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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Wrenching and Oil Migration, Mervine Field Area, Kay County, Oklahoma

Harold G. Davis, III

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... and the master fault. Coincidently, the 100°F isotherm rises along the migration pathway. End_Page 157------------------------ 11) Pressure, temperature...


A geochemical context for stray gas investigations in the northern Appalachian Basin: Implications of analyses of natural gases from Neogene-through Devonian-age strata

Fred J. Baldassare, Mark A. McCaffrey, John A. Harper

AAPG Bulletin

... Formation in the northern Appalachian Basin has increased, so has the number of alleged incidents of stray natural gas migration to shallow aquifer systems...


The Utilization of Carbazole and Benzocarbazole as Possible Indicators of Relative Migration Distances for Woodford Oils in the Anadarko Basin, #10774 (2015).

Mu Liu, Richard P. Philp, Ting Wang

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... the Pauls Valley-Hunton Uplift to the Anadarko Basin. This trend suggests the migration pathway is from the center of the Anadarko Basin to the Pauls Valley...


Element migration in turbidite systems: Random or systematic depositional processes?

Richard Labourdette, Martine Bez

AAPG Bulletin

... of lateral migration. (a) Amplitude map in lateral offset stacked channels. (b) Lateral and downdip migration interpretation of the amplitude time slice...


Concentration of Heavy Metals beneath the Ampar Tenang Municipal Open-Tipping Site, Selangor, Malaysia

Abdul Rahim Samsudin, Bahaa-eldin Elwali A. Rahim, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob, Abdul Ghani Rafek

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... content and migration of heavy metals in the soil beneath Ampar Tenang municipal open-tipping site. This because there is no liner to protect...


Explore New Insights in Mature Basin Using Play Based Exploration and Common Risk Segment Map: A Case Study of Sunda Basin, Indonesia

Belmesty Kamila, Iin Muhsinah, Endro Hartanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of exploration and exploitation around 1960. The result of the evaluation is a composite CRS map of trap, reservoir, seal, and migration of Upper...



Abstract: Hydrocarbon Migration Modeling: Methodology and Applications; #90257 (2016)

Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei

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... and resisting forces, and migration pathways to provide basin-scale and regional quantitative estimation of pathway formation, amount of migrated oil...


Sequence Stratigraphy Based Mapping Technique for the Leonardian Bone Springs Pay

Arthur J. Pyron

West Texas Geological Society

... BO. This well is located in a migration pathway leading to the paleogeomorphic high, which is represented by the 2,500 ft (762 m) contour interval...


Prediction of Buried-Hill Productive Carbonate Reservoirs Using Electrical and Acoustic Image Logs, Ordovician Formation, China (I)

Feng-Ming Zhou, Zhao-Wei Si, Fa-Wu Lin, De-Fang Liu, Da-Li Wang, Xian-Ran Zhao, Ping Yan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) and secondary (vug and fracture) porosity systems, major faults as migration pathways, and abundant minor faults within the reservoirs. The major risk...


Characterizing the Spatial Distribution of an Undiscovered Hydrocarbon Resource: The Keg River Reef Play, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Zhuoheng Chen, Kirk Osadetz, Haiyu Gao, Peter Hannigan, Cameron Watson

CSPG Bulletin

.... The construction of a favorability map, using a combination of the posterior probability map of hydrocarbon occurrence and the volumetric variable...


The effects of salt evolution, structural development, and fault propagation on Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oil migration: A two-dimensional fluid-flow study along a megaregional profile in the northern Gulf of Mexico Basin

S. Cheree Stover, Shemin Ge, Paul Weimer, Barry C. McBride

AAPG Bulletin

...The effects of salt evolution, structural development, and fault propagation on Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic oil migration: A two-dimensional fluid-flow...


Indication of origin and distribution of coalbed gas from stable isotopes of gas and coproduced water in Fukang area of Junggar Basin, China

Qiong Wang, Hao Xu, Dazhen Tang, Shuguang Yang, Gang Wang, Pengfei Ren, Wenyang Dong, and Jingzhen Guo

AAPG Bulletin

... the migration of CBG, especially in low- to medium-rank coal reservoirs (Scott, 2002; Kinnon et al., 2010; Xin et al., 2019). The composition and isotopes...


Gippsland Basin Stratigraphic and CO2 Migration Modelling: Workflows for Building Regional, Geological Carbon Storage (GCS) Reservoir Models

John Miranda, Rami Eid, Mark McLean, Geoffrey O'Brien, Cedric Griffths, Chris Dyt, Tristan Salles, Peter Tingate, Louise Goldie Divko, Monica Campi

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... Basin location map showing the total area modelled by Sedsim (red box) and the wells used to assist in the construction and evaluation of the model...


Fault and Fracture Control of Fluid and Diagenesis Around the Iberia Salt Dome, Iberia Parish, Louisiana

W. Lee Esch , Jeffrey S. Hanor

GCAGS Transactions

... pathway for vertical fluid migration around salt domes (Hanor, 1987). The research described here is part of a study designed to identify potential...


Characterization of Carriers for Hydrocarbon Migration: An Example from the Dongying Sag, Bohai Bar Basin, China; #120136 (2013)

Xiaorong Luo, Likuan Zhang, Yuhong Lei, Guoqi Song, and Fengui Sui

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... and characterization of pathway heterogeneity of secondary hydrocarbon migration: AAPG Bulletin, v. 95/6, p. 881–898. Luo, X. R., J. Yu, L.Q. Zhang, Y. Yang...


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