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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Hypotheses for an Inorganic Origin: Chapter 2: Part I. Genesis of Petroleum, Compiled by Robert H. Dott

AAPG Special Volumes

... to the disturbance. The constant recurrence of hydrocarbons in volcanic and other igneous rocks, and in volcanic emanations, clearly demonstrates...


North Glo Field: A Minnelusa Discovery Resulting from the Integration of the Stratigraphic-Seismic Method with Subsurface Geology

Daniel K. Allan, R. Randy Ray

Wyoming Geological Association

... migration, Raven Creek and Reel fields, Wyoming: M.S. thesis, Oklahoma State University, 126 p. Moore, W.R., 1983, The Nature of the Minnelusa-Opeche...


Abstract: Petroleum Systems Analysis to Refine New and Existing Play: A Case Study of Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, China; #90257 (2016)

Feiyu Wang, Feng Weiping, Ren Jialing, Jun Kun

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...Abstract: Petroleum Systems Analysis to Refine New and Existing Play: A Case Study of Mahu Sag, Junggar Basin, China; #90257 (2016) Feiyu Wang, Feng...


Abstract: Heterogeneity of Lacustrine Shale and Its Implications … A Case Study of Zhangjiatan Shale in Ordos Basin, China; #90310 (2017)

Yuhong Lei, Xiaorong Luo, Xiangzeng Wang, Likuan Zhang, Ming Cheng, Yuxi Yu, Lixia Zhang, Chenfu Jiang, Chao Gao

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...Abstract: Heterogeneity of Lacustrine Shale and Its Implications … A Case Study of Zhangjiatan Shale in Ordos Basin, China; #90310 (2017) Yuhong Lei...


Abstract: Insights from Structural Restoration and Petroleum Systems Modeling to Unravel Charge Mechanism: A Case Study from the Walker Ridge Area, Gulf of Mexico;

Sumit Mukherjee, Eric Ekstrand, Jacek Jaminski

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...Abstract: Insights from Structural Restoration and Petroleum Systems Modeling to Unravel Charge Mechanism: A Case Study from the Walker Ridge Area...


Predicting gas migration through existing oil and gas wells

James A. Montague, George F. Pinder, and Theresa L. Watson

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

...Predicting gas migration through existing oil and gas wells James A. Montague, George F. Pinder, and Theresa L. Watson 2018 121 132 25 4 The ability...


History of Hydrocarbon Generation in the Tembungo Field, Offshore Northwest Sabah

Mohammad Jamaal Hoesni, Mohd Nasir Che Mood

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... generation and migration has been studied using a two-dimensional finite difference basin modelling approach. Backstripping exercises suggest that high...


Geochemical Regularities in the Formation of Oil Pools in the Perm Kama Region

V. A. Chakhmakhchev, V. G. Glezer, S. A. Punanova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... and casing-head gases as well as paleo-temperature data toward clarifying conditions and directions of secondary processes of migration of oils within...


Conditions of Formation of Hydrocarbon Pools

N. A. Eremenko, V. I. Sergeyevich, T. P. Safronova

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... from source rocks and their farther migration to the site of accumulation. The widely held idea of migration in water solution encounters serious...


Behavior of Molybdenum in Processes of Sediment Formation and Diagenesis in Black Sea: Geochemistry

M. F. Pilipchuk , I. I. Volkov

AAPG Special Volumes

... Sea): Geokhimiya, v. 3, no. 1, p. 123-125. Glagoleva, M. A., 1959, Formy migratsii elementov v rechnykh vodakh (Forms of migration of elements...


Comparative Analysis of Facies and Reservoir Characteristics of Miri Formation (Miri) and Nyalau Formation (Bintulu), Sarawak

Teoh Ying Jia, Abdul Hadi Abd Rahman

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... properties (porosity, permeability, density, sonic velocity) of sandstones were conducted on the sedimentary rocks belonging to the Miri Formation (Middle...


