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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Antidunes on Modern and Ancient Washover Fans

John H. Barwis, Miles O. Hayes

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...: Soc. Econ. Paleontologists Mineralogists, Spec. Publ. No. 12, p. 84-115. HAYES, M. O., 1967, Hurricanes as geological agents: case studies...


Reservoir Delineation by Wireline Techniques

J. F. Goetz, W. J. Prins, J. F. Logar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...=maximum draping dip plus 10° Case B: Compaction mainly after deposition: characterized by a fairly constant draping dip in the overlying shale which...


Pinedale Anticline and Jonah Fields, Sublette County, Wyoming: A Geologic Discussion and Comparison

Dean P. DuBois

AAPG Special Volumes

...: Pinedale field: Case study of a giant tight gas sandstone reservoir The Pinedale anticline and Jonah field in the northwest part of the greater Green...


Sediment Flow and Deformation (SFD) Layers: Evidence for Intrastratal Flow in Laminated Muddy Sediments of the Triassic Osawa Formation, Northeast Japan

Gentaro Kawakami, Makoto Kawamura

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... attributes have been identified by some prior authors, as in the case of flow of liquefied and/or fluidized host sand and clastic sill intrusion...


Seismic Expression of Low-Angle Clinoforms in Ancient Deltaic Systems: Implications for Stratigraphic Modelling; #20098 (2011)

German A. Gonzalez Uribe, Erwin Rieser, Martin Kornberger, Thomas Kuffner, Adrian Ballauri

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... resources: AAPG Memoir 84, p. 205-219. Møller, Lausen, O.R., 2009, Clinoform migration patterns of late Miocene delta complex in the Danish Central...


Different scales of salt–sediment interaction during passive diapirism

Mark G. Rowan and Katherine A. Giles

AAPG Bulletin

... and CHSs, how can they be distinguished? In the case of layer MTSs and thickening-wedge MTSs, the boundary is simply that between constant-thickness...


Tintaburra Field--Australia Eromanga Basin, Queensland

C. B. Newton

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1985, Hydrocarbon generation, migration and entrapment in the Jackson-Naccowlah area, ATP 259P, south western Queensland: APEA Journal, v. 25, n. 1, p...


The Elements of the Oil-Well-Spacing Problem. A Summary of the Factors Influencing the Distance Apart at Which Oil Wells May Be Economically Spaced

Lester C. Uren

AAPG Bulletin

... at greater distances apart than in the case of shallow wells, other factors remaining constant. If sufficient comparative cost data are at hand, it should...


The Significance of Lunar Water Ice and Other Mineral Resources for Rocket Propellants and Human Settlement of the Moon

William A. Ambrose

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and P. D. Spudis, 2005, Constant illumination at the lunar north pole: Nature, v. 434, p. 842, doi:10.1038/434842a.Butler, B. J., 1997, The migration...


Sulfur-Isotope Geochemistry of Petroleum, Evaporites, and Ancient Seas

H. G. Thode , J. Monster

AAPG Special Volumes

... content of the contemporaneous seas, sulfur isotope studies should be useful in solving migration problems. Ault, W.U., and Kulp, J.L., 1959, Isotope...


Quantification of thermal conductivity uncertainty for basin modeling

Patrick Elison, Jan Niederau, Christian Vogt, and Christoph Clauser

AAPG Bulletin

.... Naeser and T. H. McCulloh, eds., Thermal history of sedimentary basins: Methods and case histories: New York, Springer-Verlag, p. 13–36, doi...


Fundamental Concepts of Sequence Stratigraphy

Henry W. Posamentier

Special Publications of SEPM

..., relative sea level rises throughout the period shown, albeit at varying rates. Assuming constant sediment flux, the periods of rapid relative sea...


Passive Margins: Eroded Carbonate Platform Margin--The Blake Escarpment off Southeastern United States

William P. Dillon, Anne M. Trehu, Page C. Valentine, and Mahlon M. Ball

AAPG Special Volumes

... areas for profiling anyway, because of rough surfaces and cavities produced by karstification, and occurrence of common high-velocity layers shallow...


