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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,134 Results. Searched 196,410 documents.

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Sediment Compaction the Achilles Heel of Basin Modelling

Roy H. Gabrielsen

GEO ExPro Magazine

... equilibrium is reached, through the analysis of reservoir and source rock distribution, identification and evaluation of traps, maturation, migration...


Australia: New Imaging of the Vulcan Sub-basin

Tony Pedley, Richard Palmer, Polarcus, Spectrum

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... a High fidelity velocity model building for depth migration, five hybrid iterations of tomography, including reef replacement and incorporating...


Abstract: Time-Lapse Repeatablity in 3C-3D Dataset from Weyburn CO2 Sequestration Project; #90171 (2013)

Jinfeng Ma, Le Gao, and Igor Morozov

Search and

..., and velocity analysis by using ProMax. Operations most strongly distorting the amplitudes, such as F-XY, AGC, and migration were not used in our flow...


Recent Research on Passive Continental Margins

Robert E. Sheridan

Special Publications of SEPM

... Stratigraphic Test wells have provided geologic calibration Reefal carbonate bank underpinnings were involved in continental slope migration seaward...


Petroleum Systems along the Fold Belt Associated to the Marañon-Oriente-Putumayo (MOP) Foreland Basins

Robert Marksteiner, Antenor M. Alemán

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... decreases southward, Mesozoic to Paleogene development of salt welts along the Santiago and Huallaga fold belts provided a migration barrier...


Evidence of Syndepositional Subsidence and the Evolution of Multiple Coal Splits in the Hartshorne Formation, Western Arkoma Basin, Oklahoma, Part 2, Conclusion

Melissa Marie Stefos

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... in the seismic survey area. Velocity can be calculated for well logs without the sonic curve. In this case, a synthetic curve must be generated from bulk...


Seismic Profiles in the Area of the Pierce and Black Hollow Fields, Weld County, Colorado

Donald S. Stone

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... a seismic depth migration and well control. The subtlety of these oil field structures (particularly Pierce Field) is apparent on the time section. Faults...


Prestack inversion and amplitude variation with offset attributes as hydrocarbon indicators in carbonate rocks: A case study from the Illinois Basin

Jacob T. Murchek, Paul McColgan, Lindell C. Bridges, Ernest C. Hauser, and Doyle R. Watts

AAPG Bulletin

...Prestack inversion and amplitude variation with offset attributes as hydrocarbon indicators in carbonate rocks: A case study from the Illinois Basin...


Advances and Perspectives on Stratigraphic Trap Exploration-Making the Subtle Trap Obvious, #60054 (2018).

John Dolson, Zhiyong He, Brian W. Horn

Search and

... to model hydrocarbon systems and migration. The biggest growth in resources have been in 1) passive margin turbidite fan and channels, 2) carbonate...


Reservoir characterization and lithostratigraphic division of the Mount Simon Sandstone (Cambrian): Implications for estimations of geologic sequestration storage capacity

Cristian R. Medina, John A. Rupp

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

.... Volpi, S. Persoglia, and D. Parushev, 2011, CO2 storage potential of deep saline aquifers: The case of Italy: International Journal of Greenhouse Gas...


5D Interpolation Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) Algorithm to Recover and Reconstruct Damaged Seismic Data, a Case Study in Jb Field, North West Java Basin

Andreas Wasi Kuncoro Kaissagara, Aji Rahmat Ginanjar, Arrie Kurniawan, Dimas Pramudito

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...5D Interpolation Using Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP) Algorithm to Recover and Reconstruct Damaged Seismic Data, a Case Study in Jb Field, North...


Paleohydrology and 3D Facies Architecture of Ancient Point Bars, Ferron Sandstone, Notom Delta, South-Central Utah, U.S.A.

Chenliang Wu, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Mohammad S. Ullah

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... documentation of channel plan-form, channel-belt dimension, bar migration patterns (translation versus expansion), and cross-sectional facies...


