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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Structure of the Andean Convergent Margin and Some Implications for Hydrocarbon Resources

Roland von Huene

Circum Pacific Council Publications

..., and von Huene, 1986) to r e m o v e diffractions. Diffractions w e r e removed by migration after stack using velocities determined from constant-velocity...


Partial Ponding of Turbidite Systems in a Basin with Subtle Growth-Fold Topography: Laingsburg-Karoo, South Africa

Martin Grecula,, Stephen Flint, Graham Potts, Deville Wickens, Stephen Johnson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...-plain areas although the maximum thickness of deposition shows dip-parallel migration. Local variations also resulted from changes in usable...


Chapter 17: The Use of Radarsat-1 and Sentinel-1 Images for Seepage Slick Detection in Support of Deep-Water Petroleum Exploration in the Santos Basin, Brazil

C. H. Beisl, M. R. Mello, V. Elias, S. Becker, G. Carmo, Jr.

AAPG Special Volumes

... thickness and the structural configuration of the rift sequence. The main hydrocarbon migration model for the identified seeps and oil slicks associated...


Petrography and Reservoir Physics II: Relating Thin Section Porosity to Capillary Pressure, the Association Between Pore Types and Throat Size (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... A mercury injection curve is a record of increasing saturation as a function of pressure. Assuming constant values for the surface te sion of mercury (480...


The Determination of Seal Capacities for Highly Pressured HP/HT Traps: A Best-PracticeŽ Workflow

Stephen O'Connor, Richard Swarbrick, Richard Lahann, Alexander Edwards, David Scott, Sam Green

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Aberdeen, Scotland. University of Indiana, USA. Ikon Science, Calgary, Canada. © INTRODUCTION Hydrocarbon migration through a vertical seal...


Molecular and isotopic gas composition of the Devonian Berea Sandstone and implications for gas evolution, eastern Kentucky

Thomas M. Marty Parris, Paul C. Hackley, Stephen F. Greb, and Cortland F. Eble

AAPG Bulletin

... analyzed to understand the gas generation and migration history. Collected along a northwest-southeast transect in eastern Kentucky, samples range from...


Bayesian artificial intelligence for geologic prediction: Fracture case study, Horn River Basin

S. M Agar, W. Li, R. Goteti, D. Jobe, S. Zhang

CSPG Bulletin

...Bayesian artificial intelligence for geologic prediction: Fracture case study, Horn River Basin S. M Agar, W. Li, R. Goteti, D. Jobe, S. Zhang 2019...


The Role of Spaced Cleavage on the Porosity and Permeability within a Reservoir Unit

Paul A. Thorn, David R. Lageson

Montana Geological Society

... will restrict fluid migration across domain boundaries, thus greatly reducing the flow velocity in one direction. However, if the spaced...


Recent Advances in Steamflood Technology

K. C. Hong

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... velocity and input steam quality are low. The ranges of steam flow conditions that produce an equal-quality split are currently being redefined. Steam...


Handil HRWP Case Study: Quantifying Range of Injection Rates to Achieve High Perforation Pack Factor and High Net Pressure Gained

Job Roy Ginting

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Handil HRWP Case Study: Quantifying Range of Injection Rates to Achieve High Perforation Pack Factor and High Net Pressure Gained Job Roy Ginting...


Optimal Gridding Selection for Field-Scale Reservoir Simulation of a Channelized Deepwater System, #10934 (2017).

Casey Meirovitz, Lisa Stright, Stephen M. Hubbard, Brian W. Romans

Search and

... 0.25 m) representing a range of potential offset angles and distances between two straight channel segments served as the “base-case” for upscaled model...


Preservation of Autogenic Processes and Allogenic Forcings in Set-Scale Aeolian Architecture I: Numerical Experiments

Travis Swanson, David Mohrig, Gary Kocurek, Benjamin T. Cardenas, Matthew A. Wolinsky

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... to migration of low-relief bed waves over aggrading upper-stage plane beds: comparison of experimental data with theory: Sedimentology, v. 44, p. 253...


Ground-Water Contamination

New Orleans Geological Society

..., spreading End_Page 28------------------------- out due to diffusion and small-scale differences in velocity. Figure 4.1 shows the migration...


Abstract: 3D Coil Shooting Survey on Tulip Field: Data Processing Overview … Planning, Challenges and Opportunities (Geophysics Poster 18)

Michelle Tham, Michele Buia, Riccardo Vercesi, Swee Leng Ng, Andreas Tyasbudi Waluyo, Suyang Chen

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... tomography velocity model building. The circular geometry introduces several differences and new challenges in survey design, modeling, acquisition...


Garden Banks 460 #1

Barry Gouger

Houston Geological Society

... migration to improve the imaging of the deep target.   The secondary objectives were Pleistocene age sands with associated seismic amplitude...


Gippsland Basin, Australia: New Data Reveals Further Potential in a Mature Basin

Jarrad Grahame, Keat Huat Teng, Iain Burnie, CGG

GEO ExPro Magazine

... orientation provides a multi-azimuth (MAZ) dataset with multiple benefits, such as optimal velocity modelling for better Pre-stack Depth Migration (PreSDM...


Regularities in Structure Formation and Distribution of Oil Pools on West Flank of South Tatar Arch

G. M. Cheredov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of of these reef structures is an increase in interval velocity of the longitudinal waves by 10-15 percent in the Frasnian-Tournaisian (reef hosts...


Monitoring Hydraulic Fracturing Operations Using Fiber-Optic Distributed Acoustic Sensing

Kevin Boone, Roger Crickmore, Zabi Werdeg, Carson Laing, Mathieu Molenaar

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...), then pulling-out-of-hole. Characterizing the perforation shot allows for applications such as creating or calibrating a velocity model for the reservoir...


Short-Term Sea-Level Changes and Coastal Erosion

Paul D. Komar, David B. Enfield

Special Publications of SEPM

...’s “noise” is another’s key to a better understanding of nature. In this case, physical oceanographers, in particular, have utilized short-term...


Barrier-Island Coastline Deposition and Paleogeographic Implications of the Upper Cretaceous Horsethief Formation, Northern Disturbed Belt, Montana

Carol J. Bibler, James G. Schmitt

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... determined, and, in the case of trough cross- beds, where three-dimensional exposure of troughs was available. Troughs were measured by recordmg...


Fan Valleys, Channels, and Depositional Lobes on Modern Submarine Fans: Characters for Recognition of Sandy Turbidite Environments

William R. Normark

AAPG Bulletin

... on reflection records across large fans (Curray and Moore, 1971; Damuth and Kumar, 1975). In the case of the Bengal fan (Fig. 4A), the leveed-valley complexes...


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