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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,765 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
ABSTRACT: A Composite Model for Assessing Subsurface Transport of Oily Wastes: Verification and Site Application, by S. Panday, Y. S. Wu, P. S. Huyakorn, S. C. Wade, and Z. A. Saleem; #91019 (1996)
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ABSTRACT: Depth Conversion: Application and Verification of Depth Conversion of 3D and 2D Seismic Data - Case Histories, by J. E. LaFrenier and J. Dunkelberg; #91021 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: Pore Pressure Controls on the Origin of Regional Fractures: Experimental Verification of a Model, by D. Rhett; #90906(2001)
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ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of North La Barge Field, Sublette County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003)
Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Thais A. Guirigay, Neil F. Hurley
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.... The first step required the loading and verification of a 3-D seismic model based on previously interpreted horizons and faults. After that, a velocity...
Visual Navigation Precision Drilling Technology under Channel Deposit Environment
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Source to Seep - A Novel Calibration Domain Concept for Petroleum Systems Models
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ABSTRACT: Simulation and Verification of Poststack Seismic Data of Fluid- and Solid-filled Reservoirs; Case Study: Southern North Sea; #90115 (2010)
Aaron E. Auduson, Rob J. Arts, and Andries Wever
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...ABSTRACT: Simulation and Verification of Poststack Seismic Data of Fluid- and Solid-filled Reservoirs; Case Study: Southern North Sea; #90115 (2010...
Abstract: Climate Model Prediction of Petroleum Source Rocks, by E. J. Barron; #90987 (1993).
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Characteristics of Microzonation Modelling in Reservoir Evaluation
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Abstract: Two-Phase Flow within Geological Flow Analogies –a Computational Study
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ABSTRACT: Groundwater Flow in the Sullivan Flats Basin Near Niarada, Flathead Indian Reservation, Montana
David W. Briar
Montana Geological Society
.... Steady-state and transient seasonal flow in the Sullivan Flats aquifer was simulated after successful calibration and verification...
ABSTRACT: Rendering Uncertainty in Rocks and Fluids: Stochastic Integration and Inversion in CO2 Plume and Rock-Volume Prediction and Mapping; #90061 (2006)
S. Julio Friedmann, Abelardo Ramirez, Roger Aines, and Kathy Dyer
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... National Laboratory, Livermore, CA Reservoir simulation, flow-front monitoring, and verification of CO2 remains important subsurface tasks for geological...
ABSTRACT An Integrated Model for Basin-Scale and Plume-Scale Processes Related to Full-Scale Employment of CO2 Storage: The Illinois Basin as an Example, #90103 (2010)
Jens T. Birkholzer, Quanlin Zhou
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...ABSTRACT An Integrated Model for Basin-Scale and Plume-Scale Processes Related to Full-Scale Employment of CO2 Storage: The Illinois Basin...
Artificial Neural Networks May Help Predicting Abnormal Pressures in the Anadarko Basin, by Constantin Cranganu; #90052 (2006)
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Geomechanics to Solve Structure Related Issues in Petroleum Reservoirs, by Laurent Maerten, #40262 (2007).
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Abstract: A Strategy for Near-Surface Model Construction and Subsurface Structural Discrimination, by P. I. Pecholcs and G. Costas; #90942 (1997).
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Abstract: The Aliso Canyon Gas Storage Field 3-D Geologic Model, Los Angeles, County, California, by D. S. Kunitomi and C. Ikonte; #90904 (2001)
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ABSTRACT: Guarumen-Carora, New Frontiers in Search for Hydrocarbons, by Nestor A. Chigne; #91038 (2010)
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ABSTRACT: The Modernization of Old Log Suites; #90013 (2003)
Steven M. Goolsby, Mark H. Franklin
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... in the 1950’s and is currently undergoing water encroachment. Populating a reservoir simulation model with porosity and permeability data for each well...
ABSTRACT The Laboratory and Analytical Method to Predict the Optimal Pressure for CO2 Injection into the Geologic Formation, #90103 (2010)
Lukasz Habera
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... Habera AAPG/SEG/SPE HEDBERG CONFERENCE “Geological Carbon Sequestration: Prediction and Verification” August 16-19, 2009 – Vancouver, BC Canada...
ABSTRACT CO2-PENS: Development of a Spatially Coherent System-Level Modeling Tool for Performance Assessment of Geologic Carbon Dioxide Sequestration, #90103 (2010)
Philip H. Stauffer, Rajesh J. Pawar, Bruce C. Lettelier, Hari S. Viswanathan, Dean L. Sanzo, Gordon N. Keating
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... "Geological Carbon Sequestration: Prediction and Verification" August 16-19, 2009 – Vancouver, BC, Canada CO2-PENS: Development of a Spatially...
Abstract: Prediction of Porosity in Permian (Zechstein 2) Carbonate Rocks of Eastern Netherlands from Seismic Data, by G. T. Maureau, D. H. Van Wijhe; #90961 (1978).
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Abstract: Stochastic Inversion as a Part of Static Model Building (Paper 36)
Miltos Xynogalas
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...Abstract: Stochastic Inversion as a Part of Static Model Building (Paper 36) Miltos Xynogalas 291 Paper 36 Stochastic inversion as a part of static...