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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,082 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Some Aspects of Simpson Anticlines in Central Oklahoma

Thom H. Green

Tulsa Geological Society

... with Gussow (1954, p. 822) in assuming oil migration to be instigated as soon after sediment deposition as fluid segregation will permit. It has been...


Initiation of the Iceland Plume and Opening of the North Atlantic: Chapter 10: North Atlantic Perspectives

R. S. White

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the Greenland-Scotland Ridge: New York, Plenum Press, p. 109-119. Spudich, E and J. Orcutt, 1980, A new look at the seismic velocity structure...


Subtle Discontinuity Detection and Mapping for Carbon Sequestration Assessment in the Illinois Basin

J. H. McBride, R. W. Keach II, H. E. Leetaru, W. J. Nelson

AAPG Special Volumes

... Valley fault system.Regionally mappable seismic reflections occur at several stratigraphic horizons marked by large velocity contrasts (Heigold...


Balancing Cross-Section and Sandbox Modeling of Satui Fold-Thrust-Belt, Asem-Asem Basin, South Kalimantan

Benyamin Sapiie, Astyka Pamumpuni, Meli Hadiana

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and migration of hydrocarbon in such structural setting. One of the approaches to solve this matter is by conducting an integrated study of outcrop...


Geochemistry of Formation Water, Plio-Pleistocene Reservoirs, Offshore Louisiana

L. S. Land , G. L. Macpherson

GCAGS Transactions

..., in which mineralogic reactions have not progressed very far, should be the simplest to understand. In the case of Plio-Pleistocene reservoirs...


Long Offset AVO in a Midcontinent Tight Gas Sand Reservoir

Pankhurst, Duane, Marfurt, Kurt, Sullivan, Charlotte

GCAGS Transactions

... to the laboratory and field results. Rock property trends were established for local sand, shale, and limestone by generating velocity and density...


Experiences with Dual-Sensor Towed Streamer Acquisition and Imaging in the Eastern Mediterranean, #41831 (2016).

Martin Widmaier, Oystein Lie

Search and

... processing and imaging technology. Pre-stack depth migration (PSDM) has been utilised to resolve the complex velocity variations especially...


ABSTRACT: Precambrian Basement Structure and Crustal Oxidation State of the Ancestral Rocky Mountains … Its Possible Importance to Petroleum Systems as a Physical Control on Fluid Path and Trapping Mechanism and as a Chemical Control of Hydrocarbon Stabi

Monte M. Swan, Stanley B. Keith, Jim Viellenave

Search and

... systems. The migration paths of the hydrocarbon fluids are influenced by the reactivation of basement structures and in some cases these paths may be traced...


3D Modeling Subsurface Mapping Application to Fluvial Meandering Blocky Sand 35-1 Reservoir. Nindi Oil Field. Asri Basin. South East Sumatera

Ario Arief Iswandhani

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... early maturity with depth maximum of about 3657.6 m (Figure 3). Fluid migration in Asri Basin was primarily controlled by the geometry of the carrier...


Traps Associated with Paleovalleys and Interfluves in an Unconformity Bounded Sequence: Lower Cretaceous Glauconitic Member, Southern Alberta, Canada (1)


AAPG Bulletin

.... 27-41. Gefland, V., G. Taylor, J. Tessman, and K. Larner, 1985, 3-D seismic lithologic modeling to delineate rapidly changing reservoir facies: a case...


Uncertainty Analysis on Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing

Abbas Movassagh, Elaheh Arjomand, Dane Kasperczyk, James Kear, Tess Dance

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

... and analytical models. The probability analysis is performed in a case study to identify the cumulative distribution functions (CDFs) of fracture growth...


Anatomy of Collapsed and Re-established Delta Front in Lower Cretaceous of Eastern Spitsbergen: Gravitational Sliding and Sedimentation Processes

W. Nemec , R. J. Steel , J. Gjelberg , J. D. Collinson , E. Prestholm , I. E. Oxnevad

AAPG Bulletin

... Conference Proceedings, p. 1-41. Van den Berg, J. H., 1982, Migration of large-scale bedforms and preservation of crossbedded sets in highly...


Pedogenic Mud Aggregates Preserved In A Fine-Grained Meandering Channel In the Lower Permian Clear Fork Formation, North-Central Texas, U.S.A.

