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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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The Role of Diffusion During Carbonate Diagenesis

Nicholas E. Pingitore, Jr.

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... gradient. The diffusion coefficient may be considered a measure of the inherent velocity at which a given ion travels under standard conditions...


Improving Cement Bond Logs in Water Disposal Wells: A Case Study of Step Change Optimization Until Achieving the Excellence

C. Sutama, A. Salehpour, F. Inayah, D. Mathews, D. Mueller

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Improving Cement Bond Logs in Water Disposal Wells: A Case Study of Step Change Optimization Until Achieving the Excellence C. Sutama, A. Salehpour...


Classification of Offshore Mass Movements

Thierry Mulder ,, Pierre Cochonat

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... generated by submarine slides--Case studies and consequences: Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Publication 143, p. 1-10. ELVERHOI, A., LONNE, O...


Vertical Seismic Profiling in Hydrocarbon Exploration and Reservoir Development

Bob A. Hardage

Circum Pacific Council Publications

.... The VSP traces plotted here represent the vertical component of the seismic displacement measured by a velocity-sensitive geophone that is locked...


Geohazard investigation on gas cloud distribution at B field (channel influence)

Norazif Anuar Hasni, Nur Shafiqah Shahman, Jasmi Ab Talib, Deva Prasad Ghosh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... give light towards hydrocarbon occurrences and possible migration paths. This anomaly cause serious problems in drilling safe wells and is a constant...


Integrated Evaluation of a Paleo Gas Water Contact and Residual Gas Zone in the Sirasun Field, East Java Sea, Indonesia

Wayne A. Basden, J. V. C. Howes, Sudarta Wibisana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... on compressional wave velocity, bulk density, and seismic impedance. The fluid substitution modeling confirmed the observed log and seismic response at the GWC...


An adaptive filter-based approach for the Marchenko multiples elimination scheme

Rodrigo S. Santos, Marcelo S. Souza, Daniel E. Revelo, Victor Koehne, Reynam C. Pestana, Diego F. Barrera, Laila D. L. Vergne, Jonathas Maciel

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... orders without velocity information. However, in order to work effectively, it requires normalizing the amplitudes of the seismic data by an optimal...


Selective sediment transport during Hurricane Sandy on Fire Island (New York, USA): Inferences from heavy-mineral assemblages

João Cascalho, Pedro J.M. Costa, Guy Gelfenbaum, Seanpaul La Selle, Bruce Jaffe

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... Research, SI 50, 9th International Coastal Symposium, Proceedings, p. 226– 230. Cascalho, J., 2019, Provenance of heavy minerals: a case study from...


Petroleum System Modeling of Northern Alaska

Oliver Schenk, Leslie B. Magoon, Kenneth J. Bird, Kenneth E. Peters

AAPG Special Volumes

... petroleum system model was constructed with the aim of significantly improving the understanding of the generation, migration, accumulation, and loss...


Chapter 12: Workflows and Interpretation of Regional 3-D Petroleum Systems Modeling: An Example from the Deep-Water Pre-Salt Realm of the Santos Basin, Brazil

H. A. Kemna, M. R. Mello, W. Peres, S. P. Rostirolla, D. Palmowski

AAPG Special Volumes

..., and saturation. The method is the only one that considers the time/velocity factor in migration. However, the pay-off with this method is achieved using...


Characterization and Simulation of Fluid Flow in Natural Fracture Networks

Hugo Harstad, Lawrence W. Teufel, John C. Lorenz

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

...). Fractures enhance reservoir quality in the Frontier Sandstone and provide pathways for hydrocarbon migration from the underlying Mowry Shale source...


Diagenesis and Organic Maturation of Sedimentary Rocks Under Volcanic Strata, Oregon (1)


AAPG Bulletin

..., basalts, and both silicic and mafic sedimentary rocks. The geologically rapid heating also resulted in nearly constant organic maturation profiles...


Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation Using Sequence Stratigraphy: Part 1: Seismic Stratigraphy Interpretation Procedure

P. R. Vail

AAPG Special Volumes

... predictions of reservoir, source, and seal rocks and migration pathways. Fundamental control of depositional sequences, is, we believe, short-term eustatic...


