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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,765 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Treatment Order is the Cheapest and Easiest Change to Make Better Wells
Jonathan P. McKenna
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is analyzed to provide further verification of the time-dependent process. Increased stresses from previous treatments remain elevated for ~7 days...
The Recent Bukit Tinggi Earthquakes and Their Relationship to Major Geological Structures
Mustaffa Kamal Shuib
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... of the surface (topography, SRTM digital elevation model, and aerial photos), and have been subject to rigorous verification with field-mapped fault data...
Eocene Fossil Lake: The Green River Formation of Fossil Basin, Southwestern Wyoming
H. Paul Buchheim, Hans P. Eugster
Utah Geological Association
... of saline fluctuations and a detailed depositional model. Mullens (1977) provides references for many other studies of Green River Formation depositional...
A Geological Evaluation of Jurassic Shale Oil Plays in Southern England.
Christopher Iwobi, Stephen More, Jan Major, Iris Verhagen, Scott Brindle, Romain Reboul, Dave O'Connor
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...ructural information from multi-client databases and public sources. The palaeo-water depth was provided from in-house plate model and paleoge...
The Role of Salt Marsh Erosion in Barrier Island Evolution and Deterioration in Coastal Louisiana
Denise J. Reed
GCAGS Transactions
... Report GL-87-13. Mendelssohn, I. A. and K. L. McKee, 1987. Experimental field and greenhouse verification of the influence of saltwater intrusion...
Simulation of Petroleum Migration in Fine-Grained Rock by Upscaling Relative Permeability Curves: The Malvinas Basin, Offshore Argentina
Andre Vayssaire
AAPG Special Volumes
...:10.1306/06300403048.Luo, X. R., F. Q. Zhang, S. Miao, W. M. Wang, Y. Z. Huang, D. Loggia, and G. Vasseur, 2004, Experimental verification of oil...
Rb-sr Whole-rock Geochronology and Clay Mineralogy of the Madera Formation Near Albuquerque, New Mexico
B. Mukhopadhyay , D. G. Brookins
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that this boundary is at the top of the Madera Formation. A model age of 1,430 m.y. has been calculated for the source rocks of the Madera Formation. Available...
A Process for Primary Migration of Petroleum
E. E. Bray, W. R. Foster
AAPG Bulletin
...A Process for Primary Migration of Petroleum E. E. Bray, W. R. Foster 1980 107 114 64 1. (January) Experimental data support a model migration...
The Potential Use of Biogeochemistry in the Detection of Petroleum Microseepage (1)
AAPG Bulletin
... elements. Both relative changes in concentration should be observed in order to have increased confidence in the model. Dalziel and Donovan (1980...
A GIS Approach to the Geology, Production, and Growth of the Barnett Shale Play in Newark East Field, North Texas, by Rick Gonzalez, #40147 (2005).
Search and Discovery.com
Geochemical sequestration reactions within the Lamotte Sandstone at five different locations in Missouri
Nelson Rono, Richard Biagioni, Charles Rovey II, Melida Gutierrez
Environmental Geosciences (DEG)
.... Model results include equilibrium values for CO2 stored via solubility trapping ranging from 49-g CO2/kg free formation water in Northeast MO to 78-g...
Using Freehand Three-dimensional Drawings to Clarify and Verify Subsurface Structural Interpretations
Donald S. Stone
AAPG Special Volumes
... directed freehand drawings as a process of clarification and verification of critical 3-D structural elements in local (prospect size) subsurface...
Continuous Lookback, Calibration, and Adjustment Reduces Biases and Improves Reliability of Production Forecasts
Malik Alarfaj, Duane A. McVay
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... uncertainty. Their model estimated the monetary impact of overconfidence, i.e., underestimation of uncertainty, where the estimated distribution...
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Log Analysis: Chapter 7
John H. Doveton
AAPG Special Volumes
... paradigm is a connectionist model grounded in the findings of biological studies. Thinking and learning are considered to result from electrochemical...
Applications of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing to Improve Coal Seam Gas Drainage for the Surat and Bowen Basins, Australia
Raymond Leslie Johnson Jr., Honja Miharisoa Ramanandraibe, Ayrton Ribeiro, Matthew Ramsay, Kaa Tipene, William Corbett
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...’ to a 2D model; however, current 2D models do not adequately address poroelastic effects because of fracture interactions (Johnson, Scott, et al., 2010...
Manage the PressureDrive the Results
Christopher James Bernard, Randy Lovorn, Derrick Lewis, Emad Bakri, Saad Saeed
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., a surface-pressure set point is calculated by a hydraulic model, which receives real-time well-based information and data. The hydraulic model has...
Basin Modeling of the Upper Jurassic Petroleum Systems (Tithonian and Oxfordian) in the Akalan-Chilam Area of the Campeche Sound in the Southern Gulf of Mexico
Salvador Ortuno Arzate, Cuauhtemoc Romero Moguel, Marcelino Moreno Lopez, Marco Flores Flores
AAPG Special Volumes
..., Three-dimensional structural model of the Cantarell and Sihil structures, Campeche Bay province, Mexico: AAPG Bulletin, v. 89, p. 126.Mitra, S., J. A. D...
Fluid Dynamics of Viscous Buckling Applicable to Folding of Layered Rocks
Hans Ramberg
AAPG Bulletin
.... The welded-contact model of an embedded single layer gives a somewhat smaller wavelength/thickness ratio than the free-slip model of Biot and others...
Abstract: The Persian Gulf Holocene: A Useful Model for Ancient Carbonates
M. Malek-Aslani
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
...Abstract: The Persian Gulf Holocene: A Useful Model for Ancient Carbonates M. Malek-Aslani 1974 4 5...
A Model for Oil Exploitation in Trintoc's Point Fortin Anticlinal Area, North of the Los Bajos Fault
D.G. Charles and P. Cosgrove
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
...A Model for Oil Exploitation in Trintoc's Point Fortin Anticlinal Area, North of the Los Bajos Fault D.G. Charles and P. Cosgrove...
Hydrogeological Pseudo Model of the Manyberries Sunburst Pools of Southern Alberta
Henning Lies
CSPG Special Publications
...Hydrogeological Pseudo Model of the Manyberries Sunburst Pools of Southern Alberta Henning Lies 1996 172 173...
Cool-Water Carbonates: Exploration Model for Paleozoic Limestones
T. D. Boreen, N. P. James
CSPG Special Publications
...Cool-Water Carbonates: Exploration Model for Paleozoic Limestones T. D. Boreen, N. P. James 1994 377 377...
3-D Velocity Model Building via Iterative One-Pass Depth Migration
I.F. Jones
CSPG Special Publications
...3-D Velocity Model Building via Iterative One-Pass Depth Migration I.F. Jones 1994 54 55...
Universal 4D Tectonic Model for Evolution of Foreland Thrust-Fold Belts
Maks M. Posavec
CSPG Special Publications
...Universal 4D Tectonic Model for Evolution of Foreland Thrust-Fold Belts Maks M. Posavec 1997 226 226...
Sequence-Stratigraphic Model that Works! (Sometimes)
Doug Cant, Ashton Embry
CSPG Special Publications
...Sequence-Stratigraphic Model that Works! (Sometimes) Doug Cant, Ashton Embry 1997 52 52...