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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Structural Style in Relation to Oil and Gas Exploration in North Park-Middle Park Basin, Colorado

Robert E. Wellborn

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... originated as basin margin adjustments to accommodate the steep synclinal basin folding while maintaining constant bed length. Overall, these thrusts...


Flow of Formation Waters in the Cretaceous--Miocene Succession of the Llanos Basin, Colombia

M. E. Villegas , Stefan Bachu , J. C. Ramon , J. R. Underschultz

AAPG Bulletin

... of representation with case studies: Journal of Hydrogeology. Bachu, S., and R. A. Burwash, 1991, Regional-scale analysis of the geothermal regime...


Piper Field--U.K. Outer Moray Firth Basin, North Sea

Conrad E. Maher, H. Richard H. Schmitt, Simon C. H. Green

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Cayley, G. T., 1987, Hydrocarbon migration in the central North Sea, in J. Brooks and K. Glennie, eds., Petroleum geology of north-west Europe...


Application of Chemical Analysis of Crude Oils to Problems of Petroleum Geology Study of Crude Oils of Forest Sands of Bernstein Field, Trinidad, B. W. I.

K. W. Barr , F. Morton , A. R. Richards

AAPG Bulletin

.... If this is the case, a vertical migration, presumably up faults, must be postulated to explain the presence of a Cretaceous oil in the Miocene beds of the Forest sands...


Following Seismic Depth Imaging Technology for the Mexican Oil Industry: Experiences and Lessons Learned; #70232 (2016)

Sergio Chávez-Pérez, Mario A. Centeno-Miranda, Douglas A. Gómez-Reyes, Liliana Vargas-Meleza

Search and

..., we focused on seismic imaging tools like RTM (reverse time migration) LSRTM (least squares RTM), layer-based and grid-based tomography, FWI (full...


Mud Volcanoes on the Seafloor of the Colombian Caribbean Sea: Undesirable Lumps or Exploration Tools ?

G.Y. Ojeda, R. Hernandez, I.D. Olaya

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... is being performed. Assuming a laterally constant lithostatic pressure gradient, mud volcanoes’ maximum height above background is a proxy...


Depths of Oil Origin and Primary Migration: A GEOLOGIST'S DISCUSSION--REPLY

Robert J. Cordell

AAPG Bulletin

...Depths of Oil Origin and Primary Migration: A GEOLOGIST'S DISCUSSION--REPLY Robert J. Cordell 1974 1857 1861 58 9. (September) Burst, J. F., 1969...


Sedimentology and Clay Cementation, Dakota Formation, Bridger Lake Field, Utah

J.E. Webb

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... eliminated. It is suggested that oil migration into the porous sands occurred at an early stage, thereby isolating the sands from further mineralization...


Seismic Frequency Bandwidth Constraints in Deepwater Locations

Andrew Long, Iain Buchan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., p. 438-452. Kray, T. C., 2001. Attenuation of random noise in 2-D and 3-D CDP stacking and Kirchhoff migration, 3-D Seismic Exploration: SEG, p...


Sequences and Sequence Boundaries in Glacial Sluiceways Beyond Glacial Margins

Gordon S. Fraser

Special Publications of SEPM

.... Migration of channels across valley bottoms produces parasequences, consisting of sandy channel deposits and thick, fine-grained floodplain deposits...


Marine Sand-Wave Complex in the Permian of Central Arizona

Ronald C. Blakey

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

..., Inlet sequence: a vertical succession of sedimentary structures and textures created by the lateral migration of tidal inlets: Sedimentology, v. 21, p...


Abstract: Rank-Reduction-Based Trace Interpolation; #90172 (2014)

Stewart Trickett, Lynn Burroughs, Andrew Milton, Larry Walton, Rob Dack

Search and

... of multidimensional filters to suppress random noise based on matrix-rank reduction of constant-frequency slices. Here we extend these filters to perform...


