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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Abstract: The Resource Play Schism
Phil Martin
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... of the two exploration models. The technology that spawned this revolution started when George Mitchell developed a specialized frac for the Barnett...
Method and Inexpensive Device for Direct Field Re-orientation of Originally Horizontal Linear Structures: METHOD PAPER
Richard J. Diecchio
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...Method and Inexpensive Device for Direct Field Re-orientation of Originally Horizontal Linear Structures: METHOD PAPER Richard J. Diecchio 1980 Vol...
The effects of initial wedge taper on area-balancing restoration of a fold-thrust belt
Xiaodong Yang, David J. Sanderson, Lisa C. McNeill, and Frank J. Peel
AAPG Bulletin
... horizontal, to restore a deformed geological section to an initial rectangular shape. However, most fold-thrust belts exhibit a wedge or trapezium (i.e....
Abstract: Interpretation of Natural Fractures from the Traveltime Variation with Source-receiver Azimuth in the Alberta Foothills; #90172 (2014)
Draga A. Talinga, Don C. Lawton
Search and Discovery.com
..., and a fluid contact was interpreted within a Cretaceous fold. Analysis for sub-horizontal Jurassic, Paleozoic and Cambrian events showed both similarities...
New Inferences on the Structure and Composition of Basement in the Permian Basin Region
K. C. Miller, C. G. Barnes, D. C. Adams, H. Kargi, G. R. Keller
West Texas Geological Society
.... Thick black lines mark the locations of gravity models D-D’ (Figure 4), and N-N’ (Figure 5). Seismic line at Nellie well has the width of the well...
Stratigraphic Traps in Paleocene Sands in the Balder Area, North Sea
J. F. Sarg, L. J. Skjold
AAPG Special Volumes
... submarine fans--models for exploration for stratigraphic traps: AAPG Bull., v. 62, p. 932-966. End_of_Record - Last_Page 206------- The Balder oil...
Cautions About Using Core Analysis Data the St. Peter Sandstone, Michigan Basin
Sharon A. Stonecipher
Special Publications of SEPM
Mapping IOCG-related alteration using 3D gravity and magnetic inversion: an example from the Tennant Creek Mount Isa region, northern Australia
James A. Goodwin, Roger G. Skirrow
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
..., the horizontal cell size in the inversion models reported here (2 km) is too large to resolve all but the largest IOCG deposits. Hydrothermal alteration...
Relationship Brtween the Kishenehn Basin, and the Flathead Listric Normal Fault System and Lewis Thrust Salient
Kurt Constenius
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...-fill sediments toward the northeast, as a consequence of listric normal faulting along the Flathead fault system (models 1 and 2, Fig. 6). The Nyack...
Controls on fracture network characteristics of the middle member of the Bakken Formation, Elm Coulee field, Williston Basin, United States
S. Khatri, and C. M. Burberry
AAPG Bulletin
... is used to guide interpolation and extrapolation of the faults when they are traced through the data cube. With the help of analog models...
Combining Statistical Analysis With Simulation to Optimize Unconventional Completions - Upper and Lower Montney Formations, Canada
Omar Q. Mohammed, Rashid Kassim, Larry K. Britt, Shari Dunn-Norman
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... understand key drivers for successful stimulation of multiple fractured horizontal wells. Previous work (Mohammed et al., 2016) documented the statistical...
Chapter 13: A Diagenetic Study of the Wolfcamp Shale in the Southeast Midland Basin, West Texas: A Petrographic and SEM Study of Two Cores
Alyssa K. Wickard, R. Douglas Elmore, Gerhard W. Heij
AAPG Special Volumes
... and hydrocarbons. Horizontal fractures are filled by “beef”-type calcite, and vertical fractures are filled with equant calcite and/or celestine-barite...
Late Quaternary Stratigraphy and Sedimentology of the Offshore Mahakam Delta, East Kalimantan (Indonesia)
Harry H. Roberts, Johan Sydow
Special Publications of SEPM
.... Results of the offshore Mahakam delta study help upgrade models for deeper subsurface stratigraphy by defining the relationships between important...
