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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Hydrocarbon Kitchen and Migration Assessment of North Aceh Offshore Basin, North Sumatra, Indonesia from Views of Sequence Stratigraphy and Organic Geochemistry

A. Fuse, K. Tsukada, W. Kato, H. Honda, Asep Sulaeman, S. Troyer, L. Wamsteeker, Mardhan Abdullah, R. C. Davies, P. Lunt

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of the overlying sediment (Upper Miocene to Pleistocene). The migration pathway map defined three migration fairways from the North Lho Sukon Deep to its...


3D Palaeo-Migration Pathway Analysis: An Example from the Timor Sea

G. Chen, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman, G. W. O'Brien

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...3D Palaeo-Migration Pathway Analysis: An Example from the Timor Sea G. Chen, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman, G. W. O'Brien 3D Palaeo-Migration Pathway...


Migration Pathway Analysis Contributes to Success in the Diana Intraslope Basin, Western Gulf of Mexico

William A. Symington, Exxon Production Research Co. and  James W. Higgins, Elf Exploration Co.

AAPG Special Volumes

...Migration Pathway Analysis Contributes to Success in the Diana Intraslope Basin, Western Gulf of Mexico William A. Symington, Exxon Production...


ABSTRACT: Migration Pathway Patterns and Residual Loss; #90013 (2003)

Xiaorong Luo, Faqiang Zhang, Sheng Miao, Weimin Wang, Didier Loggi, Guy Vasseur

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...ABSTRACT: Migration Pathway Patterns and Residual Loss; #90013 (2003) Xiaorong Luo, Faqiang Zhang, Sheng Miao, Weimin Wang, Didier Loggi, Guy Vasseur...


The Oil Migration Pathway and Hydrocarbon Charging History of Petroleum Systems in Termit Basin, Eastern Niger, #80560 (2016).

Jing Zhao, Meijun Li

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...The Oil Migration Pathway and Hydrocarbon Charging History of Petroleum Systems in Termit Basin, Eastern Niger, #80560 (2016). Jing Zhao, Meijun Li...


Petroleum Migration Pathways and Charge Concentration: A Three-Dimensional Model: Discussion

Elise Bekele, Mark Person, and Ghislain de Marsily

AAPG Bulletin

... to the potentiometric slope to argue that ". . . water flow . . . had only a minor effect of migration pathway orientation" (Hindle, 1997, p. 1462...


An experimental study of secondary oil migration in a three-dimensional tilted porous medium

Jianzhao Yan, Xiaorong Luo, Weimin Wang, Renaud Toussaint, Jean Schmittbuhl, Guy Vasseur, Fang Chen, Alan Yu, Likuan Zhang

AAPG Bulletin

... pathway was observed first, and then a layer-shaped lateral migration pathway was observed beneath the top inclined sealing plate once the oil cluster...


Secondary Migration of Oil: Experiments Supporting Efficient Movement of Separate, Buoyant Oil Phase Along Limited Conduits: GEOLOGIC NOTE

Harry Dembicki, Jr., Michael J. Anderson

AAPG Bulletin

... the reservoir rock, a residual hydrocarbon saturation is left along the path forming the Fig. 2. Map view and cross section AA^prime of oil migration...


The Krisna Sand: New Potential within the Air Benakat Formation in the Krisna Field, Sunda Basin, Southeast Sumatra

Vian Indrasatwika, Doni Hidayat, Hairunnisa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... is intended to discuss a better understanding of the fault-leak system as a migration pathway and will therefore explain the limited hydrocarbon...


Simulation and characterization of pathway heterogeneity of secondary hydrocarbon migration

Xiaorong Luo

AAPG Bulletin

...Simulation and characterization of pathway heterogeneity of secondary hydrocarbon migration Xiaorong Luo 2011 881 898 95 6 Carriers are important...


Abstract: Along Depositional Strike Variability in Paralic Systems and Implications for the Construction of Shelf to Slope Margins;

Cornel Olariu, Ronald Steel

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...Abstract: Along Depositional Strike Variability in Paralic Systems and Implications for the Construction of Shelf to Slope Margins; Cornel Olariu...


General Model for Delivery of Asphaltenes to Tar Mats; #40740 (2011)

Harry W. Mueller, III

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...; light oil migrating into and through the now-stationary heavy oil will form tar, blocking the nose-crest migration pathway and causing the migration...


Evaluating Hydrocarbon Migration Paths Using Fault Displacement Distributions, #41234 (2013)

Pablo Giampaoli,

Search and

... Center A A’ ? ? ?? Main Reservoir (Sag) Main Source Rock (Sag) Local Source Rock (?) (Rift) Migration pathway Modified from Sylwan et al. (2008...


Seismic Foldout: Santos Basin, Brazil: Understanding the CO2 exploration risk with ultra-deep seismic

Roberto Juncken, Bruna Lyra, Mariano Gatti, Abraham Rodriguez, CGG, Natasha Stanton, Andres Gordon

GEO ExPro Magazine

... definition. Mapping the Moho and deep-seated faults is essential to understanding possible paths of mantellic CO2 migration to pre-salt reservoirs...


ABSTRACT: Migration Pathway Evaluation through Analysis of Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Green Canyon/Ewing Banks Area, Gulf of Mexico

Stefan S. Boettcher, Exxon Production Research Company

AAPG Special Volumes

...ABSTRACT: Migration Pathway Evaluation through Analysis of Hydrocarbon Seeps in the Green Canyon/Ewing Banks Area, Gulf of Mexico Stefan S. Boettcher...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum Charge Analysis of the Southern San Joaquin Basin, California: Implications for Future Exploration; #90007 (2002)

Alton A. Brown

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... data were used to map SPI and to calibrate transformation. Petroleum generation was calculated from SPI and transformation maps. Migration was evaluated...


ABSTRACT: The Use of Seismic Stratigraphy for Waste Site Characterization; #90013 (2003)

Tom J. Temples, Michael G. Waddell, William Domoracki

Search and

... be used to map explain migration pathways off the waste unit. At SRS M-area Seepage Basin, the channel provided a pathway through the point bars...


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