Stratigraphic Traps in Channel Sandstones in the Upper Mannville (Albian) of East-Central Alberta: DISCUSSION

Daryl M. Wightman, Barbara J. Tilley, William M. Last

CSPG Bulletin

..., and the thickness of the sandstone, should be relatively constant. That this is not the case is shown by their own cross section drawn along a channel trend...


A Regressive Barrier and Barrier--Protected Deposit: Depositional Environments and Geographic Setting of the Late Tertiary Cohansey Sand

Charles H. Carter

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... 4, p. 81-123. HOYT, J. H. AND V. J. HENRY JR., 1967, Influence of island migration on barrier-island sedimentation: Bull. Geol. Soc. America, v. 78...


Classification of paralic channel sub-environments in an ancient system using outcrops: The Cretaceous Gallup system, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Wen Lin, Curtis Ferron, Sean Karner, Janok P. Bhattacharya

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... boundary in time and space: case and considerations for an SU (subaerial unconformity) that is not a sediment bypass surface, a time barrier...


Jet-Plume Depositional Bodies—The Primary Building Blocks of Wax Lake Delta

Robert Wellner, Rick Beaubouef, John Van Wagoner, Harry Roberts, Tao Sun

GCAGS Transactions

... expands from the orifice inertial forces dominate its evolution. Ultimately, as flow velocity decays, gravitation forces associated with the density...


Pre-Trenton Sedimentation and Dolomitization, Cincinnati Arch Province: Theoretical Considerations

Warren L. Calvert

AAPG Bulletin

... deposition; and, in the case of sedimentary rocks, the agency by which the material was transported. Briefly, no report on the geology of an area...


Spatial Variations in Pore Water Salinities above and below Allochthonous Salt in Offshore Gulf of Mexico Sediments—Implications for Mechanisms of Solute Transport and Timing of Salt Emplacement

Miles A. McCammon, Jeffrey S. Hanor

GCAGS Transactions

..., p. 693–696. Bruno, R. S., and J. S. Hanor, 2003, Large-scale fluid migration driven by salt dissolution, Bay Marchand Dome, Offshore Louisiana: Gulf...


Variations in Large-Scale Beach Amplitude Along the Coast

Nina Fisher, Robert Dolan, Bruce P. Hayden

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...------------------------- HAYDEN, B., DOLAN, R., AND ROSS, P., 1980, Barrier island migration, in Coates, D. R., and Vitek, J. D, eds, Thresholds in Geomorphology...


Chapter 16: Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of the Upper Cretaceous Niobrara Formation, Western Seaway of the Rocky Mountain Region

Susan M. Landon, Mark W. Longman, Barbara A. Luneau

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... L. and P J Swetland, 1980. Petroleum generation and migration in Denver Basin AAPG Bulletin, v 64, no 10, p 1613–1633 Cole, R D, J M Allmaras, J P...


Coalbed Methane Applications of Wireline Logs: Chapter 13

Patrick L. Scholes, Dave Johnston

AAPG Special Volumes

... (Sept.-Oct. 1971), 12, no. 5. Mullen, M.J., 1989, Coalbed methane resource evaluation from wireline logs in the northeast San Juan basin--A case study...


In situ stress variations associated with regional changes in tectonic setting, northeastern Brooks Range and eastern North Slope of Alaska

Nilesh C. Dixit, Catherine L. Hanks, Wesley K. Wallace, Mohabbat Ahmadi, and Obadare Awoleke

AAPG Bulletin

... and fractures. Fracture and fault systems can control the delivery of subsurface fluids to wellbores and facilitate the migration of hydrocarbons from...


Overpressure transmission through interconnected igneous intrusions

Nick Schofield, Simon Holford, Alex Edwards, Niall Mark, and Stefano Pugliese

AAPG Bulletin

..., doi:10.1016/j.gca.2010.09.011. Baron, M., J. Parnell, D. Mark, A. Carr, M. Przyjalgowski, and M. Feely, 2008, Evolution of hydrocarbon migration...


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