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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

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Hydrocarbon Generation

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4D Understanding of the Evolution of the Penal Barrackpore Anticline, Southern Sub-Basin, Trinidad

Xavier Moonan

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... and as such serves as a migration pathway for hydrocarbons into the Middle Miocene reservoirs. More importantly, ME2 separates the developed field from...


Uses of Satellite Image, Magnetic and Gravimetric Analysis for Early Identification of Fault Reactivation Risk - Application to the Utica Field, Ohio, #20461 (2019).

Jordy Uzio, Antoine Bertoncello, Frederic Brigaud, Roberto Wagner, Arnaud Delpeint,

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... zone can be a major geo hazard. Faults and reactivated faults may act as migration pathway for the fracturing fluid, to lead to the contamination...


Oil vs. Gas: What are the Limits to Prospect-Level Hydrocarbon Phase Prediction?; #42513 (2020)

Andrew Murray, Zhiyong He

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.... However, we cannot be sure that phase separation accompanied by evaporative fractionation has not occurred somewhere along the migration pathway...


Active Petroleum System in the Penyu Basin: Exploration Potential Syn-Rift and Basement-Drape Plays

Nuryoko Haribowo, Suzannah Carmody, Jeres Cherdasa

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... (pseudowell Jemaja West-1). Present day migration (orthocontour) maps of the Upper Gabus reservoir suggest that the main migration pathway from the Belut...


Refinement of Radiometric Analysis: Case Study Dongara Area of Onshore Western Australia; #42514 (2020)

Afif Arbi, Ronald W. Klusman

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..., an indication of an active migration pathway ❑ Radiometric mapping did not extend to the well Demonstrates capability of ARAD technique to map only...


Determination of Flow Potential from Oil Reservoirs to Underground Sources of Drinking Water in the San Juan Basin, New Mexico

Robert C. Laudon, Don L. Warner, Leonard F. Koederitz, Shari Dunn-Norman

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... are then compared against USDW heads, and residuals are generated either graphically (using map overlays) or by subtracting grids on a computer and contouring...


Hunting for NULFs

John Dolson

GEO ExPro Magazine

... younger geoscientists are even aware of these papers or understand how to distinguish a show along a migration pathway from live oil within an accumulation...


Three-dimensional geologic model of southeastern Tertiary coastal-plain sediments, Savannah River Site, South Carolina: An applied geostatistical approach for environmental applications

Guillaume A. Jean, Jeffrey M. Yarus, Gregory P. Flach, Margaret R. Millings, Mary K. Harris, Richard L. Chambers, Frank H. Syms

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... in identifying preferential pathways for contaminant migration from the SRS F-area seepage basins. However, further analysis using a numerical solute transport...


The Formation of Advancing Pockmarks Arrays: An Interplay between Hydrocarbon Leakage and Slope Sedimentation; #50592 (2012)

Sutieng Ho, Joe Cartwright, and Patrice Imbert

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... of migrating stratal packages which represent episodes of infill; i.e., where apices are laterally offset by hundred(s) of meters. Migration occurs...


New Seep Technology

Thomas Smith

GEO ExPro Magazine

... provides an indication of seepage and migration pathways. However, better resolution is often needed to distinguish routine bathymetric features...


Prestack Depth Imaging Within the Makassar Straits, Eastern Kalimantan, Indonesia

Chris Willacy, Suryadi Oemar, A. Edy Hermantoro, Paul Gilleran

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... was designed to test the suitability of using prestack depth migration in an area dominated by overthrust geology and at water depths in excess of 2000m...


Structural Style of the Southern Province of West Sulawesi Fault Thrust Belt, and Its Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration, Makassar Strait, Indonesia

Hesekiel Bernando N, Indra Wahyudi, RM Iman Argakoesoemah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... section with en-echelon pattern as the migration pathway in vertical direction to the younger trap. Meanwhile in the intra compartment where the supra...


Seepage pathway assessment for natural gas to shallow groundwater during well stimulation, in production, and after abandonment

Maurice Dusseault and Richard Jackson

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... with respect to future gas migration. The pathway outside the casing is of particular concern as it likely leads to many wells leaking natural gas from...


Abstract: Assessing the Significance of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Vapour Migration into a Building with an Earthen Basement: A Case Study

Tai Tang Oh

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Abstract: Assessing the Significance of Subsurface Hydrocarbon Vapour Migration into a Building with an Earthen Basement: A Case Study Tai Tang Oh...


Abstract: An Improved Geochemical and Biomarker Tracing to Determine a Migration Pathway and Reservoir Compartmentalization: A Case Study in Tangai-Sukananti Field, Talang Akar Formation, South Sumatera Basin, Indonesia; #91204 (2023)

Endang Sutrisna, Andri Luthfi Hakim, Hafizh Zakyan, M. Safii, Santy G. Dyandra

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...Abstract: An Improved Geochemical and Biomarker Tracing to Determine a Migration Pathway and Reservoir Compartmentalization: A Case Study in Tangai...


Volcanostratigraphy of Submarine Volcano Kumbang Fm. in Capar Area, Kuningan: Implication to Potential Volcano-Clastic Play in West Java Basin

Zikri Ramadhan Sulistyo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... as lateral migration pathway for hydrocarbon migration from Halang Fm to Kumbang Fm, instead of definite precondition. The objectives of this study...


Geochemical and Hydrologic Characterization to Identify the Source of Low Level Benzene in the Chicot Aquifer Groundwater

Henry B. Kerfoot, Warren Brady, Bill Schramm, Mark A. Allendorf

GCAGS Transactions

... and landfill gas collection systems, and daily cover or final cover systems. The site routinely monitors for landfill gas migration in perimeter landfill gas...


Mechanisms for oil depletion and enrichment on the Shijiutuo uplift, Bohai Bay Basin, China

Fang Hao, Xinhuai Zhou, Yangming Zhu, Yuanyuan Yang

AAPG Bulletin

... associations of crude oil and source rock samples were analyzed, and three-dimensional migration pathway modeling was conducted to investigate the origin...


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