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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,661 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Utilizing Machine Learning to Improve Reserves Estimation and Production Forecasting Accuracy
Ashutosh Sharma, Ishank Gupta, Thai Phi, Shubhranshu Ashesh, Ram Kumar, Fabio German Borgogno
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... model. A hybrid DCA-ML approach helps develop consistent forecasting methodology and generate reliable forecasts based on reservoir properties...
Elastic reverse-time migration without wavefield decomposition
Daiguang Li, Shengchang Chen
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... of the reflectivity of the subsurface elastic interface using primarily reflected waves and primarily converted waves given a smooth migration model...
Novel forward seismic modeling using the integration of Schmidt hammer and LiDAR: Example McKittrick Canyon Permian Reef Trail outcrop, Guadalupe National Park, Texas
Zhuobo Wang, John Pigott, Chenxi Xu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... and petrophysical framework along the Permian Reef trail at McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupian Mountain National Park. The stratigraphic model is established...
InvMixer An efficient deep neural network for seismic inversion
Tianyi Zhang, Mauricio Araya-Polo, Anshumali Shrivastava
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
..., or model size. Distributed training with only a few GPUs will not suffice. Advancements in scaling up DL training would greatly benefit...
Fault intersection and induced seismicity: The effects on the induced stress field and the dynamic rupture, and their implications
Jingming Ruan, Ranajit Ghose, Wim Mulder
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the seismic event. We simulate the induced stress field in a uniformly depleted reservoir. During this stage, the model is considered stable, and the stress...
Diffraction amplitudes as a quantitative fracture property interpretation tool
Donald C. Adams, César Barajas-Olalde, Nourelhouda Benouadah, Trevor L. Richards, Bethany A. Kurz
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... software tool used to create the models and a step-by-step increase in the complexity of the model building. This approach started with homogeneous...
Integration of Seismic Attributte and Sedimentation Concept for Paleogeographic and Sand Distribution Modeling in Seng-Segat Field, Bentu Block, Central Sumatra Basin
Afrizon Setiawan, Ronald Siregar, Dhimas Arief, Syahrial Rakimi, Arifin Sodli, Radig Wisnu Y, Hendarman
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... and sedimentation patterns, which were used to build the B-5 and B-6 sand geometry and distribution model. The Binio Formation is the main biogenic gas...
High Resolution Seismic Data Derived From Prestack Inversion and Machine Learning to Accurately Position Horizontal Wells in the Midland Basin, Texas
Robert Meek, Buzz Davis, Hector Bello
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and pilot wells are used to determine an accurate depth and facies model of the subsurface. Carbonate debris flows need to be accurately mapped...
HPHT Sour Gas Field Evaluation and Optimisation Through Rate Transient Analysis and Network Modeling: A Case Study
A. Hidayat, D.H. Febrianto, E. Wijayanti, D. Nurhajj, A. Sujai
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... analysis, flowing material balance, rate transient and history matching of dynamic model analysis. To enhance gas deliverability, the production network...
Enhancing Geostatistical Simulation using Additional Constrained Trend from Seismic-Derived Physical Parametere for a Quantitative and Geologically Reasonable Sand Facies Distribution Model at Fluvial Environment
Satrio Prianda, David Christian Karel Alfons, Andrean Satria
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Reasonable Sand Facies Distribution Model at Fluvial Environment Satrio Prianda, David Christian Karel Alfons, Andrean Satria IPA19-SG-556 PROCEEDINGS...
Abstract: Reservoir Properties from Unbiased Seismic Inversion, by Huseyin Ozdemir; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Joint PP and PS AVO Inversion Based on Zeopprtiz Equations; #90171 (2013)
Tiansheng Chen and Xiucheng Wei
Search and Discovery.com
... (the model parameters vector) are chosen P = [α1 , α 2 , β1 , β 2 , ρ1 , ρ 2 ] (Larsen,1999).As we all know, reflection coefficient of PP and PS...
Abstract: Joint PP and PS AVO Inversion Based on Zeopprtiz Equations; #90171 (2013)
Tiansheng Chen and Xiucheng Wei
Search and Discovery.com
... (the model parameters vector) are chosen P = [α1 , α 2 , β1 , β 2 , ρ1 , ρ 2 ] (Larsen,1999).As we all know, reflection coefficient of PP and PS...
