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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Source and Plume Investigation of Chlorinated Compounds in Groundwater at a Chemical Plant
Drukell B. Trahan
GCAGS Transactions
.... With the absence of a pathway for contaminant migration below 19 meters (pilings are suspected of creating a pathway to the second water-bearing zone at 15...
Simulation of Petroleum Migration in Fine-Grained Rock by Upscaling Relative Permeability Curves: The Malvinas Basin, Offshore Argentina
Andre Vayssaire
AAPG Special Volumes
... hydrocarbon saturation within a migration pathway needs to be upscaled to reflect the mean value inside the entire numerical simulation cell. Assuming...
Risk Assessment: a Key to Environmental Strategy
Paul E. Fairbanks
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... fabrication and supply yard are located directly to the east, a regional municipal airport is located to the west, and industrial construction and service...
Abstract: Seal Controls on Trap Capacity and Migration
William T. Shea, Jr. and Susan Haggerty
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... that the same fault can seal an accumulation and provide an effective migration pathway. End_of_Record - Last_Page 9...
Abstract: Migration Markers from the Test Bench: Extending the Use of Benzocarbazoles as Migration Markers by Measuring Their Compound-Specific Nitrogen Isotopic Composition, by Christian Ostertag-Henning; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: 3-D Flexural Numerical Modeling of the Late Cretaceous Forebulge Migration Across the Southwestern Wyoming, by Hongjun Luo and Dag Nummedal; #90078 (2008)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Effects of a Mixed Wetting Porous Medium on Gas Flowing and Its Implications for Gas Exploration in Tight Sandstones; #90310 (2017)
Hui Shi
Search and Discovery.com
... the percolation behavior of multiphase flows; thus, these pores represent a key problem that is frequently addressed in studies on hydrocarbon migration...
ABSTRACT: Microstructural characterization and imaging texture of source rocks from the Cretaceous Qingshankou Formation, Songliao Basin
Zhenkai Huang, Shuichang Zhang, Jianping Chen, Zihui Feng
The Society for Organic Petrology (TSOP)
... Exploration & Development of Daqing Oilfield, CNPC, Beijing 163311 1 2 Being an important pathway for primary migration of petroleum in the Cretaceous...
Source rock quality and hydrocarbon migration pathways within the greater Utsira High area, Viking Graben, Norwegian North Sea
Gary H. Isaksen, K. Haakan I. Ledje
AAPG Bulletin
.... Interpretations of seismic data and wire-line log responses for the Upper Jurassic sediments enabled the construction of an Upper Jurassic isopach map...
Sedimentary Architecture in Meanders of a Submarine Channel: Detailed Study of the Present Congo Turbidite Channel (Zaiango Project)
N. Babonneau, B. Savoye, M. Cremer, M. Bez
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... on the EM300 map (Fig. 4B), suggest a progressive migration of the thalweg. The terraces probably correspond to the imprints of the morphological change...
Abstract: Nature and Significance of Irregular Geometries at the Salt-Sediment Interface: Examples from the Deepwater Gulf of Mexico, by C. A. Yeilding, C. J. Travis, and J. R. Hossack; #90933 (1998).
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: A Strategy for Near-Surface Model Construction and Subsurface Structural Discrimination, by P. I. Pecholcs and G. Costas; #90942 (1997).
Search and Discovery.com
Understanding Stratigraphic Heterogeneity: A Methodology to Maximize the Efficiency of the Geological Storage of CO2
Catherine M. Gibson-Poole, Lotte Svendsen, Maxwell N. Watson, Richard F. Daniel,Jonathan Ennis-King, Andy J. Rigg
AAPG Special Volumes
... seal.FIGURE 11. Flow vectors and key migration pathway within the Kingfish field area based on the structural geometry of the SB2 depth structure map...
Abstract: Development of Diagenetic Traps Along the Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways; #91204 (2023)
Ahmed Taher, Mariam Al Hammadi, Bernardo Franco, Muna Al Shuwaihi, Maria Augustina Celentano, Aurifullah Vantala
Search and Discovery.com
... entering the secondary migration pathway will be retained by the rocks and will be accumulated in subtle traps style that available along the migration...
Greg Mason, NGO Development Corp., Granville Rd., Newark, OH
Ohio Geological Society
... the Cambro/Ordovician reservoirs. The pathway for migration from the upsection source rocks to the downsection reservoir rocks...
Significance of Focused Hydrocarbon Migration in the Salawati Basin: Controls of Faults and Structural Noses
Awang H. Satyana, Yanto Salim, Jim M. Demarest
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... kitchen by normal fault. See related map in figure 6. Migration through Faults Structural studies showed that the Salawati Basin is intensively...
Paleogeomorphic-Mapping Technique for the Leonardian Bone Spring Pay in Southeast New Mexico
Arthur J. Pyron
West Texas Geological Society
... of 392,000 BO. This well is located in a migration pathway leading to the paleogeomorphic high, which is represented by the 2,500-ft contour. Figure 6...
The Application of Nitrogen Compounds to Indicate Oil Migration on the Biodegraded Oils: A Case Study From Hashan Region, Junggar Basin
Search and Discovery.com
Primary Migration of Petroleum in Organic Rich Shale: Observations From Eagle Ford Horizontal Core, South-West Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Primary Migration of Petroleum in Organic Rich Shale: Observations From Eagle Ford Horizontal Core, South-West Texas
Search and Discovery.com
Extended Abstract: Exploration and Development in South West Queensland: 1991/1992 Cooper/Eromanga Basin QLD
R. M. Bresnehan
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... developed oil migration pathway to the structure. Echuburra #2 Echuburra #2, drilled in May 1992 as an oil appraisal well, is located 730 m northeast...
2-D and 3-D Prestack Depth Migration for Complex Geologic Structures Offshore Indonesia
M. Murphy, R. Ottolini, R. Estill, E. Lumadyo, M. Mathias
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... migration is construction of a 3-D interval velocity model. All available data are used in constructing the model: Dip Moveout (DMO) stacking...
Basin Analysis and Petroleum System Characterization and Modeling, Interior Salt Basins, Central and Eastern Gulf of Mexico; #10396 (2012)
Ernest A. Mancini, Paul Aharon, Donald A. Goddard, Marty Horn, and Roger Barnaby
Search and Discovery.com
... Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous Bossier petroleum system, hydrocarbon-flow-pathway modeling in the North Louisiana Salt Basin, and refined assessment...
Changing Exploration Focus Paved Way for Success
Tong Xiaoguang, Shi Buqing
GEO ExPro Magazine
... the migration pathway from the source kitchen to the trap. A Cretaceous rift Geologic cross-sections in the Melut Basin showing the half-graben...