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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,765 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: ZOEI, a Computer Model to Calculate the Zone of Endangering Influence of Class II Injection Wells, by B. Langhus and A. Snider; #90921 (1999).
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ABSTRACT: The Use of Forward Stratigraphic Modelling for Reservoir Characterisation, by E. Paraschivoiu; #90909 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: 3-D Fluvial Model for Stratigraphic Prediction, by Timothy A. Cross and Dwaine Edington; #90913(2000).
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Abstract: Comprehensive Reservoir Modeling of a Mature, Geologically Complex Reservoir, by R. Pawar; #90911 (2000)
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Abstract: A Simple Mathematical Model to Predict Waterflooding for Reservoirs under Bottom-Water Conditions, by E. Sharif; #90911 (2000)
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Abstract: A New Model for Forecasting Rate and Genetic Algorithm for the Parameters Estimation, by G. Wang; #90911 (2000)
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ABSTRACT: Strain Localization Finite Element Models for Fracture Prediction, by Nigel G. Higgs; #90906(2001)
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Abstract: Development of a Mechanical Earth Model for Qatari Reservoirs, by Megha Mohan; #90077 (2008)
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Abstract: Building a 3D Model for Vaca Muerta Shale Exploration and Development, by Sergio Lopez; #90165 (2013)
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A Tectonic Model for the Phanerozoic Evolution of Southeast Asia in a Global Framework Using Rigid Tectonic Reconstructions
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A Time-Transgressive Model for the Burnt Bluff Group: New Insights from Outcrop and Subsurface Samples
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Three-Dimensional Modeling of Carbonate Reservoir in the Permian Basin
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Real-Time Updating of 3d Reservoir Model Structural Frameworks
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A PDE based model of artificial gas lift, its novel solution by the plastic bag algorithm and application in real-time simulator
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Wolfcamp Geochemistry and 3-D Basin Model of the Midland Basin
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Geological Techniques to Model Rock Conductivity
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ABSTRACT: Developing A Regional 3D Model of Deformation in The Valley And Ridge Province, East Tennessee; #90007 (2002)
Jennifer B. Whisner, Robert D. Hatcher
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...ABSTRACT: Developing A Regional 3D Model of Deformation in The Valley And Ridge Province, East Tennessee; #90007 (2002) Jennifer B. Whisner, Robert D...
ABSTRACT: A 2-D Petroleum System Modeling for Compressive and Extensional Terrains; #90013 (2003)
Carmen Piemonti, Enrique Novoa
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... This paper presents a computer program that allows geoscientists to model in 2-D deformation, source rock evolution and diagenesis in sandstone...
ABSTRACT: The Huesca Project: Integrated Sedimentary Architecture Modeling of a Low Net-to-Gross Fluvial Succession; #90013 (2003)
Marinus E. Donselaar, Cees R. Geel
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... for the construction and sensitivity analysis of a 3-D sedimentary architecture model of a low net-to-gross fluvial succession. The Huesca Fluvial Fan (Miocene, Ebro...
ABSTRACT: Reservoir Characterization and Modeling, North Blowhorn Creek Oil Field, Lamar County, Alabama; #90013 (2003)
Brian Panetta
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... model interpreted the sandstone as having been deposited in a distal bar to distributary channel environment. The second interpreted the Carter...
ABSTRACT: Fluvial Process-Based Stochastic Model Outputs of the Almedina Outcrop (Triassic, Central Spain); #90013 (2003)
Isabelle Cojan, Simon Lopez, Jacques Rivoirard
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...ABSTRACT: Fluvial Process-Based Stochastic Model Outputs of the Almedina Outcrop (Triassic, Central Spain); #90013 (2003) Isabelle Cojan, Simon Lopez...
ABSTRACT: Model Automated Informatics (MAI) Determination of Reservoir Location and Characteristics; #90013 (2003)
Jejung Lee, Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmad, Kagan Tuncay, Anthony J. Park, John Comer, John Rupp, Peter Ortoleva
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...ABSTRACT: Model Automated Informatics (MAI) Determination of Reservoir Location and Characteristics; #90013 (2003) Jejung Lee, Abdallah Sayyed-Ahmad...
ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of Big Piney Field, Sublette County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003)
Thais A. Guirigay, Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Neil F. Hurley
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...ABSTRACT: 3-D Seismic-Geologic Model of Big Piney Field, Sublette County, Wyoming; #90013 (2003) Thais A. Guirigay, Rafael R. Sanguinetti, Neil F...
ABSTRACT: Quantification of Model Uncertainty by Automated Calibration of Dynamic Models to Multiple Geostatistical Realizations; #90013 (2003)
Fletcher Bennett
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...ABSTRACT: Quantification of Model Uncertainty by Automated Calibration of Dynamic Models to Multiple Geostatistical Realizations; #90013 (2003...
ABSTRACT: Tectonostratigraphy of foreland basins: the Upper Cretaceous in the Greater Green River Basin, southwestern Wyoming; #90018 (2003)
Hongjun Luo
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...-phase wedge-shaped stratigraphic model, ignoring the other parts of a complete foreland basin. The load caused by the formation of triangle zones has...