Abstract: Re-establishment of Gradient in Frequency-domain Elastic Waveform Inversion; #90174 (2014)
Ju-Won Oh, Dong-Joo Min, and Felix J. Herrmann
Search and Discovery.com
... by the backpropagated residuals. Numerical examples for the simple rectangular-shaped model and the modified version of the Marmousi-2 model show...
Predicting Stress and Fracture Orientations with Geomechanical Reservoir Models - Lessons Learned from a Case Study, by A. Frischbutter and A. Henk, #40596 (2010).
Search and Discovery.com
Calibrated Basin Modelling to Understand Hydrocarbon Distribution in Barmer Basin, India, #10448 (2012)
Bodapati N. Naidu, Vachaspati Kothari, Nicholas J. Whiteley, Joel Guttormsen, Stuart D. Burley
Search and Discovery.com
... basin model, which incorporates a set of gross depositional environment maps (GDE) for source (Barmer Hill and Dharvi Dungar), reservoirs (Fatehgarh...
3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model in Bentu Block Central Sumatra Basin; #41105 (2012)
Wawan A. Behaki, Aldyth Sukapradja, Ronald C. Siregar, Radig Wisnu Y, Setiabundi Djaelani, and Benny A. Sjafwan
Search and Discovery.com
...3D Pore Pressure Prediction Model in Bentu Block Central Sumatra Basin; #41105 (2012) Wawan A. Behaki, Aldyth Sukapradja, Ronald C. Siregar, Radig...
Incorporating Complex Geology in Basin Models: Example from a Forearc Basin; San Joaquin Valley, California; #41949 (2016)
Lisa Alpert, Carolyn Lampe
Search and Discovery.com
... 3D petroleum systems model of the San Joaquin basin, published by the USGS in 2008, we further refine the modeling to account for the unique...
A Holistic Approach to Model-Building in and Around Injectites: A Case-Study Offshore Norway, , #42193 (2018).
Victoria Valler, Nathan Payne, Thomas Hallett, Marcin Kobylarski, Girish Venkatraman, Jochen Rappke, Dirk Fairclough
Search and Discovery.com
...A Holistic Approach to Model-Building in and Around Injectites: A Case-Study Offshore Norway, , #42193 (2018). Victoria Valler, Nathan Payne, Thomas...
Geomechanical Behavior of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Reservoir During Gas Production; #42428 (2019)
Shun Uchida, Yongkoo Seol, Koji Yamamoto
Search and Discovery.com
.... Therefore, it is crucial for accurate deformation prediction to adopt a soil model that captures the behavior of gas hydrate-bearing sediments...
Seismic Models of a Shelf-margin Depositional Sequence: Upper San Andres Formation, Last Chance Canyon, New Mexico
Jan Stafleu , Mark D. Sonnenfeld
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of subsidiary high-frequency sequences (fifth-order). Two alternative impedance models were used: Model A, in which all facies transitions are reflecting...
A Field Guide to Allegheny Deltaic Deposits in the Upper Ohio Valley
J. C. Ferm, Louisiana State UniversityV. V. Cavaroc, Jr., Louisiana State University
Ohio Geological Society
... Concepts 1 Applications of the "Delta" Model 3...
Fate and Transport Modeling with American Petroleum Institute Decision Support System Applied in a Site Assessment for Residual Crude Oil in Unconsolidated Sediments: Case Study in Kern County, California
Leslie A. Klinchuch, James M. Waldron
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
... for the saturated zone. The SESOIL model is calibrated using actual soil moisture measurements and groundwater recharge estimates based on applied...
New Insights in the Evaluation of Reserves of Selected Wells of the Pletmos Basin Offshore South Africa
Samir Elamri, Mimonitu Opuwari
Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016
... is to create a 3-D-static model and estimate hydrocarbon reserves. Based on log signatures, petrophysical properties and structural configurations...
ABSTRACT: Squeezing every drop out of a new OBN dataset (Columbus Basin, Trinidad & Tobago)
Avinash Ramroopsing
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... operational safety to this uncalibrated stratigraphy remained low. A focused effort to further improve the velocity model, was kicked off six months after...