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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 32,786 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Fracture Identification and Geomorphic Structures Applied to Hazardous Waste Disposal and Other Environmental Projects

Santiago M. Reynolds

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... Disposable Waste Sites on the surface or subsurface and their remedial problems, Water Management, and Construction of Atomic or Industrial Plants. VERTICAL...


Adventures in groundwater monitoring: Why has it been so difficult to obtain groundwater data near shale gas wells?

Daniel J. Soeder

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

...; Brantley et al., 2014), but such reports are not especially helpful for defining the mechanisms of release or the migration pathway of the contaminants...


Basin Modeling for Genesis and Migration Pattern Determination of Oil and Gas in Musi and Surrounding Area, South Sumatra Basin

Fendy Kusdiantoro, Donatus Hendra Amijaya, Jarot Setyowiyoto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to construct and perform both 1D and 2D basin modelling. Three 1D models, six 2D models, a hydrocarbon migration map and one hydrocarbon trapping...


Subsurface Structure and Stratigraphy of a Transient, Fault-Controlled Thermogenic Hydrate System at MC-118, Gulf of Mexico, #50356 (2010)

James H. Knapp, Camelia C. Knapp, Leonardo Macelloni, Antonello Simonetti, Carol Lutken

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... with relatively undisturbed sedimentation – fluid migration to mounds is probably very young MC-118 Location Map • Mid-slope of GOM • Area heavily...


Log Map, New Type of Subsurface Map

T. H. Bower

AAPG Bulletin

... on the correlation of the electrical profiles of lithological sequences. This method was used in the construction of the log map (Fig. 2) of the basal 586...


Potentiality of clays in the Kharga-Dakhla land stretch as a natural landfill liner in a hyperarid region

Ashraf M. El Maghraby, Ahmed M. El Kammar, Mohamed S. Mabrouk

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... of faults and fractures in the area of the landfill can provide a pathway for leachate and gas migration and present difficulties in predicting...


Chapter 12: Increasing Interpreter Capability in Structurally Complex Settings through Combined Fieldwork, Interpretation, and Geocellular Modeling

John G. Solum, Stephen J. Jolley, Benjamin D. Meyer

AAPG Special Volumes

... Geological Survey Geologic Map 180, 1:100000. Eichhubl, P., Davatzes, N.C., Becker, S.P., 2009, Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration...


Abstract: A Geological Exploration Model for Offstructure Gas Accumulations in Geopressured Lower Miocene Sandstones, Offshore Texas

Charles Brewster , Charles Sharpe , Sharon Landeche , Lori Hathon , Bob Klein

GCAGS Transactions

... prite, ankerite and quartz mineralization. Samples showing such mineralization may be considered migration pathway indicators and thus high grade areas...


Methods and challenges to locating legacy wells in western Pennsylvania: Case study at Hillman State Park

James I. Sams III, Garret A. Veloski, J. Rodney Diehl, and Richard W. Hammack

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

... abandoned without effective plugging. Now, unplugged legacy wells may serve as vertical migration pathways for fluids and gas associated with modern oil...


Applications of Geochemical Data to Modelling Sediment Dispersal Patterns in Distal Turbidites: Late Quaternary of the Madeira Abyssal Plain

T. J. Pearce, I. Jarvis

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... of coarse-grained sands along a direct channellized pathway onto the MAP. At the same time, the predominately muddy main body of the flow travelled...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum System Modeling and Hydrocarbon Prediction of the Gulf Mexican Ridges

Joel Lara, Claudia Barrera-Ortiz, Juan R. Román-Ramos

GCAGS Transactions

... a possible Upper Jurassic source rock. An efficient migration pathway in the Mexican Ridges is a fault set, allowing the flow of hydrocarbons toward...


ABSTRACT: Migration Pathways in the Colville Basin, Northern Alaska: Geochemical Constraints on Fluid Flow Simulations; #90013 (2003)

Jeffrey A. Nunn, Jeffrey S. Hanor, Youngmin Lee

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...ABSTRACT: Migration Pathways in the Colville Basin, Northern Alaska: Geochemical Constraints on Fluid Flow Simulations; #90013 (2003) Jeffrey A. Nunn...


ABSTRACT: Petroleum Geology of the Oil and Gas Commercial Discoveries in Spanish Basins: Onshore Cantabrian basin; #90017 (2003)

G. Abeger, A. Jimenez Fernandez, A. Serrano, S. Quesada, T. Vallaure, J. Varela, W. Martinez del Olmo

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...) Migration pathway: lateral short migration from the adjacent depocenters and perhaps minor vertical charge. We think the local and isolated Ayoluengo...


Field Wide Formation Pressure Gradient and Fracture Pressure Characterization: Abstract

S. Sarkar, D. E. Moore, H. E. Goodman

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... sonic curves according to depth. Offset well open hole sonic log calibration permits pore pressure overlay construction using the ITT data set...


Abstract: Radon surveys as part of the North American Soil Geochemical Landscape Project and a Health Canada sponsored radon/thoron survey in the urban environment

A. G. Pronk, Jing Chen, Michael A. Parkhill, Rex Boldon, Marc Desrosiers

Atlantic Geology

.... This data will aide in the compilation of a radon potential map for Canada. With a little over 100 sites randomly selected and covering all of New...


The Role of Mass Wasting In the Progressive Development Of Submarine Channels (Espírito Santo Basin, Se Brazil)

Yongpeng Qin, Tiago M. Alves, José Constantine, Davide Gamboa

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... pathway for turbidity flows, which were captured by its headwall and lateral margins. The interpreted data show that the captured turbidity flows...


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