Compositional Variation Study for Improving Recovery in Gas-Condensate Reservoirs
Hai X. Vo, Roland N. Horne
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the top to the bottom layers are 130 md, 40 md, 20 md, 150 md, respectively. The ratio of vertical to horizontal permeability is 0.1. The reservoir fluid...
Genesis of giant, bouldery bars in a Miocene gravel-bed river: Insights from outcrop sedimentology, UAS-SfM photogrammetry, and GPR
Jesse T. Korus, R. Matthew Joeckel, Shane T. Tucker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... to improve upon sedimentological models for coarse-grained fluvial deposits. Using unmanned aircraft, structure-from-motion photogrammetry, and ground...
Stratigraphy and Structural Style of the Mazarn, Blakely and Womble Formations in the Ouachita Core Near Norman, Arkansas
David B. Buthman
Oklahoma City Geological Society
... thrust faults. Earlier structures were subsequently overprinted during a second tectonic phase by horizontal, northwest-trending Class 1 and 3 folds...
Extensional Salt Keels Detached on Eocene-Oligocene Sediments in the Deepwater Northern Gulf of Mexico: Insights into Canopy Advancement, Salt-Sediment Interplay, and Evidence for Unrecognized Mass Sediment Displacement
J. Carl Fiduk, Vivian Robertson, Marianne Clippard, George A. Jamieson, Sarah Power
GCAGS Journal
... to reach a thickness of ~1–1.5 km (~0.6–1 mi) before the underlying weak O–E detachment layers near the Sigsbee Escarpment fail. Failure at shallower levels...
Facies Architecture and Sequential Evolution of an Incised-Valley Estuarine Fill: The Cujupe Formation (Upper Cretaceous to ?Lower Tertiary), SaO Luis Basin, Northern Brazil
Dilce de Fatima Rossetti
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Estuarine facies models: conceptual basis and stratigraphic implications: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 62, p. 1130-1146. FREY, R.W., AND HOWARD...
Diagnostic Resistivity Sounding Curves of Karstic Aquifers in the Chuping Limestone
Mohammed Sayyadul Arafin, C. Y. Lee
Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)
...). The resistivities of the water-bearing layers at GS 863 and GS 865 are 160 ohmm and 110 ohm-m respectively in the models. This difference in the resistivity...
Characterization of Stress-field Variation on Subsurface Faults in Surrounding Areas of Hydraulic Fracturing
Qian Gao, Yueming Cheng, Ebrahim Fathi, Samuel Ameri
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... faulting environment, the ratio of maximum horizontal to minimum horizontal stresses (σH,max/σh,min) is also 3.12. For all the numerical models, pnet...
Towards the Development of a Baseline for Surface Movement in the Surat Cumulative Management Area
Mohsen S. Masoudian, Christopher Leonardi, Zhongwei Chen, Jim Underschultz
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... with the hypothesis that the observed surface movement is due to rainfall infiltration-induced consolidation of the shallow soil layers and subsequent moisture...
Environments of Formation and Controls on Spatial Distribution of Calcite Cementation in Plio-Pleistocene Fluvial Deposits, New Mexico, U.S.A.
John S. Hall, Peter Mozley, J. Matthew Davis, Nicole Delude Roy
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., 1989, Hydrogeologic facies models to delineate large-scale spatial trends in glacial and glaciofluvial sediments: Geological Society of America...
A Process Model for the Evolution, Morphology, and Architecture of Sinuous Submarine Channels: PERSPECTIVES
Jeff Peakall, Bill Mccaffrey, Ben Kneller
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... of Hydraulic Engineering, v. 115, p. 1076-1093. MIDDLETON, G.V., 1966, Small-scale models of turbidity currents and the criterion for auto-suspension...
Modern and Ancient Submarine Fans: REPLY
Roger G. Walker
AAPG Bulletin
.... Petrology, v. 47, p. 928-930. Walker, R. G., 1978, Deep-water sandstone facies and ancient submarine fans: models for exploration for stratigraphic...
Lateral Correlation and Interpolation of Logs: Chapter 6
John H. Doveton
AAPG Special Volumes
...: San Diego, Academic Press, p. 445-485. Haldorsen, H. H., and L. W. Lake, 1984, A new approach to shale management in field-scale models: SPE Journal, v...