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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,266 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.
Experimental Modeling of Role of Gravity and Lateral Shortening in Zagros Mountain Belt
Hemin Koyi
AAPG Bulletin
... of slower diapirs depends on thickness and viscosity contrast of major layers in the succession. Partially scaled dynamic models have shown...
An assessment of the hydrogeological conditions beneath an unlined municipal and an engineered landfill sites in Malaysia using Numerical Groundwater Flow Models - Case study
Mustapha Atta, Abd Rasid Jaapar, Dharam Singh, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
... Flow Models - Case study Mustapha Atta, Abd Rasid Jaapar, Dharam Singh, Wan Zuhairi Wan Yaacob CATATAN GEOLOGI GEOLOGICAL NOTES An assessment...
A Forward Modeling Strategy for Balancing Cross Sections (1)
AAPG Bulletin
.... Models are constructed assuming parallel behavior (preservation of layer thickness, no net distortion where layers are horizontal, and conservation of bed...
Abstract: Velocity Model Calibration Effects on Microseismic Locations; #90187 (2014)
J. Akram and D. W. Eaton
Search and Discovery.com
... shale layer surrounded by high velocity layers. Sources are distributed in the offset range (200 – 400m). Receivers are positioned as a vertical array...
Reservoir Modeling for Simulation Purposes: Part 10. Reservoir Engineering Methods
Koen Weber
AAPG Special Volumes
...). The framework for constructing simulation models is controlled by facies distribution, major permeability contrasts, and impermeable layers (Weber and Van...
Bioturbation and Its Effects on Permeability in Wave-Dominated Shoreface Rocks of the Spring Canyon Member, Blackhawk Formation, Utah, USA, #50425 (2011)
Les B. Dabek, Rex Knepp
Search and Discovery.com
... models in order to quantify the changes in horizontal and vertical permeability, as biogenic structure were added to controlled models. No probe...
Reservoir Monitoring Technology Part V: Linking Seismic Response to Geomechanics
Tron Kristiansen, Olav Barkved, Martin Landrø, Lasse Amundsen
GEO ExPro Magazine
... to handle pore collapse and load rate dependency are key features of these models. For chalk the water weakening and temperature effects also need...
Using Antithetic Normal Faults to Map Growth Axial Surfaces
John H. Spang, Steven L. Dorobek
GCAGS Transactions
...° ramp which is separated from a horizontal flat by a very sharp bend. In all of the models, cross sectional area is preserved, which means that all...
Sedimentology, Statistics, and Flow Behavior for a Tide-influenced Deltaic Sandstone, Frontier Formation, Wyoming, United States
Christopher D. White, Brian J. Willis, Shirley P. Dutton, Janok P. Bhattacharya, Keshav Narayanan
AAPG Special Volumes
... in field-scale models are often meters thick and a hundred meters or more in horizontal extent. To incorporate the effects of fine-scale features...
An experimental evaluation of the curvature-strain relation in fault-related folds
David P. Keating, Mark P. Fischer
AAPG Bulletin
... in folded rock layers. We test the assumption by analyzing the curvature and strain in a series of scaled physical models of contractional, basement-involved...
A Novel Tight Gas Evaluation Workflow for Targeting and Optimizing the Emerging Horizontal Lower Cotton Valley Play in North Louisiana
Dan Buller, Stephen Persac, Rojelio Medina, Nick Garrison, Jerome Truax, Byron Cottingham
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... Page Figure 12: Predicted idealized frac production models for Middle & Lower Poole Sands Horizontal Well Planning – Stress Azimuth and Structural Dip...
Sedimentology and Accommodation Cycles of Paris Basin Campanian Chalk: The Key to High-Resolution Stratigraphy and Seismic Signature
Monique Mettraux, Peter Homewood, Anne Schwab, Francois Guillocheau
Special Publications of SEPM
... oblique slightly inclined clinoformlike stringers festoons of concave up meter scale stringers chert related continuous to layers of horizontal...
