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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 38,266 Results. Searched 197,444 documents.

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Abstract: Building Better Models … Making Full Use of Petrophysical Data; #90211 (2015)

Elizabeth L’Heureux

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... is characterized by small-scale lengths in both vertical and horizontal directions, whereas sedimentary layers such as those in Figure 1 can have quite...


Abstract: Probabilistic Assessment of Tight-Gas Sands Using a Data-Driven Modeling Approach; #90308 (2017)

Emre Artun, Burak Kulga, Turgay Ertekin

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..., it is aimed to develop data-driven predictive models for tight-gas sands and use them for probabilistic assessment of these resources. Data-driven models...


Abstract: Coupled Lithosphere Mantle Circulation Models

H.-P. Bunge

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...Abstract: Coupled Lithosphere Mantle Circulation Models H.-P. Bunge #90074©2008MAPG First International Conference & Exhibition, Marrakech, Morocco...


Abstract: SAGD Well Planning Using Stochastic Seismic Inversion; #90172 (2014)

Franck Delbecq, Rémi Moyen

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... probable high-frequency models that can be used for uncertainty analysis. It is possible to take advantage of the multiplicity of high frequency...


Natural Fractures in Shales: Origins, Characteristics and Relevance for Hydraulic Fracture Treatments

Julia F. Gale

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... Crack Index & Network Geometry Geomechanical modeling by Jon Olson (FRAC) Map views of fracture pattern models 10 10 10 n=5 n=80 n=20 8 8 8...


Facies-Calibrated Petrophysical and Geocellular Property Modeling Using Data Analytics and Multi-Point Statistics in the Delaware Basin, USA

Margaret Lessenger, Tad Gladczenko, James Hardt, Matt Houston

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... curve showing the fraction (horizontal axis) of each petrophysical facies as a function of depth, here approximated by grid k layers (vertical axis...


Outcrop and Waterflood Simulation Modeling of the 100-Foot Channel Complex, Texas, and the Ainsa II Channel Complex, Spain: Analogs to Multistory and Multilateral Channelized Slope Reservoirs

D. K. Larue

AAPG Special Volumes

... of models 10 and 11 (40/32/.47) are net-to-gross for channels 14, net-to-gross for channels 15, and mean Dykstra-Parsons coefficient of the horizontal...


Abstract: Sequential Geometric Models of Detachment Folds: Alaminos Canyon Area, Gulf of Mexico

John H. Spang

GCAGS Transactions

... sequential geometric models of box-shaped detachment folds are used to model the folding. Natural detachment folds consist of pre-growth layers that can...


Half-moon Oolites

Albert V. Carozzi

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... been originally normal oolites consisting of a calcite core surrounded by alternating layers of calcite and anhydrite (or gypsum). Immediately after...


The Powder River Basin: A Persistent Player in Wyoming’s Energy Landscape1

Courtney Beck Antolik, J. C. Pinketta, Morgan Horbatko

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... in tandem with directional and horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing technology. Interest was so explosive that the state of Wyoming imposed new...


Analytical Approach for Injectivity Profiling Through Warm-Back Analysis in Multilayer Reservoirs

Refaat Hashish, Mehdi Zeidouni

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... by conduction inside the reservoir (thermal equilibration) as well as the heat exchange between the completed layers and the surroundings. Heat transfer...


Extended Abstract: 3D Modelling: Size and Shape Do Matter!

Andrew Pitchford

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... caused by this sort of cel l. At present, geologica l models are usually given a fine resolution whereas reservoi r simulation models have a coarser reso...


Use of Seismic Attributes and Acoustic Impedance in 3D Reservoir Modelling: An example from a mature Gulf of Suez Carbonate Field (Ras Fanar, Egypt); #90017 (2003)

Richard D. Vaughan, Alaa Atef, Nader El-Outefi

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... in sabkhas/salinas. Periods of erosion coincide with high porosity layers within the reservoir resulting from karstification and solution collapse...


Induced and Natural Fractures in Shales - A Geomechanical Perspective; #40849 (2011)

Gary D. Couples

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... are the Implications for Flow? • Need models that capture both the depositional architecture and the superposed fractures Observed Dilational Deformations • Can have...


Quantification of Conceptual and Parametric Uncertainties in Fractured Reservoir Models

Paul R. La Pointe, Aaron Fox

AAPG Special Volumes

...Quantification of Conceptual and Parametric Uncertainties in Fractured Reservoir Models Paul R. La Pointe, Aaron Fox 2011 57 76 AAPG Memoir 96...


Abstract: How to Improve Location Accuracy When Dealing with Artifacts in Microseismic Event Locations; #90187 (2014)

N. Verkhovtseva

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... of horizontal and inclined travel paths and have signal of a lower frequency. Velocity models built based on the vertical velocities almost always have...


Abstract: How much salt is there in Irelands Porcupine Basin?

Lucie Lamourette, Gregor Duval

Atlantic Geology

... sedimentary layers (thus interpreted as allochthonous salt) since the well was drilled through a visible fault on the seismic data. However, in favour...


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