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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Wood Jams or Beaver Dams? Pliocee Life, Sediment and Landscape Interactions in the Canadian High Arctic
Neil S. Davies, John C. Gosse, Alexandra Rouillard, Natalia Rybczynski, Jin Meng, Alberto V. Reyes, Jarloo Kiguktak
... of two sub-facies. The lowest part of the succession (Facies 1; ~ 15–70 m thick) comprises continuous thin (1–10 cm thick) horizontal layers of sand...
Abstract: The Benefits of S-waves and Multicomponent Data for Surface Monitoring; #90187 (2014)
en Dando, Kit Chambers, Raquel Velasco, and Stephen Wilson
Search and Discovery.com
..., by generating, then migrating synthetic seismograms, using a moment tensor source together with 3D P-wave and S-wave velocity models. We use a novel...
Flow Behavior of Ponded Turbidity Currents
Marco Patacci, Peter D.W. Haughton, William D. Mccaffrey
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... and return layers and impinge against the confining slope, and their amplitude is highest when the density contrast between layers is greatest, e.g....
Microseismic Activity: What Does It Really Say? Insights from Coulomb Failure Function Analysis
Pierre-Francois Roux
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...-slip events with polarity reversal, regardless of the background stress. Such events typically strike parallel to the maximum horizontal stress, which...
Small Lithistid Sponge Bioherms, Early Middle Ordovician Table Head Group, Western Newfoundland
Colin F. Klappa,, Noel P. James
CSPG Bulletin
... models 10. Reefs: Geoscience Canada, v. 5, p. 16-26. James, N. P. and Kobluk, D. R., 1978, Lower Cambrian patch reefs and associated sediments, southern...
Influence of fault rock foliation on fault zone permeability: The case of deeply buried arkosic sandstones (Gres d'Annot, southeastern France)
Thibault Cavailhes, Jean-Pierre Sizun, Pierre Labaume, Alain Chauvet, Martine Buatier, Roger Soliva, Leila Mezri, Delphine Charpentier, Henri Leclere, Anna Trave, Claude Gout
AAPG Bulletin
.... 11.Lander, H. R., R. E. Larese, and L. M. Bonnell, 2008, Toward more accurate quartz cement models: The importance of euhedral versus noneuhedral growth...
Innovation for Conventional Hydrocarbon Exploration with Audio Magnetotelluric Method
Widodo, Durra Handri Saputera, Iqbal Fauzi Aditama, Andriyan Saputra
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...) 〖Im(Z¬_1 )/(Re(Z_1))〗 We use two models in forward modeling: petroleum system with anticline structure trap and fault structure trap. The scheme...
Facies Modeling Described by Probabilistic Patterns Using Multi-Point Statistics: An Application to the K-Field, Libya, #42045 (2017).
Valeria Sisinni, Vanessa Villarroel, Neil McDougall, Marcos Victoria, Yrma Vallez, Consuelo Garcia Mojonero
Search and Discovery.com
... as a constraint on facies distribution, based on conceptual models, regional geology, analogues, and paleogeography, etc. Both kinds of input data, hard and soft...
Comprehensive pressure core analysis for hydrate-bearing sediments from Gulf of Mexico Green Canyon Block 955, including assessments of geomechanical viscous behavior and nuclear magnetic resonance permeability
Jun Yoneda, Yusuke Jin, Michihiro Muraoka, Motoi Oshima, Kiyofumi Suzuki, William F. Waite, and Peter B. Flemings
AAPG Bulletin
... velocity, density, and gamma ray acquired by LWD indicated numerous concentrated gas hydrate–bearing layers existed in a reservoir between 414 and 450 m...
Dynamic near-seafloor sediment transport in Kaikōura Canyon following a large canyon-flushing event
Katherine L. Maier, Scott D. Nodder, Stacy Deppeler, Peter Gerring, Grace Frontin-Rollet, Rachel Hale, Oliver Twigge, Sarah J. Bury
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Depositional models with special reference to the deposits of high-density turbidity currents: Journal of Sedimentary Petrology, v. 52, p. 279–297...
Modeling Complex Reservoirs with Multiple Conditional Techniques: A Practical Approach to Reservoir Characterization
H. Beucher-Darricau, B. Doligez, J. M. Yarus
AAPG Special Volumes
...., 1993, On the connectivity of two random set models: The truncated Gaussian and the Boolean, in A. Soares, ed., Geostatistics tria '92, v. 1: Dordrecht...