Estimations of Porosity and Permeability Model on Carbonate Reservoir Using Cross-Plot Analysis and Acoustic Impedance Inversion in "Gandhi" Field, Gumai Carbonate Formation, Sunda Basin

Sandy Indra Purwagandhi, Indah Islamiaty, Sismanto, Arif Yondo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., and permeability is a measure of the ease with which a fluid (oil in this case) can move through a porous rock. It is believed that by using the outcome...


Results of a Vibroseis Sourced 3D Seismic Survey, Phetchabun Basin, Thailand

David Remus, Rex Prosser

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... and velocity determination to meet our objectives. Figure 5. Spacial Sampling Requirements Velocity 2100 m/s Lateral Resolution and Migration...


Channel Sandstones: Chapter 6

Daniel A. Busch

AAPG Special Volumes

... a trellis pattern except that tributaries join the main stream essentially at right angles. In this case, a main stream has cut its channel across both...


The Relative Ages of Major and Minor Folding and Oil Accumulation in Wyoming

Max W. Ball

AAPG Bulletin

... upfolds, and (2), if so, had the formation and migration of oil practically, or at least mainly, ceased when the minor upfolds were formed. Before...


Flow Systems in the Alberta Basin: Patterns, Types and Driving Mechanisms

Stefan Bachu

CSPG Bulletin

... of formation waters has influenced hydrocarbon migration and accumulation, played a role in the genesis of mineral deposits and in places still...


Reactive transport modeling of early burial dolomitization of carbonate platforms by geothermal convection

Fiona F. Whitaker, Yitian Xiao

AAPG Bulletin

... geophysical data and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods: A case study at the South Oyster Bacterial Transport Site in Virginia: Water Resources Research, v...


Beyond the Puffin: Applying Modern Processing Workflows in the Vulcan Sub-Basin

Karyna Rodriguez, Phil Cook, David Eastwell, Spectrum

GEO ExPro Magazine

...-stack depth migration where complex velocity boundaries and structural geometries have caused imaging issues in the previous pre-stack time migrated...


Multi-Isotope Studies Investigating Recharge and Inter-Aquifer Connectivity in Coal Seam Gas Areas (Qld, NSW) and Shale Gas Areas (NT)

Axel Suckow, Alec Deslandes, Christoph Gerber, Sebastien Lamontagne, Dirk Mallants, Philip Davies, Andrew Taylor, Cornelia Wilske, Stan Smith, Matthias Raiber, Karina Meredith, Praveen Kumar Rachakonda, Alf Larcher, Paul Wilkes, Henning Prommer, Adam Siade, Damian Barrett

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... is applied for the different case study areas aimed at building robust conceptual hydrogeological models that inform groundwater management...


Environment of Wyoming Tertiary Uranium Deposits

Ruffin I. Rackley

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

..., pyrite, uranium, and other metals are precipitated on the m e t a l s a r e precipitated cell i s front. The migration of the cell is controlled...


Sub-Basalt Geology, Deepwater Offshore India; #41008 (2012)

Roberto Fainstein, Rajesh Kalra, S. Chandrashekkar, and C. Visweswara Rao

Search and

... with long spreads and processed with state-of-art migration algorithms, brought in remarkable improvements in imaging resolution and coherence of sub...


Identifying Ordered Strata: Evidence, Methods, and Meaning

Peter M. Burgess

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... velocity or depositional water depth. A stratigraphic cycle is a particular form of order composed of a series of connected events, for example depositional...


Experimental Workflow Applied to Marine Source Rocks Sampled in the Montney-Doig Formations of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, #10977 (2017).

William Sassi, Elisabeth Bemer, Marc Fleury, Guillaume Berthe, Maria-Fernanda Romero-Sarmiento, Tristan Euzen

Search and

... system: implications for hydrocarbon migration pathways and unconventional resources potential. in M. AbuAli and I.Moretti, eds., Petroleum System Case...


The Trap: Chapter 13: Part II. Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott and Merrill J. Reynolds

AAPG Special Volumes

...The Trap: Chapter 13: Part II. Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott and Merrill J. Reynolds 1969 395 440 M 5...


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