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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
ABSTRACT Stratigraphic Traps Detection Through Surface Geochemical Exploration: Examples from Argentina, #90104 (2010)
Malizia Daniel C.
Search and Discovery.com
... that the geochemical anomaly identified in previous steps is related to migration from the reservoir and not by other migration pathway, for example...
ABSTRACT: Salt Water Contamination of the Chicot Aquifer from Historic Oil Field Operations, Tomball Field, Harris County, Texas; #90007 (2002)
Traylor, Robert J., John D. Estepp
Search and Discovery.com
..., map horizons, and plume geometry. AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90007©2002 AAPG Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, March 1-13, 2002 Background...
Abstract: Shelf-to-basin Floor Architecture of the Rosetta Turbidite System (Western Nile Delta, Egypt), by Sebastien Migeon, Pierrick Rouillard, Elodie Du Fornel, and Jean Mascle; #90161 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Hydrocarbon migration in the multiple-sourced petroleum system in the northwestern Junggar Basin (northwestern China): Constraint from geochemical and phase fractionation analysis
Aiguo Wang, Zhenliang Wang, Long Li, Changyu Fan, Kuaile Zhang, Baoli Xiang, Ni Zhou, and Yi Wang
AAPG Bulletin
... propose that the heavy oils in the deep layers resulted from gas washing and low maturity. Hydrocarbon Migration Pathway Generally, the migration...
Secondary Migration and Accumulation of Hydrocarbons: Chapter 12: Part III. Processes
William A. England
AAPG Special Volumes
... of past exploration results or by assuming that a certain fraction of the migration pathway's pore space must be saturated by petroleum before...
Abstract: Anisotropic Groundwater Migration in Structurally Deformed Sedimentary Bedrock Terrains, by S. D. Janes; #90935 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT: Petroleum Systems of the Brazilian Marginal Basins - An Overview, by Marcio Rocha Mello; #90906(2001)
Search and Discovery.com
A Comprehensive Geochemical Study Using Pyrolysis Analysis and Migration Pathway Map to Evaluate Source Rock Potential in Talang Akar Formation, Jambi Sub-Basin, South Sumatra, Indonesia; #10944 (2017)
Ismail Halim, Raynouval Arief Amir, Muhammad Nashir, Ildrem Syafri, Nisa Nurul Ilmi, Waris Budi Raharjo
Search and Discovery.com
...A Comprehensive Geochemical Study Using Pyrolysis Analysis and Migration Pathway Map to Evaluate Source Rock Potential in Talang Akar Formation...
ABSTRACT: Diapiric Pathway System and Its Constraints on Migration and Accumulation of Natural Gases in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #90061 (2006)
Baojia Huang and Xushen Li
Search and Discovery.com
...ABSTRACT: Diapiric Pathway System and Its Constraints on Migration and Accumulation of Natural Gases in the Yinggehai Basin, South China Sea; #90061...
ABSTRACT: 4D Migration Pathway Analysis in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea, by Gang Chen, Kevin Hill, and Nick Hoffman; #90913(2000).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Influence of Shallow Geology on Volatile Organic Chemical Attenuation from Groundwater to Deep Soil Gas
Lila Beckley P.G., Danielle Bailey P.G.
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... is the migration of volatile chemicals from contaminated soil or groundwater into overlying buildings. Evaluation of this exposure pathway is increasing...
Abstract: Quantitative Migration Analysis and Prediction, by W. A. Symington, J. W. Higgins, and P. R. Smith; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Petroleum migration and accumulation: Modeling and applications
Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, and Wan Yang
AAPG Bulletin
.... Zhao, 2010, No unconformity structure in Jiyang Depression as long distance migration pathway of hydrocarbon [in Chinese with English abstract...
Using Surface-Based Electromagnetic Imaging to Identify Geologic Controls on the Extent of Fluid Emplacement During Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Search and Discovery.com
Hydrocarbon Episodic Migration in Fault Zones: Insights From Physical Simulation Experiments
Search and Discovery.com
Basin Modeling and Hydrocarbon Source Rock Potential of Middle Eocene Ngimbang Formation in East Java Basin, Indonesia; #11213 (2019)
Aditya Pradono, Dadali Rakasiwi
Search and Discovery.com
... types II/III. Furthermore, the migration pathway started from south to north. Generation, migration, accumulation, and preservation occurred in Early...
Abstract: Drilling into a Present-Day Migration Pathway for Hydrocarbons within a Fault Zone Conduit in the Eugene Island 330 Field, Offshore Louisiana, by R. N. Anderson; #90953 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
A Protocol for the Evaluation and (Semi-)Quantification of Secondary Migration Efficiency, by D. S. Muller; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Source to Surface - A Model of Hydrocarbon Migration/Seepage, by M. D. Matthews; #90959 (1995).
Search and Discovery.com
Extended Abstract: The residual potential of the northern Apennine Petroleum system a geochemical and structural study of spontaneous seeps. #90099 (2009)
Rossella Capozzi, Vincenzo Picotti
Search and Discovery.com
... for location). Modified after Picotti et al., (2007). Arrows indicate the main fluid migration pathway (after Capozzi and Picotti, in press...
Abstract: 3D Delaware Basin Petroleum System Evoluton: Solution of the Basin Inverse Boundary Value Problem; #90257 (2016)
John D. Pigott, Kulwadee L. Pigott, Esra Yalcin, Michael T. Williams
Search and Discovery.com
...-migration pathway mapping suggests extensive oil and gas traps to be located on local highs within the depocenter of the basin and to the northeast...
Long Distance Migration and the Morrow Formation of Southeast Colorado, by P. H. Wiemann, J. S. Nelson, and D. L. Pearson; #90986 (1994).
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT General Model for Delivery of Asphaltenes to Tar Mats, #90104 (2010)
Mueller Harry W.
Search and Discovery.com
... into and through the now‐stationary heavy oil will form tar, blocking the nose‐crest migration pathway and causing the migration pathway to become convoluted...