Computer Simulation Models of Salt Domes
James C. Howard
AAPG Bulletin
... along vertical lines of weakness, such as faults in the overburden. If the dome penetrates horizontal competent and incompetent layers, horizontal motion...
A New Parallel Fold Construction Method from Borehole Dip for Structural Delineation; #41969 (2016)
Tetsushi Yamada, Isabelle Le Nir, Eric Moscardi, Arnaud Etchecopar
Search and Discovery.com
... with a lithology log. Existing Models The two geometric models for constructing geological layers respect different assumptions in the geometry of layers...
ABSTRACT: Results of Horizontal Well Site Evaluations in Fractured Devonian Shale Reservoirs, by Thomas H. Mroz, William A. Schuller; #90998 (1990).
Search and Discovery.com
Integrated Reservoir Simulation Study of the Bima Field, Offshore N.W. Java
Gary S. Woodling, John G. Kaldi, Kristina I. Oentarsih, Randall C. Roe
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of a 3D fullfield model. Reservoir performance for 54 wells (20 horizontal) was history matched over the 3-year field life. Special simulator...
Abstract: Depth Conversion Methodology using a Stochastic Velocity Model for the McMurray Formation; #90171 (2013)
Darren Hinks, Tom Cox, Stephanie Schmidt, Dale Vanhooren, and Sergei Filin
Search and Discovery.com
... is a key part of planning for SAGD well production. Even small errors of 2-3 metres are significant when placing horizontal well bores near the base...
Analytical and Machine Learning Based Modifications to Unconventional Reservoir Simulation Models to Capture Near-Fracture Transient Effects
Hector E. Barrios-Molano, Alvaro Rey, Shihao Wang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... layers. The matrix permeability and porosity are 1x10-5 md and 0.05, respectively. There is a horizontal well off-center of the model and produces...
Modeling Heterogeneity in a Low-Permeability Gas Reservoir Using Geostatistical Techniques, Hyde Field, Southern North Sea
M. L. Sweet , C. J. Blewden , A. M. Carter , C. A. Mills
AAPG Bulletin
.... To maximize recovery from this field, with its thin gas column and low reservoir quality, Hyde has been developed with three long-reach horizontal wells...
Reservoir Characterization and Performance Prediction of Dual Permeability Tight Gas Systems, by Derek C. Longfield, Marc R. Junghans, and Hank J. Baird
Search and Discovery.com
Reservoir Characterization and Performance Prediction of Dual Permeability Tight Gas Systems, by Derek C. Longfield, Marc R. Junghans, and Hank J. Baird; #90042 (2005)
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Bayesian Optimized Deep Bi-LSTM Neural Networks for Production Forecasting of Gas Wells in Unconventional Shale Gas Reservoirs
Y. Kocoglu, S. Gorell, P. McElroy
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... for rectified linear unit and is the type of activation layer used in all of the models. It should be noted that LSTM and GRU structure has 2 ReLU layers...
Contrasting Styles of Lithospheric Extension: Implications for Differences Between the Basin and Range Province and Rifted Continental Margins: Chapter 5: Concepts
Jean Braun, Christopher Beaumont
AAPG Special Volumes
... so that at t = 100 m.y. ß ~ 2 for both models. The horizontal stresses (Figure 15) are particularly informative for this model. The overall picture...
Extensional Fault-Bend Folding and Synrift Deposition: An Example from the Central Sumatra Basin, Indonesia; John H. Shaw, Stephen C. Hook, and Edward P. Sitohang; Search and Discovery Article #40004 (1999)
Search and Discovery.com
Fan-Delta to Submarine Fan Conglomerates of the Volgian-Valanginian Wollaston Forland Group, East Greenland
Finn Surlyk
CSPG Special Publications
... lamination and very low-angle cross stratification. S1 is characterized by thin horizontal layers of fine, inversely graded gravel representing...