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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Time-lapse FWI prediction of CO2 saturation and pore pressure

Qi Hu, Kristopher Innanen

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... a monitoring mode in which migration and distribution of the injected CO2 can be tracked. Ideally, for reliable conformance verification, quantitative...


Seismic Expression of Carbonate Build-Ups, Northwest Java Basin

J. E. Burbury

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...: Interval velocity within the build-up derived from seismic stacking velocities, as an indicator of porosity. The presence and amount of either...


Occurrence and Evolution of Salt in Deep Gulf of Mexico: 1. The Setting

Joel S. Watkins , John W. Ladd , Richard T. Buffler , F. Jeanne Shaub , Mark H. Houston , J. Lamar Worzel

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Houtz, R., J. Ewing, and X. LePichon, 1968, Velocity of deep-sea sediments from sonobuoy data: Jour. Geophys. Research, v. 73, p. 2615-2641. Hsu, K...


Three-Dimensional Seismic Architecture of Fluvial Sequences on the Low-Gradient Sunda Shelf, Offshore Indonesia

Y. Darmadi, B.J. Willis, S.L. Dorobek

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... framework; a case history from the Upper Cretaceous of southern Utah, USA, in Flint, S.S., and Bryant, A.D., eds., The Geological Modelling...


Sub-Millennial Anatomy of Late Miocene Deep-Water Mass-Transport Deposits: Case Studies of the Use of Foraminifera to Decipher the Stratigraphic Architecture of the Mount Messenger Depositional System, Taranaki Basin, New Zealand

Martin P. Crundwell and Malcolm J. Arnot

Search and

...Sub-Millennial Anatomy of Late Miocene Deep-Water Mass-Transport Deposits: Case Studies of the Use of Foraminifera to Decipher the Stratigraphic...


Remediation of Waste Sites Using in Situ Treatment

Ronald C. Sims, Judith L. Sims, Darwin L. Sorensen, R. Ryan Dupont

Utah Geological Association

..., T. P., and Borquin, A. L., 1988, Bioremediation of hazardous waste sites in the USA: Case histories, in Superfund ’88, Proceedings of the Ninth National...


High-Resolution Sequence Stratigraphy in Prograding Miocene Carbonates: Application to Seismic Interpretation: Chapter 15

L. Pomar

AAPG Special Volumes

... and Davis, 1989; Haan et al., 1990; Harris and Walker, 1990; Davies et al., 1991). These seismic lines show the seaward migration of the platform margin...


Development of Middle Continental Shelf Sand Ridges: New Jersey

W. L. Stubblefield , D. G. Kersey , D. W. McGrail

AAPG Bulletin

...., 1970, Submergence effects on a Rhode Island barrier and lagoon and inferences on migration of barriers: Journal of Geology, v. 78, p. 94-106. Dillon, W...


Crustal Profile of Mountain Belt: COCORP Deep Seismic Reflection Profiling in New England Appalachians and Implications for Architecture of Convergent Mountain Chains

C. J. Ando , B. L. Czuchra , S. L. Klemperer , L. D. Brown , M. J. Cheadle , F. A. Cook , J. E. Oliver , S. Kaufman , T. Walsh , J. B. Thompson, Jr. , J. B. Lyons , J. L. Rosenfeld

AAPG Bulletin

... and constant velocity migrations have been used as interpretive aids. Because many of the reflection events (especially near the eastern part...


ABSTRACT: Linking Multi-Dimensional Petroleum Systems and Structural Modeling … Principles and Applications; #90011 (2002)

Bjorn P. Wygrala, Christof Keuser, Michael Hertle, Christian Brinzer

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... and reconstruct these histories and Petroleum Systems Modeling can then be used to simulate hydrocarbon generation and migration in order to improve predictions...



Sayeed Ahmad

Search and

... in Badin Block. However, based on a study of source maturity and migration it was determined, that only Liari Field (Upper Sand) was an example...


Avulsion Frequency, Avulsion Duration, and Interavulsion Period of Holocene Channel Belts in the Rhine-Meuse Delta, the Netherlands

Esther Stouthamer, Henk J.A. Berendsen

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... constant until at least 1900 cal yr BP. Avulsion duration seems not to be influenced by aggradation rate. Average interavulsion period is shorter than...


