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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,229 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Abstract: Slave Point Conventional Light Oil Limestone Play, Nipisi Alberta; #90224 (2015)
Alison Essery, Jim Campbell, Suzan Moore, and Teresa Marin
Search and Discovery.com
... horizontal wells. Examination of cores and cuttings in the area show excellent examples of primary porosity and permeability in reef and high energy...
Abstract: Multi-Seismic Attributes Analysis Workflows and a Case Study in a Shale Gas Play; #90301 (2017)
Renjun Wen
Search and Discovery.com
... variability of production among horizontal wells in the same play. It is "common" in these plays to observe an 80-20% phenomenon in well's production...
Abstract: Reservoir Quality on the Lewis Shale for Horizontal Drilling; #91201 (2022)
Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez and Stephen Sonnenberg
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Reservoir Quality on the Lewis Shale for Horizontal Drilling; #91201 (2022) Ligia Carolina Mayorga-Gonzalez and Stephen Sonnenberg AAPG...
Predicting Fracability in Shale Reservoirs; #40783 (2011)
Milton Enderlin, Helge Alsleben, and John A. Breyer
Search and Discovery.com
.... Sedimentologic and stratigraphic models, the interaction of present-day and induced stress, and rock material properties, which are constrained...
Analogue Modeling of the Monterrey Salient and the La Popa Basin, Northeastern Mexico
Mariano Cerca, Rodrigo Portillo-Pineda, Dora Carreon-Freyre
GCAGS Transactions
... controlling strain localization and evolution. We explore this mechanical hypothesis using simplified analogue models that simulate the Late Cretaceous...
Automated velocity model building using Fourier neural operators
Guanghui Huang, Sean Crawley, Ramzi Djebbi, Jaime Ramos-Martinez, Nizar Chemingui
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... the corresponding density models using Hamilton and Gardner relations. The earth models are stratigraphic layers with different shapes, thicknesses...
Williston Basin Symposium
.... Discrete horizontal burrows occur along some bedding planes. Thin layers of an intraclastic fossilferous wackestone-packstone occur...
Analog Modeling of Doubly Vergent Thrust Wedges
K. R. McClay, P. S. Whitehouse
AAPG Special Volumes
... times the initial thickness of the layers (i.e., 3 H0). During Stage II deformation the topography of the models became significantly asymmetric...
Sedimentologic Framework of Late Devonian Oolitic Iron Formation, Shatti Valley, West-Central Libya
F. B. Van Houten, R. M. Karasek
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...-gray mudstone with a few layers of burrowed, ferruginous (cemented by ferric oxide) micaceous siltstone and lenticular horizontal- and ripple...
CFD Modeling of Low-Density Particle Transport into Perforations for Multistage Fracturing Applications of Horizontal Wells, #42203 (2018).
Vijaya Patnana, Travis Larsen
Search and Discovery.com
...CFD Modeling of Low-Density Particle Transport into Perforations for Multistage Fracturing Applications of Horizontal Wells, #42203 (2018). Vijaya...
Playing It Forward Modelling the Evolution of Deepwater Subsalt Fields on Passive Margins Using 2-D Finite Element Models; #42133 (2017)
Christopher D. Walker, Daniel Roberts, Adam Bere, J. Ryan Thigpen, J. Kent Snow
Search and Discovery.com
...Playing It Forward Modelling the Evolution of Deepwater Subsalt Fields on Passive Margins Using 2-D Finite Element Models; #42133 (2017...
Quantification of Bioturbation in Hemipelagic Sediments Via Thin-Section Image Analysis: RESEARCH METHODS PAPERS
Pierre Francus
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... the initial processing has been accomplished, an index, H, is defined to quantify the horizontal orientation of the larger grain size fraction of the sediment...
Process Regime Changes Across a Regressive to Transgressive Turnaround in a Shelf–Slope Basin, Eocene Central Basin of Spitsbergen
Anna Ponten, Piret Plink-Bjorklund
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., and James, N.P., eds., Facies Models; Response to Sea Level Change: St Johns, Geological Association of Canada, p. 195–218. Dalrymple, R.W., and Zaitlin...
High Resolution Characterization of Reservoir Heterogeneity with Cross-well Seismic Data A Feasibility Study, #41591 (2015).
Brad Bonnell, Chuck Hurich, Rudi Meyer
Search and Discovery.com
... be used in reservoir simulation. Two synthetic cross-well seismic datasets are created using velocity models derived from an offshore petroleum reservoir...
Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern England, United Kingdom
Simon A. Kattenhorn, David D. Pollard
AAPG Bulletin
...Integrating 3-D seismic data, field analogs, and mechanical models in the analysis of segmented normal faults in the Wytch Farm oil field, southern...
Water-Gas Flow in Laminated and Heterogeneous Coal-Interburden Systems: The Effects of Gas Solubility
Mohammad Sedaghat, Des Owen, James Underschultz, Suzanne Hurter, Phil Hayes, Andrew Garnett
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... models often simplify coal measures as laterally continuous seams between interburden layers. However, coals are not always laterally continuous...
Hydrodynamic stagnation zones: A new play concept for the Llanos Basin, Colombia
Mark Person, David Butler, Carl W. Gable, Tomas Villamil, David Wavrek, Daniel Schelling
AAPG Bulletin
... conditions.Cross sectional ground-water-flow models indicate that the most likely explanation of observed underpressures are caused by hydrodynamic...
Structure and geomorphology of the Duchesne graben, Uinta basin, Utah, and its enhancement of a hydrocarbon reservoir
Alicia Groeger, Ronald Bruhn
AAPG Bulletin
... and Wasatch formations of the Uinta basin, Utah: targets for horizontal drilling, in T. D. Fouch, V. F. Nuccio, and T. C. Chidsey, eds., Hydrocarbon...
Sampling a Stimulated Rock Volume: An Eagle Ford Example
Kevin T. Raterman, Helen E. Farrell, Oscar S. Mora, Aaron L. Janssen, Gustavo A. Gomez, Seth Busetti, Jamie McEwen, Michael Davidson, Kyle Friehauf, James Rutherford, Ray Reid, Ge Jin, Baishali Roy, Mark Warren
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... volume adjacent to a horizontal Eagle Ford producer prior to and immediately following hydraulic stimulation. The design, execution and results...
Abstract: Tectonomagmatic Evolution of Peninsular Malaysia: Some Observations and Comments
K. R. Chakraborty
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... theme of most of these models is the closure an ocean basin th.rough eastward subduction resulting in the Late Triassic collision of two continental...
ABSTRACT: Subsurface Structural Predictions and Section Construction in the French Subalpine Fold and Thrust Belt, by Robert W. H. Butler; #91032 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Time-lapse full-waveform inversion: how wrong are we and how do we find out?
Maria Kotsi, Alison Malcolm
Atlantic Geology
... called Alternating Full Waveform Inversion (AFWI). In AFWI we use the differences in how baseline and monitor models converge to determine a set...
Abstract: Hydrocarbon Plays Evaluation of Eastern China, by S. C. Wu; #91004 (1991)
Search and Discovery.com
Deep-Water Sandstone Facies and Ancient Submarine Fans: Models for Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps: DISCUSSION
K. R. Aalto
AAPG Bulletin
...Deep-Water Sandstone Facies and Ancient Submarine Fans: Models for Exploration for Stratigraphic Traps: DISCUSSION K. R. Aalto 1979 810 810 63 5...