Imaging the presalt with elastic FWI using OBN data
Gabriel Brando, Benjamin Huard, Luis Cypriano
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... by their corresponding velocity models, respectively). reflectors, assuming the velocity-to-impedance relationship from Zhang et al., 2020) and for its horizontal...
Production Forecasting for Shale Gas Well in Transient Flow Using Machine Learning and Decline Curve Analysis
Dongkwon Han, Sunil Kwon, Hanam Son, Janghyun Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in hydraulic fractured horizontal wells, which delays the entry into BDF regime. Accordingly, it is not possible to forecast a production profile by using...
Off-Reef Salina Deposition (Silurian), Southern Michigan Basin Implications For Reef Genesis
J. Frederick Sarg
Special Publications of SEPM
... deposited in deeper, restricted water. Three different depositional models have been proposed and are currently used to explain the timing and mechanism...
Thrust-Generated Fan-Delta Deposition: Little Muddy Creek Conglomerate, SW Wyoming
David A. Pivnik
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... pass laterally into low-angle laminated, coarse sandstones and layers of fine sandstone. The crude horizontal laminae of some Member II sandstones could...
Avulsion Frequency, Avulsion Duration, and Interavulsion Period of Holocene Channel Belts in the Rhine-Meuse Delta, the Netherlands
Esther Stouthamer, Henk J.A. Berendsen
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Memoir 5, p. 587-596. LEEDER, M.R., MACK, G.H., PEAKALL, J., AND SALYARDS, S.L., 1996, First quantitative test of alluvial stratigraphic models, Southern...
The Origin of Inverse Grading in Muddy Debris Flow Deposits--A Review
Michael A. Naylor
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...) that clay suffers on deformation can explain inverse grading; the lowest, most strongly sheared layers of debris are weakest and support relatively small...
Anatomy and provenance of a typical transgressive sandstone: the Lower Cretaceous Martin House Formation, Northern Canada
Julia E. A. Davison, Benjamin G. Daniels, Stephen M. Hubbard, Larry M. Heaman, Thomas Hadlari
Bulletin of Canadian Energy Geoscience (CEGA)
..., v. 51, p. 56–103. Boyd, R., Dalrymple, R.W. and Zaitlin, B.A. 2006. Estuary and incised valley facies models. In: Facies models revisited: Society...
Casing Failure Analysis in Unconventional Wells and its Possible Solutions
Fabián Benedetto, Agustín Prieto, Darío Codega, Nicolás Rebasa
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... wells to Vaca Muerta shale formation in 2013, to the present, where more than 1200 wells have been drilled (mostly horizontal) and around 1000 of them...
The Role of Regional Seismic Surveys in the Exploration of the North West Shelf
J. Ostby, C. Johnston
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
...) carbonate layers interbedded with low velocity (unconsolidated) clays and sands. As the carbonates thicken towards the shelf edge, so does the noise...
Petroleum System Overview of the Sebuku Block and the Surrounding Area: Potential as a New Oil and Gas Province in South Makassar Basin, Makassar Straits
Gadjah E. Pireno, Dardji N. Darussalam
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... stratification of secondary porosity. It is common to see reservoir models that have horizontal banding of porosity and permeability, sometimes...
Elastic full-waveform inversion using random space shift
Yuhui Yao, Jizhong Yang, Yuzhu Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... between different model parameter classes. To make EFWI more robust against large errors in initial velocity models, we made an extension of our...
Stochastic Model and Sensitivity Analysis of the Economics of a "Shale" Development Program
William Fleckenstein, Jens Zimmermann
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... shale drilling program. A model was constructed to simulate a multi-year 200 well horizontal drilling program, and to enable a deterministic evaluation...
Chapter 7: Advanced Reservoir Characterization Using 3D Seismic Data in Badger Basin, Bighorn Basin, Wyoming
John E. Buggenhagen
Montana Geological Society
... by thick shales, thin sands, coals, and bentonite layers. It has been suggested that the progradation of the delta was controlled by movement...
Regional Stratigraphic Variations in the White Rim Sandstone (Utah): Evidence of a Change in Rate of Relative Sea-Level Rise During The Permian
Jacqueline E. Huntoon, Diane L. Kamola
CSPG Special Publications
... deposition II — sequence and systems tract models. In: Wilgus, C.K. et al. (Eds.), Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists, Special Publication...