Ngimbang Clastics Play in the East Java Basin: New Insight and Concepts for North Madura Platform

Harya Dwi Nugraha, I Wayan Ardana Darma, Fithra Harris Darmawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... resulting in formation of underfit streams. In this case, a combination of those three reasons might apply. During Stage-1, incision occurred upstream...


Hydrocarbon Gas Composition and Origin of Gas Hydrate from the Alaska North Slope

Thomas D. Lorenson, Timothy S. Collett, Michael J. Whiticar

AAPG Special Volumes

... molecules. In this case, it is thought that gas hydrate and permafrost-bounded sediment can act as a partial barrier to gas migration. The same effect...


Groundwater Flow, Late Cementation, and Petroleum Accumulation in the Permian Lyons Sandstone, Denver Basin

Ming-Kuo Lee , Craig M. Bethke

AAPG Bulletin

... oil. As petroleum accumulated in the Lyons, the newly formed cements prevented continued migration, as is observed in shallower strata, by sealing oil...


Handling Seismic Anomalies on Multiple Targets

Search and

... a balanced interpretation of the seismic anomaly indicator as it requires explicit consideration of possible failure case scenarios that might produce...


Shallow Carbonate-Bank-Margin Growth and Structure, Little Bahama Bank, Bahamas

Albert C. Hine , A. Conrad Neumann

AAPG Bulletin

...) where ^rgr is the density of sea water, g is the gravitational constant, H is the wave height, and Cg° is the deep-water wave-group velocity. The wave...


Chalk Diagenesis and Its Relation to Petroleum Exploration: Oil from Chalks, a Modern Miracle?

Peter A. Scholle

AAPG Bulletin

...: Tectonophysics, v. 26, p. 309-316. Mimran, Y., in press, Chalk deformation and large-scale migration End_Page 1007------------------------------ of calcium...



Tony Johns, Carmen Vito and Raul Sarmiento

Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago

... TRINIDAD Tony Johns*, Carmen Vito, WesternGeco, and Raul Sarmiento, EOG Resources. Summary Results from the P-P and P-Sv prestack time migration...


Seismic Foldout: Chasing the Many Plays of the Mauritanian Margin

ION, Elisabeth Gillbard, Paul Bellingham

GEO ExPro Magazine

... with velocity overlay through the Mauritania 3D data, showing the syn-rift section (including allochthonous and partially migrated Triassic salt...


The Role of Mixing and Migration of Basinal Waters in Carbonate Minerai Mass Transport

John W. Morse, Jeffrey S. Hanor, Shiliang He

Special Publications of SEPM

...The Role of Mixing and Migration of Basinal Waters in Carbonate Minerai Mass Transport John W. Morse, Jeffrey S. Hanor, Shiliang He Copyright © 2012...


Greater Bangkanai Prospectivity: The Application of Full Tensor Gravity and Magnetic Survey, Onshore Central Kalimantan

Ari Subekti, Krishna Pratama Laya, Elly Guritno, M.N. Krisnayadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... than 2 km are not detectable. 3D Density Migration Modelling using Full Tensor Potential Field Migration allows prediction of both density...


The Deer Lake Basin, Newfoundland: Structural Constraints from New Seismic Data

James A. Wright, Brian H. Hoffe, George S. Langdon, Garry M. Quinlan

CSPG Bulletin

... opportunities both for migration and entrapment of petroleum. Thermal maturation indicators and geothermal modelling indicate that the lower Deer Lake...


Tectonic Significance of Kink Bands in Arroyo Calamajue, Baja California, Mexico

Jacqueline Windh, Roger C. Griffith, Gary H. Girty

Pacific Section SEPM

... for ^ and $ are 41° and 60° respectively. Angle < is fairly constant | > for kink bands regardless of the presence or absence of texural...


Origin of Parallel, Near-Horizontal Laminae by Migration of Bed Forms in a Small Flume

E. F. McBride, R. G. Shepherd, R. A. Crawley

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Origin of Parallel, Near-Horizontal Laminae by Migration of Bed Forms in a Small Flume E. F. McBride, R. G. Shepherd, R. A. Crawley 1975 Vol. 45...


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