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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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ABSTRACT Evaluating Salt Weld Permeability and Migration Risk, #90104 (2010)

Wagner Bryce H.

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... evaporites from between competent wall rocks. The resulting salt weld may act as either  a barrier or pathway for migration of hydrocarbons or fluids...


3D Structural Analysis of Hydrocarbon Migration in the Vulcan Sub-Basin, Timor Sea

G. Chen, K. C. Hill, N. Hoffman

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... expulsion. Conventionally, migration pathway analysis is based on the present structural geometry, which may have been deformed since the time of hydrocarbon...


Quantitative Modeling of Secondary Migration: Understanding the Origin of Natural Gas Charge of the Haynesville Formation in the Sabine Uplift Area of Louisiana and Texas

Lauri A. Burke

GCAGS Journal

... Formation. As an example migration pathway, the distance from the middle of the North Louisiana Salt Basin to the center of the Sabine Uplift...


Detecting Fault-Related Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways in Seismic Data: Implications for Fault-Seal, Pressure, and Charge Prediction

David L. Connolly, Friso Brouwer, and David Walraven

GCAGS Transactions

... fluid migration pathway detection in seismic data: American Association of Petroleum Geologists Abstracts Volume, Houston, Texas, v. 15, p. 33...


AAPG/Datapages Discovery Series No. 7: Multidimensional Basin Modeling, Chapter 15: Simple 3-D Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration

Wangen, M., T. Throndsen

AAPG Special Volumes

... rock. There is mainly vertical migration in the cells of nonreservoir rock.Figure 1. This shows the construction of the migration paths when...


Remote sensing detection of heavy oil through spectral enhancement techniques in the western slope zone of Songliao Basin, China

Guifang Zhang, Lejun Zou, Xiaohua Shen, Shanlong Lu, Changjiang Li, Hanlin Chen

AAPG Bulletin

..., Major hydrocarbon migration pathway system in western slope zone of Songliao Basin: Oil and Gas Geology, v. 25, p. 204215.Yang, W. L., R. Q. Gao, Q. F...


Paleo-environment Reconstruction of Halang Formation and Its Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Central Java Area

Hesekiel Bernando N

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of reservoirs, migration pathway, and potential trap location. Need to be mention that the migration trajectory is reconstructed using an orto-contour method...


Top Down Petroleum System Analysis: Exploiting Geospatial Patterns of Petroleum Phase and Properties, #42421 (2019).

Zhiyong He, Andrew Murray,

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... of petroleum fluids are controlled by the source rock organofacies, maturation, expulsion and pressure and temperature along migration pathway...


Chart Migrations

Frank A. Roberts

Oklahoma City Geological Society

... is at the top of the figure.) This chart is used for linear migration in two dimensions on the cross section or in three dimensions on the contour map...


Petroleum Exploration and Wrenching Model, Michigan Basin: ABSTRACT

C. E. Prouty

AAPG Bulletin

... the construction of dolomite-limestone ratio maps. Geometry of dolomite distribution patterns in Middle Devonian carbonate rocks shows close comparisons...


ABSTRACT: Developing A Regional 3D Model of Deformation in The Valley And Ridge Province, East Tennessee; #90007 (2002)

Jennifer B. Whisner, Robert D. Hatcher

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... in The Valley And Ridge Province, East Tennessee The Tennessee salient is a foreland-convex map-scale curve in the southern Appalachians extending from...


Stratigraphic Capture: A Depositional Process Facilitating Fluid and Gas Movement Between Porous and Permeable Beds

John B. Echols, Don Goddard

GCAGS Transactions

.... Faulting, as an oil migration pathway into beds of the Wilcox Group of east-central Louisiana and southwest Mississippi appears more than probable...


Migration Lag - What is it and how it affects Charge Risk and Fluid Properties, #42014 (2017).

Zhiyong He

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...Migration Lag - What is it and how it affects Charge Risk and Fluid Properties, #42014 (2017). Zhiyong He Migration Lag - What is it and how...


Challenges and opportunities in Australian greenhouse gas storage legislation: insights from the CarbonNet project

Victoria Mendes Da Costa, Victoria Fitzgerald

Australian Energy Producers Journal

.... It is an evolving landscape that CCS projects navigate as they progress down the regulatory pathway. When CarbonNet undertook its initial regulatory map­ ping...


Abstract: Advances and Perspectives on Stratigraphic Trap Exploration-Making the Subtle Trap Obvious; #90317 (2018)

John Dolson, Kurt Marfurt, Zhiyong He, Brian W. Horn

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... of column height for a given fluid phase can reveal multiple potential stratigraphic traps along a migration pathway. Hydrodynamic trapping can also...


Tracking Migration by Molecular Geotracers in Comparison with Other Geochemical Properties, Summan Exploration Area, Northeast Saudi Arabia

Khaled R. Arouri, Yunlai Yang, Donald H. Williams, Saroj K. Panda, Adnan Hajji

AAPG Special Volumes

... accumulations along migration pathways. Figure 1. Location map of the northeastern part of Saudi Arabia. Fields analyzed in this study (boxed) are located...


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