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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Extended Abstract: A Steady-State Approach for Surge and Swab Pressures Calculation of Herschel-Buckley Fluids in Directional/Horizontal Wells
Wenlong Jiang, Honghai Fan, Rongyi Ji, Deqiang Tian, Wen Zixiang, Yuan Gao, Rui Dai, Fuxin Han, Sun Yizhen
Africa Energy and Technology Conference, 2016
... existing models. Keywords: Surge and Swab Pressures; Herschel-Buckley Fluids; Directional/Horizontal Wells; Adaptive Simpson integral method EXTENDED...
Ichnology of siliceous facies in the Eocene Tallahatta Formation (eastern United States Gulf Coastal Plain): Implications for depositional conditions, storm processes, and diagenesis
Charles E. Savrda, John W. Counts, Ethan Bigham, Samuel Martin
... and Campbell sections. Thicknesses of some sand, sandstone, and siltstone layers have been exaggerated for graphic clarity. SB/TS 5 a co-planar sequence...
Assessing properties of internal multiples for different geologies
Paul Ras, Mikhail Davydenko, Eric Verschuur
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... modeling methodology is tested on three earth models from different geologies and should be helpful when assessing potential effective multiple...
Carbonate Platform to Basin Transitions on Seismic Data and in Outcrops: Great Bahama Bank and the Maiella Platform Margin, Italy
Gregor P. Eberli, Flavio S. Anselmetti, Christian Betzler, Jan-Henk Van Konijnenburg, Daniel Bernoulli
AAPG Special Volumes
... and lithologic interfingering in seismic models of outcrops: AAPG Bulletin, v. 83, p. 952971.Brown, A. R., 1999, Interpretation of 3-dimensional seismic data...
Abstract: Salinity Stratification and it Effects on the Malay Basin Biofacies Assemblages (Geology Poster 7)
Mahani Mohamed, Shamsudin Jirin, Sanatul Salwa Hasan
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... et al., 2000). In a stratified water column, the exchange of water and nutrients between layers is restricted, therefore there can be quite different...
Cross Section Restoration and Balancing as Aid to Seismic Interpretation in Extensional Terranes
Mark G. Rowan, Roy Kligfield
AAPG Bulletin
... processes depending on the mechanical properties of the rocks being extended, and can be approximated by various geometric and kinematic models...
3D Discrete Natural Fracture Networks and Fracture Reactivation Potential Assessment in the Longmaxi Shale
Changrong Bian, Dianwei Zhang, Feng Shen, Yujin Wo, Wei Sun, Jingliang Li, Juan Han, Shuiquan Li, Qiang Ma
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of horizontal stresses. DFN models reveal that fracture concentrations are correlative with the footprint of observed microseismic events. Comparison...
Gulf of Mexico tectonic history: Hotspot tracks, crustal boundaries, and early salt distribution
Dale E. Bird, Kevin Burke, Stuart A. Hall, John F. Casey
AAPG Bulletin
...). For consistency, density values were held constant for each of the modeled layers for all models. Modeled salt body geometries are largely schematic, and if we...
Chapter 1: The Meguma Lithotectonic Terrane
D. Barrie Clarke
Atlantic Geoscience Society Special Publications
.... (a) Typical layers with fine mafic bottoms grading into coarse felsic tops. (b) Sequence of layers cut by a channel. (c) Cross-bedding. (d) Typical soft...
Cyclic Deposits and Hummocky Cross-Stratification of Probable Storm Origin in Upper Cretaceous Rocks of the Cape Sebastian Area, Southwestern Oregon
Ralph E. Hunter, Edward H. Clifton
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... layers and climbing-ripple structures: Jour. Sed. Petrology, v. 47, p. 697-706. HUNTER, R. E., CLIFTON, H. E., AND PHILLIPS, R. L., 1970, Geology...
A Sandstone Matrix Acidizing Simulator for Engineered Treatment Designs: A Field Study
R. L. Thomas, V. Fannin
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of a numerical simulator. The simulator calculates the pressure at the formation face and within the matrix of multiple layers along with the corresponding...
Megaflaps adjacent to salt diapirs
Mark G. Rowan, Katherine A. Giles, Thomas E. Hearon IV, and J. Carl Fiduk
AAPG Bulletin
... of the imposed weakness of the overburden, they find internal shortening of bedding layers in both the vertical and horizontal directions, leading...
2-D Gravity and Magnetic Modeling of Subsurface Domical Structure 11/14
Claudia Alexander
Circum Pacific Council Publications
...). The models assume that the rock has no residual magnetization. The magnetic intensities of the layers, based on susceptibilities taken from Dobrin...
Abstract: Physical Models of Structural Patterns Above Salt Diapirs
Roger C. Brewer , Richard H. Groshong, Jr.
GCAGS Transactions
...Abstract: Physical Models of Structural Patterns Above Salt Diapirs Roger C. Brewer , Richard H. Groshong, Jr. 1990 Vol. 40 (1990), Dry clay models...
Caledonian Rifting on the Barents Sea Shelf
A. D. Pavlenkin
Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature
... shelf: Leningrad, PGO Sevmorgeologiya, p. 29–33, 1985) Early models of the geology of the Barents Sea shelf were compiled by extending the onshore...
ABSTRACT: Stratigraphic Geometry of Cavern Collapse and Seismic Modeling - A Predictive Tool for Exploration, by Robertson C. Handford; #91020 (1995).
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