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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 54,765 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Abstract: Post-stack Inversion of the Hussar Low Frequency Seismic Data; #90187 (2014)
Patricia E. Gavotti, Don C. Lawton, Gary F. Margrave, and J. Helen Isaac
Search and Discovery.com
... tested with the 3-5 Hz model being selected as the optimum. The resultant impedance reflects lateral changes that were not present in the initial...
Maximizing Image Data to Minimize the Uncertainty of the Geological Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing; #41958 (2016)
Shenzhuan Li, Lingge Meng, Hongjie Gong, Xiangmin Meng, Hongyong Ji, Adrian Morales, Haipeng Zhao, Yuxi Wang, Xianran Zhao, Peiwu Liu
Search and Discovery.com
...Maximizing Image Data to Minimize the Uncertainty of the Geological Model for Horizontal Well Fracturing; #41958 (2016) Shenzhuan Li, Lingge Meng...
Visco-Acoustic Full-Waveform Inversion: A Case Study to Resolve High-Resolution Shallow Channel Absorption, Offshore Indonesia
Jun Wang, Yonghe Guo, Putri Supriandini, Kelik Moersidin, Rahmad Hidayat
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... INTRODUCTION Image distortion due to gas-filled shallow channels poses challenges to velocity model building. The slow velocity and strong...
Annual Meeting in Denver, CO. June 3-6, 2001, - Abstracts, #90906 (2001).
Search and Discovery.com
A Numerical Model of Grand Canyon
Henry N. Pollack
Four Corners Geological Society
...A Numerical Model of Grand Canyon Henry N. Pollack 1969 61 62 Briggs, L. I., and H. N. Pollack, 1967, Digital Model of Evaporite Sedimentation...
Abstract: A Stratigraphic Inverse Simulation Model, by M. A. Lessenger and T. A. Cross; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Inversion of Magnetotelluric (MT) Data with Enhanced Structural Fidelity, #42333 (2018).
Federico Golfre Andreasi, Simone Re, Federico Ceci, Luca Masnaghetti
Search and Discovery.com
.... Unfortunately, these techniques lack the resolution required to infer the geologic setting at depth and to build a structural model with adequate...
Tectonostratigraphic Evidence for the Origin of the Gulf of Mexico
Emile A. Pessagno, Jr., Christopher Martin
AAPG Special Volumes
... model. Geology, v. 13, no. 7, p. 453456.Longoria, J. F., 1985b, Tectonic transpression in northeast Mexico: Its relation to sea floor spreading...
Integrating Model Uncertainties in Probabilistic Decline Curve Analysis for Unconventional Oil Production Forecasting
Aojie Hong, Reidar B. Bratvold, Larry W. Lake, Leopoldo M. Ruiz Maraggi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Integrating Model Uncertainties in Probabilistic Decline Curve Analysis for Unconventional Oil Production Forecasting Aojie Hong, Reidar B. Bratvold...
Gas Field Production Optimization Using Integrated Network Modeling Case Study of SSE Gas Management
Aldani Malau, Dimas Johannes Napitupulu, Virzi Firmansyah, Sihat Aji Wardoyo, Dyah Pitaloka C., Prihandono Aditama, Ahmad Sujai, Heru Wijaya Pamungkas, Elisa Wijayanti, Zakia Nurdini Barkah, Mirza Azhari
Indonesian Petroleum Association
..., it is necessary to build an integrated network model for the area. This integrated model is designed for engineer(s) as they look for opportunities...
3-D Geocellular Modeling
Mike Shepherd
AAPG Special Volumes
..., a typical geocellular model having hundreds of thousands to millions of cells in it. Typical cell dimensions in models are about 0.52 m (26 ft) thick...
Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration
Michele Moisio Thomas , Jamie A. Clouse
AAPG Bulletin
...Scaled Physical Model of Secondary Oil Migration Michele Moisio Thomas , Jamie A. Clouse 1995 19 28 79 1. (January) A scaled physical model...