Oil and Natural Gas in Northeastern Netherlands: Europe

W. A. Visser, G. C. L. Sung

AAPG Special Volumes

...; furthermore, migration from a remote source is likely--that is, from the deeper parts of the Northwest German basin. Migration of oil occurred in two...


The Effect of Stylolite Spacing on Quartz Cementation in the Lower Jurassic Sto Formation, Southern Barents Sea

Olav Walderhaug, Per Arne Bjorkum

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... stylolites contain 5-8% less quartz cement than what would have been the case given a more normal stylolite abundance. This study indicates...


Geology and Geothermal Origin of Grant Canyon and Bacon Flat Oil Fields, Railroad Valley, Nevada

Jeffrey B. Hulen , Fraser Goff , Joseph R. Ross , Louis C. Bortz , S. Robert Bereskin

AAPG Bulletin

... with near-constant convective heat transfer since inception of the eothermal system. Textural and mineralogic clues indicate that hot waters...


African Oil -- Past, Present, and Future

Andy C. Clifford

AAPG Special Volumes

... also have a sandy facies. Seismic velocity analysis is not adequate to resolve the problem. Potential plays are Middle Devonian reefs, Lower Devonian...


Active Ooid Growth Driven By Sediment Transport in a High-Energy Shoal, Little Ambergris Cay, Turks and Caicos Islands

Elizabeth J. Trower, Marjorie D. Cantine, Maya L. Gomes, John P. Grotzinger, Andrew H. Knoll, Michael P. Lamb, Usha Lingappa, Shane S. O'Reilly, Theodore M. Present, Nathan Stein, Justin V. Strauss, Woodward W. Fischer

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 1621–1624. Case, D.H., Pasulka, A.L., Marlow, J.J., Grupe, B.M., Levin, L.A., and Orphan, V.J., 2015, Methane seep carbonates host distinct, diverse...


A New Workflow for Improved Water Saturation Assessment in Organic-Rich Mudrocks Honoring Rock Fabric

Artur Posenato Garcia, Archana Jagadisan, Ameneh Rostami, Zoya Heidari

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the random walk algorithm is a diffusion coefficient that is a function of the geometrical tortuosity. In the case of the streamline method, it provides...


Subsidence and Geodynamic Analysis of the Llanos Basin: Linking Mountain Building and Basin Filling Processes

G. Y. Ojeda, G. Bayona, J. Pinilla, M. Cortés, N. Gamba

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... presented in Gomez et al (2003, 2005) and Restrepo et al. (2004). Our first model uses a spatially continuous foreland basin with a laterally constant plate...


Extensional fault–related folding of the North West shelf, Western Australia

Sam McHarg, Chris Elders, and Jane Cunneen

AAPG Bulletin

... within a mechanically heterogeneous sedimentary sequence: A case study from Inner Moray Firth, UK: Geological Society, London, Special Publications 2017...


Geologic Modeling and Uncertainty Analysis of a Gulf of Mexico Reservoir

Yuhong Liu, Peter G. Rigsby, Rohit Sinha, Steve Peterson, Joy Thomas, Gregory Zimmerman

AAPG Special Volumes

... input aperture, comprehensive noise attenuation, more detailed velocity analysis, and a Kirchhoff anisotropic prestack time migration. This reprocessing...


A simulation of large-scale groundwater flow in the Niger Delta, Nigeria

Duke U. Ophori

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... of a hydrocarbon migration pathway along basin-bounding faults: Evidence from fault cement: AAPG Bulletin, v. 85, no. 7, p. 947970.Boronina, A., P...


Application of Sterane Epimerization to Evaluation of Yoshii Gas and Condensate Reservoir, Niigata Basin, Japan (1)


AAPG Bulletin

... and primary migration stage correspond to degrees of sterane epimerization of 20S/(20S + 20R) = 0.20 to 0.35 and 20S/(20S + 20R) = 0.40 to 0.50...


Facies architecture of a net transgressive sandstone reservoir analog: The Cretaceous Hosta Tongue, New Mexico

Peter J. Sixsmith, Gary J. Hampson, Sanjeev Gupta, Howard D. Johnson, John F. Fofana

AAPG Bulletin

... of Civil Engineers, v. 88, p. 117130.Cant, D. J., 1991, Geometric modelling of facies migration: Theoretical development of facies successions and local...


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