, meander length, mean annual discharge, mean annual flood, channel slope, and flow velocity. Values...


Quantifying Gas Hydrate Resources from Cumulative Seismic Attributes, Hydrate Ridge, Offshore Oregon; #40588 (2010)

Uwe Strecker, Anyela Morcote, Angel Zea, Scott Singleton

Search and

... saturations exceeding 20% beneath Hydrate Ridge, offshore Oregon. CATT is based on case-specific rock physics transforms that portray bulk properties...


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