Reservoir Simulation of the Arun Field
M. B. Siagian, V. C. Stone
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Pay Isopach Figure 3. Arun Limestone Reservoir, Water Vapor Content and Compressibility Factor for Reservoir Gas at 352° F Coning Model As stated...
High frequency refraction/reflection full-waveform inversion case study from North West Shelf offshore Australia
David Dickinson, Fabio Mancini, Xiang Li, Kai Zhao
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... North-West Shelf (NWS) Australia utilizing full wave-field. Starting from a high-quality reflection tomography VTI model, a top-down approach has been...
Practical Model for the Smackover Formation
Robert B. Lieber
GCAGS Transactions
...Practical Model for the Smackover Formation Robert B. Lieber 1989 Vol. 39 (1989), The Smackover Formation has been an important exploration target...
Facies Modeling Described by Probabilistic Patterns Using Multi-Point Statistics: An Application to the K-Field, Libya, #42045 (2017).
Valeria Sisinni, Vanessa Villarroel, Neil McDougall, Marcos Victoria, Yrma Vallez, Consuelo Garcia Mojonero
Search and Discovery.com
... locations, seismic data, and the conceptual geological model. The proposed methodology was applied to real data in the K-Field of Libya. The reservoir unit...
Microseismic Geomechanical Optimization of Hydraulic Fracturing in the Horn River Basin
M. Mack, S. C. Maxwell, B. T. Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...). A calibrated model of hydraulic fracture growth in the Muskwa Formation of the Horn River Basin in British Columbia was developed using a coupled hydraulic...
ANN Method, A New Approach to Find Potential Bypass Zones in Mature Semberah Field, East Kalimantan
Gunna Satria H. Kusumah, Robhy C. Permana, Ridha S. Riadi, Yoseph R. Apranda
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... to generate computational model based on existing data provided. ANN works by mimicking how the human brain works through training of sample data sets...
Philippe Berthet, Nabil Hadj Kacem, Pierre Perfetti and Evgeny Tolstukhin
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... geological structures and of fluids flows. Furthermore, the link between geological model and the flow simulation model has more physical sense when using fine...
Philippe Berthet, Nabil Hadj Kacem, Pierre Perfetti and Evgeny Tolstukhin
Geological Society of Trinidad & Tobago
... of complex geological structures and of fluids flows. Furthermore, the link between geological model and the flow simulation model has more physical sense...
Illuminating the Complex Geology of the UK Faroe Shetland Basin
Antonio Castiello, Gareth Venfield, Jens Beenfeldt
GEO ExPro Magazine
... and extrusive volcanics. As a result, high-end and robust velocity model building (VMB) is required to capture these variations and image them...
Abstract: Non-Hyperbolic Reflection Tomography for Better Imaging and Interpretation, by Zhaobo Meng and Chengbin Peng; #90105 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Revisiting Judy Creek: Uncovering 100 Million Barrels; #110063 (2008)
Yuan Z. Ma, Andrew Seto, Dan Edwards, Ernest Gomez
Search and Discovery.com
.... The new workflow allowed the model not only to honor the depositional characteristics of the reef complex, but also to honor the intrinsic statistical...
Forecasting Petroleum Production with a Model Based from Discharge Process; #40521 (2010)
Claudio Bettini and Reneu Rodrigues Da Silva
Search and Discovery.com
...Forecasting Petroleum Production with a Model Based from Discharge Process; #40521 (2010) Claudio Bettini and Reneu Rodrigues Da Silva Click to view...
Application of Visco-Acoustic Full Waveform Inversion to Shallow-Water, Shallow-Gas Data, #41802 (2016).
Xin Cheng, Ronan Petton, Ian Anstey, Wai-Leong Lai, Denes Vigh, Gavin Menzel-Jones
Search and Discovery.com
... model and migration operator that provides the simultaneous corrections of the complex kinematics and the intrinsic attenuation that are present...