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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
DAS Recorded Body and Tube Wave Generated by Perforation Shots: Analysis and Numerical Modeling for Completion Monitoring and Reservoir Characterization
Shuang Zhang, Aleksei Titov, Vikram Jayaram, Hector Bello, Robert Hurt, Ge Jin
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a horizontal band as shown in the red box in the zoom view in Figure 6. This signal is caused by local fiber deformation induced by a high energetic...
Borehole Mineralogy: Reduce Your Risk, Know Your Rocks
Joseph Hamilton, Chi Vinh Ly
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... made in hydraulic fracturing technology and horizontal drilling. Characterising shale formations is based on a) mineralogy. In genera l, more quartzose...
Fracture Modeling in a Dual Porosity Volcaniclastic Reservoir: A Case Study of the Precuyo Group in Cupen Mahuida field, Neuquén, Argentina, by Martin Zubiri and José Silvestro, #20045 (2007).
Search and Discovery.com
New Numerical Equation on Critical Production and Optimum Rate for Horizontal Well in Bottom Water Drive Mechanism
Amretacahya Enggar, Ade Anggi Naluriawan Santoso, Khoironi Budi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...New Numerical Equation on Critical Production and Optimum Rate for Horizontal Well in Bottom Water Drive Mechanism Amretacahya Enggar, Ade Anggi...
Continental Margins of the Eastern Gulf of Alaska and Boundaries of Tectonic Plates: Convergent Margins
Roland Von Huene , George G. Shor Jr. , John Wageman
AAPG Special Volumes
... and the Fairweather Fault, plate-tectonics models require a connecting transform fault. Such a zone of faulting appears to be present in seismic reflection records...
High Resolution Seismic Data Derived From Prestack Inversion and Machine Learning to Accurately Position Horizontal Wells in the Midland Basin, Texas
Robert Meek, Buzz Davis, Hector Bello
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...High Resolution Seismic Data Derived From Prestack Inversion and Machine Learning to Accurately Position Horizontal Wells in the Midland Basin, Texas...
Abstract: Groundwater Flow Systems Theory: an Unexpected Outcome of Early Cable Tool Drilling in the Turner Valley Oil Field; #90224 (2015)
K. Udo Weyer
Search and Discovery.com
..., additional applications of mathematical models. It becomes obvious that not only can the mathematical model verify and give meaning to the field data...
Full-Resolution 3D Radar Stratigraphy of Complex Oolitic Sedimentary Architecture: Miami Limestone, Florida, U.S.A.
Adrian Neal, Mark Grasmueck, Donald F. McNeill, David A. Viggiano, Gregor P. Eberli
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... that display horizontal stratification, tabular cross bedding, and layers of coquina. The upper portion of the Pleistocene succession consists of fine...
Optimizing Well Spacing and Lateral Placement Utilizing Fluid Tracers in SCOOP/STACK
Sudiptya Banerjee, CharLee Mallory, Nicholas Geisler, Whitney DeAngelis
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... placed in the Woodford, Meramec, and Osage layers. These tracers served to uniquely “tag” downhole oil and water phases, allowing the operator...
Modeling the Rollovers of Sandy Clinoforms from the Gravity Effect on Wave-Agitated Sand
Neil C. Mitchell
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...–481. Nielsen, P., 1992, Coastal bottom boundary layers and sediment transport: advanced series on ocean engineering, v. 4: Singapore, World Scientific...
An Integrated Evaluation Model of Kaji-Semoga Field Water Injection System, Including Subsurface and Surface Facilities
Kamal Hamzah, Adam Fatchur Rohman, Yoseph Itok Arseto, Virzi Firmansyah
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... Field has 3 major oil producing layers that consist of Baturaja limestone formation, Telisa sandstone formation and Talang Akar sandstone formation...
Optimizing Development Strategies for Unconventional Reservoirs of Abu Roash Formation in the Western Desert of Egypt
Amr Gharieb, Mohamed Adel Gabry, Ahmed Algarhy, Ahmed Farid Ibrahim, Nihal Darraj
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., alongside an innovative physics-informed machine learning technique. Machine learning models predict the SSQI for ARF based on key parameters, drawing...
