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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,229 Results. Searched 196,923 documents.
Recent Advances in Marine Acquisition Technology and their Application to Basins Off Shore South America
Peter Watterson, Rob Ross, Steve Whidden
Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)
..., that include complex geology which is challenging to illuminate and basalt layers that absorb much of the energy from conventional seismic acquisition. Modern...
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Retrograde Condensation in Nanoporous Shale
William R. Welch, Mohammad Piri
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-confined Lennard-Jones (L-J) fluids, united atom molecular models, and to a larger extent, water, have been examined by MD,3-5 and more so by Monte Carlo...
Paleo-environment Reconstruction of Halang Formation and Its Implication for Hydrocarbon Exploration in Central Java Area
Hesekiel Bernando N
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... which obtained from the regional geological maps were combined with outcrop and potential distribution of Halang Formation models to describe...
Remapping Facies Architecture of Early Miocene Carbonate Baturaja Formation Based on Core Analysis, Static Distribution, and Production Data in RG Field, Offshore Northwest Java
Asep Ginanjar, Andi Wasonoaji, Zona Nuansa Adha Antariksa, Mohammad Reza, Priantoro Kartika Dani Setiawan
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... or bindstone which were characteristic for the reef mound environment. Figure 11 shows a vertical and horizontal measurement of reef mound facies...
Near-salt deformation in La Popa basin, Mexico, and the northern Gulf of Mexico: A general model for passive diapirism
Mark G. Rowan, Timothy F. Lawton, Katherine A. Giles, Robert A. Ratliff
AAPG Bulletin
.... C., M. R. Hudec, and I. A. Watson, 1995, Salt glacier and composite salt-sediment models for the emplacement and early burial of allochthonous salt...
A Depositional Model and the Stratigraphic Development of Modern and Ancient Tide-Dominated Deltas in Nw Borneo
Joseph J. Lambiase, Abdul Razak Damit, Michael D. Simmons, Raden Abdoerrias, Azhar Hussin
Special Publications of SEPM
..., the signature that would be preserved in the rock record, yet their morphology varies significantly from that predicted by models derived from other tide...
On Illogical Interpretation of Geological Structures in the Rocky Mountain Foreland Province: Reply
Donald S. Stone
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
..., Stearns, Couples, and others in GSA Memoir 151 (Matthews, 1978). Figure 1. Examples of drape-fold interpretations and models. Note that all basement...
Bill R. Banowsky, Mark R. Longden, Lee A. Woodward
Montana Geological Society
... intoa broad synclineand narrowanticline.Theanticline is horizontal to gently plunging, with an axis trending approximately N 80° W...
Stress Inversion using Microseismic Moment Tensors in the Vaca Muerta Shale
Yunhui Tan, Sergio Cuervo, Sahil Malhotra, Shugang Wang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and moved vertically into other layers. In the first case, the minimum horizontal stress is always the minimum principal stress. After stimulation, due...
Depositional controls on sediment body architecture in the Eagle Ford/Boquillas system: Insights from outcrops in west Texas, United States
Gregory Frébourg, Stephen C. Ruppel, Robert G. Loucks, and Josh Lambert
AAPG Bulletin
..., and E. Davaud, 2006, Hydrodynamic behaviour of Nummulites: Implications for depositional models: Facies, v. 52, no. 2, p. 221–235, doi...
Marine Sand-Wave Complex in the Permian of Central Arizona
Ronald C. Blakey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
.... 157-177. BRENNER, R. L., 1980, Construction of process-response models for ancient epicontinental seaway depositional systems using partial analogs: Am...
Production Forecasting in Shale Volatile Oil Reservoirs Using Reservoir Simulation, Empirical and Analytical Methods
Ibukun Makinde, W. John Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... reservoir fluids (volatile oils) using a commercial compositional reservoir simulator. Then, we tested a variety of traditional and hybrid DCA models (i.e....
The Future Availability of Groundwater in the Texas Hill Country under Drought Conditions
Robert E. Mace, Ali H. Chowdhury, Roberto Anaya, Shao-Chih Ted Way
Bulletin of South Texas Geological Society
... models, or numerical groundwater flow models, are versatile tools that better represent the complexity of a pumped aquifer and result in better estimates...
