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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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UK Continental Shelf: An Evolution in 3D Seismic Imaging of the Central North Sea

Matthew Dack, Gregor Duval, CGG

GEO ExPro Magazine

... in depth imaging and migration techniques, are providing new insights to reduce the risks associated with these plays. An ‘Evolution’ in Seismic...


Seismic Foldout: New plays in Southern Santos Basin revealed by large-scale, high quality 3D Multi-Client seismic

Milos Cvetkovic, Francisco Colina, TGS

GEO ExPro Magazine

...-Client seismic Figure 1: Arbitrary line from Fast Track TTI KPSDM stack overlaid with velocity model. Fast Track velocity model follows geological...


Critical Analysis of Stack Seismic Systems: REPLY

L. E. Nugent, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... this was not explained adequately. Velocity problems, however, of the stack system may be critical in practically all areas. Intermediate and high-dip areas...


ABSTRACT: Offshore Alaska: Prospect Maturation Techniques in Challenging Arctic Environments; #90125 (2011)

Jaeger, Guenter, Homza, Thomas X., Rosenbladt, Robert L., Prusak, Deanne, Hurst, Clive, Buerkert, Thomas P.

Search and

...” overburden geology, the JV partners decided on the latter; with the intent to conduct full 3D processing using pre/post migration interpolation. Initial...


Seismic Data Processing For a Crucial 2014 2D Seismic Data Acquisition Decision in S Area, South Sumatra Block, South Sumatra, Indonesia

Gerry R. Hutabarat, Danar Yudhatama, Erwin Kusumah, Yusnita Yunus, Stephen M. Scott

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... pre-stack time migration, and the third ran after pre-stack time migration. After seismic velocity analysis and residual statics correction, surface...


Integrated 3D Seismic, Core, and Well Log Study of an Upper Pleistocene Submarine Fan Reservoir in the Garden Banks Area, Northern Gulf of Mexico

Sean O’Brien, M. Royhan Gani, Abu K. M. Sarwar

GCAGS Transactions

... with an area of 54 mi2 (140 km2), this study used a combination of proprietary and public-domain data, including 3D seismic data, wireline logs, velocity...


Two-Dimensional Geophysical Workstation Interpretation: Generic Problems and Solutions: Part 8. Integrated Computer Methods

Joe D. Stevens, Carl A. Marrullier

AAPG Special Volumes

... parameters, processing, and so on, 2-D data require more careful preparation than 3-D data. This chapter focuses on the 2-D case. In general, interpretation...


Seismic-Sedimentologic Study of Lacustrine Gravity-Flow Channels: Oligocene ES1 Formation, Qinan Sag, Huanghua Depression, China, #50754 (2012)

Huaqing Liu, Hong Zhong, Zhang Jing

Search and

... accumulation velocity. 2000 100 cumulative probability(%) 500 400 500 100 10 qn2 qn6 qn8 C C’ B A 2.2.1 Sandy-gravelly debris flow: Boulders...


Fluvial Deposits and Facies Models

J. C. Harms, J. B. Southard, R. G. Walker

Special Publications of SEPM

... and complicated velocity and shifts in channel position and base level that affect aggradation and preservation of sedimentary strucHowever...


Multiple Aliasing Problems in Marine Data

P. Chia, C. O. Kuek, P. Ward, K. S. Lee

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... with large shot spacings, in our case mostly 3D data acquired with multiple sources and streamers. In many cases, the noise has been observed...


Shallow Geohazard Interpretation From Short-Offset Deep Water 3D Seismic Data in the Makassar Straits, Indonesia

Nikolay Nenov, Dag Lundqvist, Stephen J. Hay

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... depth) will depend on availability of sound velocity profiles and in this case was verified to be within ± 5m ÷ ± 10m. The grids are next imported...


New Insights into the Petroleum Potential of the Onshore Otway Basin, Victoria Australia

Lucas McLean-Hodgson, Bruce McConachie

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... decomposition and neural network studies were conducted to evaluate the seismic to determine if any visually observed anomalies could be assigned to low velocity...


Natural Gas Hydrates: A Review

Timothy S. Collett, Arthur H. Johnson, Camelia C. Knapp, Ray Boswell

AAPG Special Volumes

...-hydrate-formation model presented in the Gas Migration section, methane also migrates from below, but in this case as a separate bubble phase...


Re-Os Dating of Black Shales: Timing and Duration of Sedimentary Processes

Judith L. Hannah, Holly J. Stein, Gang Yang, Aaron Zimmerman and Bernard Bingen

Search and

... rocks, thereby documenting the time of isotopic homogenization of hydrocarbons and establishing 187Os/188Os as a tracer for hydrocarbon migration. Case...


From petroleum-type organofacies to hydrocarbon phase prediction

R. di Primio, B. Horsfield

AAPG Bulletin

...., 2002, Unraveling secondary migration effects through the regional evaluation of PVT data: A case study from Quadrant 25, NOCS: Organic Geochemistry, v...


Case History: Lesson Learnt from Shallow Gas Well Cementing Design of Tunu Field

Mafa’ati Hidayah, Teguh Perdana Putra, Victoria Rasmi Wedhaswari, Sudarmaji, Irma Widyarsa, Michael Awalt, Maimoon Fayyaz Jaffery, I-Gede Suryana Saptawirawan, Ade Irawan Lesmana, Nashwan Al-Sakaf, Mika Kadrie

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... flow rate are beneficial in hole cleaning. As a case history from Shallow Well Architecture, annular velocity of 31 m/min during cementing job...


Active-hinge-folding-related Deformation and its Role in Hydrocarbon Exploration and DevelopmentInsights from HCA Modeling

Francesco Salvini, Fabrizio Storti

AAPG Special Volumes

.... In both cases, the crest-to-forelimb transitional region represents the best suitable drilling site. Figure 17c illustrates the case of a constant-limb...


3D interpretation of geological, 3D seismic and conventional geophysical data from the Darlot Gold Mine

Glenn Pears, James Reid, John McGaughey, Will Turner, Graeme Hird

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... targeting. The effectiveness of reflection seismic depends on the presence of contrasts in acoustic impedance (density × velocity) and use...


Abstract: Recent Advances in the Characterization of Unconventional Reservoirs with Wide-azimuth Seismic Data; #90187 (2014)

Ran Bachrach, Sagnik Dasgupta, Colin Sayers, Josimar Silva, and Stefano Volterrani

Search and

... The wideazimuth seismic volume was processed through an anisotropic depth migration workflow that took into account overburden heterogeneities, transverse...


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