Assessing Hydrogen Sulfide Generation from Pyrite Reduction: Implications for Underground Hydrogen Storage
Rana AL Homoud, Marcos Vitor Barbosa Machado, Hugh Daigle
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Methodology The following section will present the geochemical and geological models utilized for this study, offering insights into each model's...
A New Pore Pressure Prediction Model for Naturally Fractured Shales and Stacked Plays: The Effect of Active Hydrocarbon Generation - A Powder River Basin Case Study
Daniel Orozco, Roberto Aguilera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... pressures driven by active hydrocarbon generation in the Powder River Basin. Most of the traditional pore pressure prediction models use empirical...
The concept of joint saturation and its application
Yunhui Tan, Thomas Johnston, and Terry Engelder
AAPG Bulletin
... sedimentary rocks: Integrating numerical models with field observations from the Monterey Formation, USA, inM. S. Ameen, ed., Fractography: Fracture...
The Crustal Structure and Evolution of the Area Underlying the Magnetic Quiet Zone on the Margin South of Australia: Rifted Margins
Manik Talwani , John Mutter , Robert Houtz , Michael Konig
AAPG Special Volumes
.... During the second stage, on the other hand, horizontal motions dominated. The rift valley broke apart at its axis and seafloor spreading started. Thus...
Subaerial Debris-Flow Deposition in the Upper Paleozoic Cutler Formation, Western Colorado
Albert W. Shultz
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... as laminae of heavy minerals or as alternations of coarse-and fine-grained layers. Horizontal stratification is common, but cross-stratification also...
Pore-throat sizes in sandstones, tight sandstones, and shales
Philip H. Nelson
AAPG Bulletin
... for three molecular layers (~1.0 nm) adjacent to a silicate surface (Mitchell and Soga, 2005). Computational models incorporating molecular positions...
Concentric hydrocarbon accumulations in deep rift basins: A case study of Jizhong and Huanghua depressions, Bohai Bay Basin, China
Xianzheng Zhao, Fengming Jin, Xiugang Pu, Qun Luo, Xiongying Dong, Wenzhong Han, Chunyuan Han, Wenya Jiang, Wei Zhang, Zhannan Shi, and Delu Xie
AAPG Bulletin
... mechanisms of high-quality reservoirs, deposition of high-quality source rocks, and models for petroleum accumulations in rift basins (Cui et al., 2002...
Application of horizontal wells in three-dimensional shale reservoir modeling: A case study of Longmaxi–Wufeng shale in Fuling gas field, Sichuan Basin: Reply
Guochang Wang, Shengxiang Long, Yiwen Ju, Cheng Huang, and Yongmin Peng
AAPG Bulletin
...Application of horizontal wells in three-dimensional shale reservoir modeling: A case study of Longmaxi–Wufeng shale in Fuling gas field, Sichuan...
AAPG Southwest Section Meeting June 6-8, 2002, Ruidoso, New Mexico U.S.A., - AAPG, #90023 (2003).
Search and Discovery.com
Estimating Event Growth from Pumped Fluid Volumes; #41122 (2013)
Jonathan P. McKenna, Quynthy Bui, David Abbott, and Drew Domalakes
Search and Discovery.com
... Formation in July 2011. The objective of this study is primarily to correlate pumped fluid volume with horizontal and vertical microseismic event...
Seismically Driven Estimation of Stress Rotation and Anisotropy and Its Impact on Well Performance
Chip Story, Vikram Sen, Mike Perz, Nicholas Umholtz, Ahmed Ouenes
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the structural features that affect the stress field, geomechanical models can be refined to provide valuable information at the well and pad scale...
Geological features within the Big Indian Lake pluton, Hants County, Nova Scotia: evidence of igneous layering from recent diamond drilling
M. C. Corey
Atlantic Geology
.... The presence of sub-horizontal layers of biotite and apatite enrichment within the aggregate also suggests that a similar process of crystal accumulation also...
An Experimental Study of Subaqueous Slipface Deposition
Ralph E. Hunter, Gary Kocurek
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... deposits, however, were incorporated into subsequent grainflows. Grain flow cross-strata were made up of relatively distinct layers, at least near...