ROZs: Science and Fairways - An Update, #70353 (2018).

Robert Trentham

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.... Beginning in 2006, a series of DOE- and RPSEAsponsored projects has resulted in a basic understanding, modeling, case histories, a cookbook...


Methane Accumulation and High Concentration of Gas Hydrate in Marine and Terrestrial Sandy Sediments

Takashi Uchida, Amane Waseda, Takatoshi Namikawa

AAPG Special Volumes

... in microbial (biogenic) activity with depth and upward gas migration through the sediment column. In the Mackenzie delta, methane in gas hydrate...


Sedimentology, Depositional Model, and Implications for Reservoir Quality

Daniel Minisini, Patricio Desjardins, Germán Otharán, Maximiliano Paz, Diego Kietzmann, Gregor Eberli, Carlos Zavala, Toni Simo, James H. Macquaker, Christian Heine

AAPG Special Volumes

... of Unconventionals: The Case of the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina, 2020 This contribution integrates lithologic, mineralogical, geochemical, and geomechanical data...


Section One: Evaluation of Salt and Clay Domes Prior to Exploratory Drilling

New Orleans Geological Society

... in conjunction with one another. Positive results from all four would make a strong case, and positive results from methods End_Page 120...


Petroleum generation and migration in the Ghadames Basin, north Africa: A two-dimensional basin-modeling study

Ruth Underdown, Jonathan Redfern

AAPG Bulletin

...Petroleum generation and migration in the Ghadames Basin, north Africa: A two-dimensional basin-modeling study Ruth Underdown, Jonathan Redfern 2008...


Past, Present and Future Advancements in Methods for Detecting Hydrocarbon Seepage after 75 Years; #41203 (2013)

John V. Fontana and David M. Seneshen

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... & variables  Improved remote sensing technologies  Better understanding of seep and migration mechanisms Selected References Abrams, M. J., James E...


South Mahakam Exploration and Development: Synergies That Make It Happen

Noor Syarifuddin, Muhammad Azhar, Cepi M. Adam, Agung Wiweko, Philippe Dupouy, Soegianto Tjiptowijono, Patrick Zaugg, Remy Truchette, Nicholas Langevin, Alain Ripayre

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... noises and multiples through the new Pre-stack Time Migration (PSTM) algorithm. New seismic reprocessing gives better imaging and clearer fault...


True-Azimuth 3D Surface-Related Multiple Elimination

Roald van Borselen, Rob Hegge, Peter Aaron, Simon Barnes, Andrew Long

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Synthetic data case study In the application ofSRME, one of the key reconst ruction was proposed by van Dedem shortcomings in conventiona l Narrow...


Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas

S. J. Pirson

Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society

...Computerized Magneto-Electric (ME) Exploration: With Case History: The Giddings Field, Lee County, Texas S. J. Pirson 1978 53 63 Vol. 18 (1978) No. 9...


Real-Time Pore Pressure Gradients: An Example from the Pattani Basin, #41075 (2012)

Isara Klahan, Watanyu Nopsuri

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... constant. The increased temperature and hydrocarbon generation from local sourcing is accompanied by an increase in pore pressure. This mechanism can...


Fluid Flow in Brittle Shear Zones and Coeval Precipitation of Nodular Chert in Paleozoic Carbonate During Regional Deformation in the Hinterland of the Sevier Orogenic Belt

Pamela E. Jansma, Glen S. Mattioli

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... sources: quartz dissolution and clay-mineral reactions within shear zones; reactive fluid migration through footwall siliciclastics; and incorporation...


Scaling Analysis of the Coupled Compaction, Kerogen Conversion, and Petroleum Expulsion During Geological Maturation; #42409 (2019)

Qingwang Yuan, Yashar Mehmani, Alan Burnham, Alexandre Lapene, Johannes Wendebourg, Hamdi Tchelepi

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... Braun, R.L., and A.K. Burnham, 1993, User’s Manual for PMOD, A Pyrolysis and Primary Migration Model: Lawrence Livermore Laboratory Report, UCRL...


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