Sharane S.T. Simon, Martin R. Gibling

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... Brooks, G.R., 2003 b, Holocene lateral channel migration and incision of the Red River, Manitoba, Canada: Geomorphology, v. 54, p. 197– 215. Brown...


Danian Cool-Water Bryozoan Mounds at Stevns Klint, Denmark—A New Class of Non-Cemented Skeletal Mounds

Morten Bjerager, Finn Surlyk

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of increased bottom-current velocity. The mounds grew by aggradation and lateral migration. Aggrading mound growth is characterized by fairly...


Salt welding during canopy advance and shortening in the Green Canyon area, northern Gulf of Mexico

Turki K. Alshammasi, Sian L. Evans, and Christopher A.-L. Jackson

AAPG Bulletin

... and completeness thought to at least partly reflect their structural position within the salt-tectonic system. Despite their importance as seals or migration...


Formation of Silica Cement and its Replacement by Carbonates

G. D. Sharma

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

.... WALDSCHMIDT, W. A., 1941, Cementing materials in sandstones and their probable influence on migration and accumulation of oil and gas: Am. Assoc...


Seal Failure Related to Basin-scale Processes

Christian Hermanrud, Hege M. Nordgrd Bols, Gunn M. G. Teige

AAPG Special Volumes

... in fault-controlled hydrocarbon migration: A case study: Marine and Petroleum Geology, v. 11, no. 6, p. 734742.Griffith, A. A., 1921, The phenomena...


Origin and Accumulation of Lime Mud in Ooid Tidal Channels, Bahamas

Mark R. Boardman, Cindy Carney

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... ooid shoal: Sedimenta VII, Comparative Sedimentology Laboratory, University of Miami, Miami, FL, 163 p. HINE, A.C., 1977, Lily Bank, Bahamas; case...


Chapter 11: Gravity and Heat Flow Analysis of the Oceanic Subduction Zone in the Eastern Caribbean

Antonio Ughi

AAPG Special Volumes

..., T., P. Mann, A. Escalona, and G. Christeson, 2011, Evolution of the Grenada and Tobago basins and implications for arc migration, in P. Mann...


Petrophysical Evaluation of a Slope Fan/Basin-Floor Fan Complex: Cherry Canyon Formation, Ward County, Texas (1)


AAPG Bulletin

...., 1977, The all wet constant sea level hypothesis of Upper Guadalupian shelf and shelf-edge strata, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas, in M. E...


A Quantitative Geologic Approach to Prediction of Petroleum Resources

R. W. Jones

AAPG Special Volumes

... techniques, and this basically means finding ways to maximize the input of our increasing knowledge of the generation, migration, and accumulation of oil...


Chapter 23: An Integrated Approach to De-Risking Exploration and Appraisal in Structurally Complex Fold-and-Thrust Belts: Application to the Incahuasi Field (Bolivia)

Jean-Francois Ballard, Vincenzo Spina, Francis Clément, Pierre-Emmanuel Lardin, Jean-Marc Moron, Jean-Marc Fleury, Patrick Chaffel

AAPG Special Volumes

...-south-southwest regional anticlines and synclines holding large gas accumulations. This chapter is a case history of the multi-TCF (trillion cubic...


Conglomeratic Fan-Delta Sequences, Late Carboniferous — Early Permian, Western Spitsbergen

K. L. Kleinspehn, R. J. Steel, E. Johannessen, A. Netland

CSPG Special Publications

... migration of barriers or shoals, or aggradation of mouth bars overprinted on a background of constant gradual subsidence. Observed vertical changes...


Hydrodynamic Environment at Sedimentary Stages of Hydrogeologic Cycles

M. S. Burshtar, D. A. Nazarov

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

... of Gulf Coast clayey sediments and its possible relation to petroleum migration: A. A. P. G. Bull., v. 53. Knowledge of the sources of formation...


ABSTRACT Structural Control of Turbidite Deposition in Active Asymmetrical Synclines, Annot Sandstone Depocentres, SE France, #90123 (2011)

L. Salles, M. Ford, P. Joseph

Search and

... demonstrates that, in general, depocentre migration and fold hinge migration should be analysed separately. In the Annot case, because bedding dips...


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