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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,266 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Stress Changes and Coal Failure Analysis in Coal Seam Gas Wells Accounting for Matrix Shrinkage: An Example from Bowen Basin, East Australia
Mohammadreza Zare Reisabadi, Manouchehr Haghighi, Abbas Khaksar
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... drilled horizontal and multilateral wells in the Bowen Basin have experienced unexpected fines and solid production during production from coal layers...
Determining Static Elastic Anisotropy in Shales from Sidewall Cores: Impact on Stress Prediction and Hydraulic Fracture Modeling
Brian Crawford, Yueming Liang, Philippe Gaillot, Kelvin Amalokwu, Xianyun Wu, Robert Valdez
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... level. While the overall trend is towards generally decreasing horizontal stresses with shallower depth, repeated crossing of such layers with pronounced...
Increasing Geological Accuracy in Reservoir Models through Process-Oriented Modeling; #50215 (2009)
Rex Knepp
Search and Discovery.com
.... For this study, our client wanted models of the high horizontal-high vertical heterogeneity case in the lower right compartment, what is called the “labyrinth...
Impact of Parent Well Depletion on Stress Changes and Infill Well Completion in Multiple Layers in Permian Basin
Anusarn Sangnimnuan, Jiawei Li, Kan Wu, Stephen A. Holditch
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Impact of Parent Well Depletion on Stress Changes and Infill Well Completion in Multiple Layers in Permian Basin Anusarn Sangnimnuan, Jiawei Li, Kan...
Uncertainty Analysis on Environmental Impacts of Hydraulic Fracturing
Abbas Movassagh, Elaheh Arjomand, Dane Kasperczyk, James Kear, Tess Dance
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... aquifers, or it may overreach to abandoned wells by excessive horizontal propagation. Geological layers that undergo treatment could be compromised...
Influence of mobile shale on thrust faults: Insights from discrete element simulations
Sarah Dean, Julia Morgan, and J. P. Brandenburg
AAPG Bulletin
..., no back thrusts developed in the models, even in the case of a horizontal basement. Gravitationally collapsing deltas have also been simulated using...
Physical-Model Investigation of the Influence of Early Extensional (Growth) Faults on Fold-Thrust Structures, with Application to the Papuan Fold and Thrust Belt
J. M. Dixon
Papua New Guinea (PNG) Petroleum Convention Proceedings
... of horizontal layers of Plasticine and silicone putty (analogues for limestone and shaie, respectiveiy), representing interlayered com petent units...
Physics-Driven Optimization of Drained Rock Volume for Multistage Fracturing: Field Example from the Wolfcamp Formation, Midland Basin
Sergei G. Parsegov, Kiran Nandlal, David S. Schechter, Ruud Weijermars
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...lume drained by the five fractures of Stage 2 in Well 46H has been reconstructed after quantifying the flux allocations for 15 horizontal layers ...
Deformation in Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults: Experiments with Small-Scale Rock Models
James Morse
Wyoming Geological Association
...Deformation in Ramp Regions of Overthrust Faults: Experiments with Small-Scale Rock Models James Morse 1977 457 470 Barber, D.W., 1973...
The Mismatch Between Outcrop Unconformity and Seismic Unconformity
Wolfgang Schlager
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... boundaries were mapped with great care and thickness and horizontal distances measured as accurately as possible. The impedance models are more simple than...
Lessons for Subsurface Fractured Reservoir Studies from an Outcrop-based 3-D Model of Fluid Flow in a Fractured Carbonate Fold, #51055 (2015).
Kevin Bisdom, Giovanni Bertotti, Bertrand Gauthier
Search and Discovery.com
... is defined as the impact of matrix flow and fracture flow combined. The layers in the model are horizontal, corresponding to the simplistic scenario where...
Abstract: Near-surface S-wave Velocity from an up Hole Survey using Explosive Sources; #90187 (2014)
Saul E. Guevara, Gary F. Margrave, and William M. Agudelo
Search and Discovery.com
... complex variations noticed in the uphole can be masked by the low-frequency high-energy ground-roll in the surface data. Refractions on the horizontal...