Sour Fields Development: New Bulk Removal Technologies

Liberato Giampaolo Ciccarelli, Anna Chiara Fortuzzi, Marco Bertino, Umberto Cocca, Federica Rossi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., Elsevier (2003) has been performed and the most common value reported for H2S-Iso-octane binary constant is 0.063 vs. 0.045 reported in HYSYS Library. Many...


Marine Broadband Seismic Data Acquisition: PETRONAS Perspective (Paper A1)

C. F. Low, S. Chandola, Z. M. Zawawi, A. Aziz Muhamad, S. Kumar, M. Shah Sulaiman

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

.... joint deconvolution and mirror migration) to enhance the These include the improvement in the low frequency response signal bandwidth. of the streamer...


Neovolcanism: A Proposed Replacement for the Concepts of Plate Tectonics and Continental Drift

Lawrence S. Dillon

AAPG Special Volumes

... Indian Ocean: Science, v. 180, p. 952-954. Herrin, E. T., and J. Taggart, 1966, Regional variations of Pn velocity and their effect on the location...


Karst and Early Fracture Networks in Carbonates, Turks and Caicos Islands, British West Indies

Sean A. Guidry, Mark Grasmueck, Daniel G. Carpenter, Andrew M. Gombos Jr., Steven L. Bachtel, David A. Viggiano

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... shift migration focused the diffractions and correctly positioned dipping reflections. Constant migration velocities of 0.08 m/ns for the first survey...


CSI (Cenozoic Systems Investigation) Kangean - An Alternative Hydrocarbon Charging Model for the Pagerungan Field

Nicolas Bianchi, Hendri Harsian, Dimas Juliana, Reureza Hariutama, Heri

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., identify active types and pods of source rocks, and determine the migration paths towards the known accumulations. The maturity inputs for the 3-D model...


Interpretation of Alberta Reefs Based on Experience in Texas and Alberta

John B. Newland

CSPG Bulletin

... is not indicated by any knowledge of the Devonian in Montana. This outlet could easily have been a broad evaporite basin. In this case the rate of evaporation...


Reservoir Rocks of Persian Oil Fields

G. M. Lees

AAPG Bulletin

... of ground water within it, with the consequent formation of solution cavities and channels. This is not the case at Masjid-i-Sulaiman. The constant thickness...


Section 3: Displays of Seismic Sections: The Japan Trench: Line ORI 78-4

Roland von Huene, Raymond Culotta, Noriyuki Nasu, and Yutaka Aoki

AAPG Special Volumes

... an abrupt change from rocks with a low to rocks with a high acoustic velocity. Paleogene sediment also fills part of the basin, but its seaward...


Uncertainty quantification of full-waveform inversion with adaptive MCMC method

Shuhua Hu, Zeyu Zhao

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... towards their mean(Pourahmadi, 2011). Initial velocity v0 Observed data dobs MCMC iterations Propose v ∗ ∼ N vi − 2 σi 2 Initialize σ0 , Λ0 2 Λi...


A Technology to Extract Lithology, Porosity and Hydrocarbon Content from Conventional Seismic Data

Roger A. Young

GCAGS Transactions

... quantifying rock property information in the form of acoustic impedance, velocity, or density, conveys little in the way of definitive mineral or fluid...


Simultaneous source wide azimuth seismic acquisition using low frequency Gemini source in eastern Mediterranean Sea

Shangli Ou, Shelley Zaragoza, Zachary Lawrence, Lindsey Donaldson, Chris Tapie, Kim Begay-Jackson, Brian deMartin, Ares Ouzounis, Jie Shu, Luigi Pastore, Gita Febriany

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... are described in Figure 1. It is well known that an accurate velocity model is critical for subsalt migration/imaging (Shen et al. 2017 and Mei et al. 2019...


Small-Scale Fracture Density in Asmari Formation of Southwest Iran and its Relation to Bed Thickness and Structural Setting

H. McQuillan

AAPG Bulletin

... and gas fields--classification, exploration methods, and case histories: Am. Assoc. Petroleum Geologists Mem. 16, p. 82-106. Twerenbold, E. F., and H...


ABSTRACT: Geochemical Controls on Shale Microstructural Evolution; #90134 (2011)

Nicholas Drenzek, John Valenza, Hendrik Grotheer, Flora Marques, Michael Herron, Sean Sylva, and Jeff Seewald

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... generation, migration, and production stages. In order to better understand the fundamental relationship between these constituents and pore network...


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