Geodynamic Characteristics and Their Effect on the Petroleum Geology Conditions for Passive Rift Basin in Central-Western African Region; #10644 (2014)
Zhi Li, Lunkun Wan, Jiguo Liu, Xiaohua Pan, Liangqing Xue, Yongdi Su
Search and Discovery.com
..., 2003). However, regarding the passive rift, only three types of genetic models, such as pure shear, simple shear, and mixing shear are concluded...
Franciscan Depositional Setting Based on Early-Formed Structures in Debris Flow Deposits and Turbidites, Point St. George, Northern California
K. R. Aalto
Pacific Section SEPM
... that formed in response to downslope creep. Following the Cowan and Knipe models, I propose that these structures provide evidence for an inner trench...
Lower Cretaceous Shelf Storm Deposits, Northeast Texas
David K. Hobday, Robert A. Morton
Special Publications of SEPM
... levels from 5 September 3 unpublished records of siltstone dominated interval with thinner 2 to 40 cm graded sandstones and bioclastic layers...
Basement Reservoir Play Concept and Its Potential in Western Indonesia
M. Nurisman Syarif, M. Reza Pahlevi, Ayyub Shabir Annas
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...-producing sedimentary layers topographically below the basement rock that have large secondary porosity (Hurricane Energy, n.d) (Figure 2). Basement...
Turbidites From The Lower Atoka Formation Jacksonville, Arkansas
Christian J. Clark , Arnold H. Bouma , and Gian A. Constantine
GCAGS Transactions
.... Facies I is comprised of stacked, amalgamated, thick-to-very-thick-bedded, massive sandstones; Facies II of intercalated sandstone and shale layers...
Depositional Systems, Lithofacies, Nanopore to Micropore Matrix Network, and Reservoir Quality of the Upper Cretaceous (Cenomanian) Buda Limestone in Dimmit County, Southwestern Texas
Robert G. Loucks, Bruce G. Gates, Christopher K. Zahm
GCAGS Journal
... deeper burrowing, whereas the horizontal burrows in the mudstone suggest more stressed or lower oxygenated conditions within the sediments. Buda...
Stratigraphy and Holocene Evolution of Mobile Bay in Southwestern Alabama
John C. Mars , Albert W. Shultz , William W. Schroeder
GCAGS Transactions
..., Models for Exploration: Houston Geological Society, p. 99-149. Curray, J. R., 1965, Sediments and history of the Holocene transgression, continental...
Structural segmentation in the Qiongdongnan Basin, South China Sea: Insights from analogue models and implications for hydrocarbon exploration
Gengxiong Yang, Hongwei Yin, Jun Gan, Wei Wang, Jitian Zhu, Dong Jia, Xiaofeng Xiong, and Wenqiao Xu
AAPG Bulletin
... of the models and the lithospheric setting that the models can represent. For brittle layers (upper crust), the equation used for calculating...
A Model Ranking Approach for Liquid Loading Onset Predictions
Hao Jia, Jianjun Zhu, Guangqiang Cao, Yingda Lu, Bo Lu, Haiwen Zhu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and development in natural gas industry, the liquid loading onset prediction models prevail in the existing literature. Mainly based on the droplet falling...
Static connectivity of fluvial sandstones in a lower coastal-plain setting: An example from the Upper Cretaceous lower Williams Fork Formation, Piceance Basin, Colorado
Matthew J. Pranter, Nicholas K. Sommer
AAPG Bulletin
... natural gas reservoirs.Three-dimensional architectural-element models (3-D reservoir models) of the lower Williams Fork Formation that are constrained...
Assessment of Fault Zone Properties for CSG Development Areas
Jim Undershultz, Saswata Mukherjee, Alexandra Wolhuter, Huan Xu, Eddie Banks, Saskia Noorduijn, Jim McCallum
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... purpose of evaluating gas production performance. The same fault characterization can then be incorporated into regional groundwater flow models...