Horizontal Well Placements Using VShale and Facies Geomodel: An Example From Belanak Field, South Natuna Sea, Indonesia
Hendro Adrian, Ludy Andria, Agus Sudarsana
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... targets and the horizontal sections based on reservoir models updated with newly drilled wells, and (4) comparison of pre- and post- drill reservoir...
Seafloor elastic parameters estimation using a regression neural network
Moacyr de Souza Bezerra, James Simmons, James Gaiser
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... base and perturbed models for both vertical and horizontal components. Clearly there is a measurable response for P-wave parameters, justifying our...
Convolution and Deconvolution: ABSTRACT
T. Cantwell, Robert H. Ray
AAPG Bulletin
... layers are given. Models representing Libyan conditions were constructed, and their convolution operators studied. In some places, the effect...
ABSTRACT: An Integrated Geophysical Study at the Northern Gulf of Mexico
Eray Kocel
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of the subsurface, these models will comprise several constant density layers with variable geometry that map the sedimentary, upper and lower crustal boundaries...
ABSTRACT: Study of Multilayer Wrench-Fault System Using Rock Models Deformed Under Confining Pressure, by Ching-Weei Lin; #91025 (2010)
Search and Discovery.com
Modelling of a Turbidite System Using Multiple Point Facies Simulation
Fikri Yunus, Lothar Schulte, Christopher Townsend
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... between the submarine channel width and the channel depth. Vertical and horizontal gradual changes of the facies are addressed thru setting up...
4-D evolution of rift systems: Insights from scaled physical models
K. R. McClay, T. Dooley, P. Whitehouse, M. Mills
AAPG Bulletin
...4-D evolution of rift systems: Insights from scaled physical models K. R. McClay, T. Dooley, P. Whitehouse, M. Mills 2002 935 960 86 6 The four...
An Integrated Triple-porosity Reservoir Modeling Case Study to Evaluate/Improve Well Spacing in Uinta Basin
M. Gaddipati, J. Hervey, R. Zaback, M. Boyce, K. Babcock, O. Apaydin, T. Firincioglu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Conclusions For this study, physics-based simulation models were generated to represent the flow behavior of nine vertical and one horizontal well, each...
Analysis of Time-Lapse Seismic and Production Data for Systematic Reservoir Model Classification and Assessment
Rafael Souza, David Lumley, Jeffrey Shragge, Alessandra Davolio, Denis Schiozer
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... at the top layers of the reservoir results from the up-dip water movement trend highlighted by the fluid-flow models. The poor ILDM match in the vicinity...
The Application of Seismic Inversion and Resistivity Inversion While Drilling in the Construction of Horizontal Well A Case Study
Yoga Wismoyo, Adjie Setiawan, Fahdi Maula, Frank Fardhu
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...The Application of Seismic Inversion and Resistivity Inversion While Drilling in the Construction of Horizontal Well A Case Study Yoga Wismoyo...
The Effect of Resistivity Anisotropy on Earth Impulse Responses
Folke Engelmark, Bruce Hobbs, Dieter Werthmüller
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... scale anisotropy is referred to as intrinsic, where rock layers are horizontal and parallel, as in shale. Intrinsic anisotropy leads to lower...
Evaluating a 2-D Structural Restoration: Validating Section Balance, #41941 (2016).
Steven Lingrey, Oskar Vidal-Royo
Search and Discovery.com
... to restore deformed sedimentary profiles, distorted layers (folds) need to be transformed back to an originally flat (typically horizontal) orientation...
Impact of Horizontal Weak Interfaces on the Hydraulic Fracturing: From Height Growth to Lateral Propagation
Jiawei Li, Kan Wu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... properties, the in-situ horizontal stress variation between layers, the effective vertical stress at the interface, and the net pressure (Zhang...