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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 38,266 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Organization, flow impact and modeling of natural fracture networks in a karstified carbonate bitumen reservoir: an example in the Grosmont Formation of the Athabasca Saleski leases, Alberta, Canada

Ghislain de Joussineau, Kent R. Barrett, Mauro Alessandroni, Thierry Le Maux

CSPG Bulletin

... of the joint networks in the different layers of the Grosmont C and D units. Figure 17. Fracture models built in the different layers of the Grosmont C...


Source Rock Reservoir Characterization Using Geology, Geochemical and Drilling Data

Robert Shelley, Amir Mohammad Nejad, Stanislav Sheludko

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... horizontal drilling in low permeability source rocks, due to operational constraints, costs and other issues encountered, the types of data traditionally...


Geomechanical Implications on Unconventional Reservoir Fracturing in Saudi Arabia

Safdar Khan, Maksim Oparin, Roberto Tineo, Doug Bentley

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... that is frequently observed in the field, but it is not accounted for in the traditional models. The minimum horizontal stress was initially...


Exploiting non-uniqueness: Improving inversion results by post-processing

James Brewster

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

.... Consider a density distribution given on a set of N, evenly spaced horizontal layers. Upward continuation can be applied to the density on each...


What matters for flow and recovery in carbonate gas reservoirs: Insights from the mature Central Luconia Province, offshore Sarawak, Malaysia

Georg M. D. Warrlich, Erwin W. Adams, Artur Ryba, Tommy Tam, King King Ting, and Hooi-Koon Tang

AAPG Bulletin

... impacting flow are grouped into “horizontal–heterogeneities”—argillaceous flooding layers and exposure-related karst—and “vertical–heterogeneities”—large...


Transtensional Analogue Modelling Applied to the Perth Basin, Western Australia

L. B. Harris, R. I. Higgins, M. C. Dentith, M. F. Middleton

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

...) are difficult to reconcile in 'classical' tectonic models within the proposed regime of sub-horizontal, northwest• southeast extension. This paper presents...


Hydraulic Fracture Orientation for Miscible Gas Injection EOR in Unconventional Oil Reservoirs

Tao Xu, Todd Hoffman

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... zone and the next five grid layers are the middle zone. All the models start from November 30, 2004 and end on January 31, 2028. Due...


Chapter 13: Linking Cognitive Science and Disciplinary Geoscience Practice: The Importance of the Conceptual Model

Thomas F. Shipley, Basil Tikoff

AAPG Special Volumes

..., 1983, Phenomenology and the evolution of intuition, in Gentner, E., Stevens, A., eds., Mental models: Erlbaum, Hillsdale, New Jersey, p. 15–33. Fossen, H...


ABSTRACT Numerical Modelling of the Time-Lapse EM Response of a CO2 Injection in a Deep Saline Aquifer Using Metallic Casings for the Current Injection, #90103 (2010)

Bernard Bourgeois, Jeremy Rohmer, Jean-François Girard

Search and

... of CO2 Storage” Division, Orléans, FRANCE Numerical models have been calculated to study the feasibility of monitoring a supercritical CO2 injection...


Understanding Drilling Hazards Through the Use LWD Resistivity Case Study: Resistivity Inversion

Adjie Setiawan, Sigit Sulistyo

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... Sumatra, and North Sumatra presents drilling hazards mainly in the upper layers (overburden) of reservoirs. It is so much so that we need to have a new...


Quantifying the Influence of Three Dimensionality on Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal Seam Gas Wells

Christopher R. Leonardi, Thomas Flottmann, Vibhas J. Pandey, Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... B showed approximately 37% horizontal fracture growth, none of which was captured in the models. Consequently, the corresponding fracture geometries...


Abstract: The Evolving Exploration of the Subsalt Play in the Offshore Gulf of Mexico

Dwight "Clint" Moore and Robert O. Brooks

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... The existence of horizontal components of salt movement with probable subsalt traps in the South Additions of the Louisiana and Texas Shelf and Slope, has only...


Abstract: Kinematic Structural Forward Modeling for Fault Trajectory Prediction in Seismic Interpretation; #90224 (2015)

Mohammed Alarfaj and Don C. Lawton

Search and

... understand the true subsurface structure. Kinematic balanced-forward models can provide geologically reasonable solutions to ambiguous seismic images...


Constraining uncertainty in interpretation of seismically imaged clinoforms in deltaic reservoirs, Troll field, Norwegian North Sea: Insights from forward seismic models of outcrop analogs

Nicholas E. Holgate, Gary J. Hampson, Christopher A.-L. Jackson, and Steen A. Petersen

AAPG Bulletin

... and clinothem thickness, (3) acoustic properties of overburden, and (4) thickness of carbonate-cemented layers along clinoforms. These models use...


3-D Anisotropic Damage Mechanics for Modeling Interaction Between Hydraulic and Natural Fracture Planes in a Layered Rock … Application to Eagle Ford and Wolfcamp

Yamina Aimene, Chad Hammerquist, John A. Nairn, Ahmed Ouenes

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... displacement, as done in many models that use stick conditions (no sliding) to model interfaces between layers (Smart et al., 2014 and Cohen et al...


ABSTRACT: 4-D Evolution of Fold and Thrust Belts; #90061 (2006)

Ken McClay, Jose De Vera, and P. Whitehouse

Search and

.... In all models Colomb thrust wedges were developed with the internal geometries strongly controlled by the nature of the basal detachment layers. Low...


Evaluating Performance of Graded Proppant Injection into CSG Reservoir: A Reservoir Simulation Study

Ayrton Ribeiro, Vanessa Santiago, Zhenjiang You, Raymond Johnson Jr, Suzanne Hurter

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the performance of novel graded proppant injection (GPI) technique for CSG reservoir stimulation using reservoir simulation models. A simplified model...


Palynology Reinvested

Mike Stephenson

GEO ExPro Magazine

..., these l models are necessarily broad-brush and incorporate very Ch a n n el sand s tone MARCH 2022 these layers might have been seen as problems...


Development of the South Lho Sukon Reef Fields by Horizontal Wells

Annan C. Sunaryo, Raharjo Widjanarko, Frank W. Musgrove, Royke Kristanto, Dave G. Ward

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Development of the South Lho Sukon Reef Fields by Horizontal Wells Annan C. Sunaryo, Raharjo Widjanarko, Frank W. Musgrove, Royke Kristanto, Dave G...


Development of Regional Groundwater Availability Models of the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer in Texas

Van Kelley, Neil Deeds, Dennis Fryar, Rainer Senger

GCAGS Transactions

... simulations. The layering for each of the three models is the same (Fig. 3). MODFLOW-96 numbers layers from top (nearest to ground surface) to bottom...


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