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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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ABSTRACT: Evidence and scale of mass transfer associated with a Quaternary thrust fault: examples from the Wheeler Ridge oilfiled, southern San Joaquin Basin, California; #90007 (2002)

Renee J. Perez, James Boles

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... than their present depth. Oil migration is the last event related to faulting. Based on a structural reconstruction and oil generation kinetic modeling...


ABSTRACT: Thermal History of the Jurassic-Tertiary Succession of the Zagros Mountains (Iran): Constraints from the Study of Fluid Inclusions; #90017 (2003)

Andrea Ceriani, Roberto Calabrò, Andrea Di Giulio, Mostafa Naini, Roberto Carpi, Raffaele Buonaguro

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... constant paleogeothermal gradient of 25 °C/Km. On the contrary, fluid inclusions trapped in cements filling the last fractures resulted oil-free...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Guadalquivir-Golfo de Cádiz; #90017 (2003)

C. Garcia Mojonero, C. Riaza, S. Torrescusa, G. Abeger, J. Suarez, G. Leret, W. Martinez del Olmo

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... migration to the productive reservoirs. With the exception of one, the totality of gas fields are found in stratigraphic traps with a very low vertical...


ABSTRACT Imaging and Imagining Transitional Sedimentary Environments: A Paleogeographic Reconstruction of Northern Colombia, #90104 (2010)

Marin Dora L.; Niño Helga; Ramirez Victor; Ojeda German; Torres Vladimir; Niño Freddy

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..., tracking the migration of the shelf break on seismic data was particularly useful to constrain deep‐water environments, and the  wandering edges of paleo...


ABSTRACT A Conventional Look at an Unconventional Reservoir: Coalbed Methane Production Potential in Deep Environments, #90104 (2010)

Tonnsen Robert R.; Miskimins Jennifer

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... constant as the coal experiences changes in effective stress. While this assumption may be  acceptable for modeling shallow CBM production where stress...


Abstract: Detection of Scouring Area in Chamran Square (Center of Tehran) by GPR Method; #90255 (2017)

Usef Aladin, Bahram Yousefi, Mohammad Reza Memarian

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... or an aqueduct and the second as a constant spray of water. Leaks that occur only when water is flowing can be more challenging to detect because the point...


Interstitial Waters of Black Sea Sediments: New Data and Review: Water

F. T. Manheim , K. M. Chan

AAPG Special Volumes

... okislitel'novosstanovitel'nykh protsessakh v donnykh otlozheniyakh kislorodnoi zony Chernogo morya (Migration of chemical elements in oxidation-reduction processes in bottom...


A Case History from the California Borderland: Chapter VII: Part One. Study of Modern and Ancient Turbidities

Oscar E. Weser

AAPG Special Volumes

...A Case History from the California Borderland: Chapter VII: Part One. Study of Modern and Ancient Turbidities Oscar E. Weser 1977 63 91 CN 6: Deep...


Rudimentary European Petroleum Geology, in a Context of the Advance of General Geology: Chapter 2

Edgar Wesley Owen

AAPG Special Volumes

.... Illinois, fac-sim. repr. (1956), 528 p. Prevost, Constant, 1837, Discussion: Soc. Geol. France Bull., v. 9 (1838), p. 90-95. Quoy, J. R. C., and Paul...


Measuring Electrical Resistivity Variations in a Sandstone Specimen Injected with Gas, Liquid, and Supercritical CO2

Kyosuke Onishi, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Yoshihiko Ishikawa, Ikuo Okamoto, Ziqiu Xue

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 2004, Seismic wave monitoring of CO2 migration in water-saturated porous sandstone: Exploration Geophysics, v. 35, p. 2532.Xue, Z., T. Ohsumi, and H...


Pore pressure patterns in Tertiary successions and hydrodynamic implications, Beaufort-Mackenzie Basin, Canada

Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk G. Osadetz, Dale R. Issler, Stephen E. Grasby

CSPG Bulletin

... of anticlines, causing migration of overpressured fluid to a shallower depth. In the center of the Mackenzie Delta, where listric faulting prevails...


Continental-shelf freshwater water resources and improved oil recovery by low-salinity waterflooding

Mark Person, John L. Wilson, Norman Morrow, and Vincent E. A. Post

AAPG Bulletin

... lateral fluid migration when the sea level was lower than present-day conditions. More commonly, passive-margin aquifers “shale out.” In this case...


Eagle Ford and Bakken Productivity Prediction Using Soil Microbial Fingerprinting and Machine Learning

M.H.A.A. Zijp, T. Mallinson, J. Zwaan, A.G. Chitu, P. David

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of the migration is in this case more pronounced. Macro and microseepage are related phenomena that take place simultaneously only at different spatial...


Multiphase activation of the boundary fault system of the eastern Dampier subbasin, Northwest Shelf of Australia

Hongdan Deng, Ken McClay, and Awad Bilal

AAPG Bulletin

..., August 18–21, 2013, 32 p. Bell, R. E., C. A.-L. Jackson, P. S. Whipp, and B. Clements, 2014, Strain migration during multiphase extension: Observations...


Middle Cambrian to Middle Ordovician Cyclic Sedimentation, Southern Rocky Mountains of Alberta

J. D. Aitken

CSPG Bulletin

... through facies change. Conceptual problems arise with respect to shorelines. The northeastward migration of the continental shoreline is recorded...


Petroleum Geology of Norton Basin, Alaska

Michael A. Fisher

AAPG Bulletin

... the basin fill. If the Norton basin began to form 65 m.y. ago, subsided at a nearly constant rate, and had an average geothermal gradient of between 35...


An Expanded Model for Modern Shelf Sand Ridge Genesis and Evolution on the New Jersey Atlantic Shelf

John W. Snedden, Ronald D. Kreisa, Roderick W. Tillman, Stephen J. Culver, William J. Schweller

Special Publications of SEPM

... of an inlet-channel, was the likely southwestward migration an inlet channel cutting the feature cutting the feature which today is the swale separating...


Tidal Flats and Associated Tidal Channels: PART 1

Robert J. Weimer, James D. Howard, Donald R. Lindsay

AAPG Special Volumes

... are continuously affected by tidal currents as well as wind-induced wave currents. Current velocity can be highly variable in different settings...


A CookbookŽ Approach to Exploring for, and Evaluating, Residual Oil Zones in the San Andres Formation of the Permian Basin, #51259 (2016).

Robert Trentham, L. Stephen Melzer

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... of residual oil zones: developing a case history in the Permian Basin of New Mexico and West Texas: Vol. Research Partnership to Secure Energy...


Orphan Basin, Canada: From Regional Prospect Screening to Reliable Reservoir Attributes Estimation

Scott Opdyke, Cyrille Reiser, Tiago Alcantara, Elena Polyaeva, PGS

GEO ExPro Magazine

... and high fidelity pre-stack seismic attributes data in Newfoundland and Labrador Figure 3: FWI velocity model and LSM depth slice showing the structural...


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