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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Airbone Gradiometry: Looking Beyond Conventional Gravity
Riki Tasrianto, Vicki Amir, Reki Indrawan, Lionel Summer, Colm Murphy, Haryono Haryanto, Wahyudin Bahri Nasifi
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of gravity in vertical direction and is commonly used to identify both deep and shallow basement structures. The horizontal components, Txx or Tyy, measure...
Bakken Unconventional Well Gas-Oil Ratio (GOR) Behavior Characterization
Yongshe Liu, Brian Coffman, Nathan McMahan, Alisdair Farthing
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... reservoir models are built to match the GOR behaviors for both historic sliding sleeve and modern plug and perf completion wells. Long-term GOR trends...
A novel method for digitizing sedimentological graphic logs and exporting into reservoir modeling software
Aly Abdelaziz, Greg M. Baniak, Thomas F. Moslow, Alessandro Terzuoli, and Giovanni Grasselli
AAPG Bulletin
... and constructing precise subsurface stratigraphic models. Typically, such information is gathered in a hand-drawn format and/or produced in a computer-aided...
Fracture Systems of the Austin Chalk, North-Central Texas
Edward W. Collins, Susan D. Hovorka, Stephen E. Laubach
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
... to Horizontal Drilling: Exarnplesfrom Western North America:I. W. Schrioker, E . B. Coalson, C. A . Brown, Editors Fracture Systems of the Austin Chalk...
Tertiary Geology and Palynology of the Quesnel Area, British Columbia
G. E. Rouse,, W. H. Mathews
CSPG Bulletin
...-Tertiary basin models for the Canadian Cordillera and their geological constraints: Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, v. 14, p. 2414-2421. Eisbacher, G. H...
Fine-Grained Debris Flows In Coarse-Grained Alluvial Systems: Paleoenvironmental Implications For the Late Paleozoic Fountain and Cutler Formations, Colorado, U.S.A.
Dustin E. Sweet
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... surface, ultimately behaving as cohesive fine-grained debris flows. The MGSF at both study areas does not fit into end-member facies models of alluvial...
Cyclonic Brine-Flow Pattern Recorded by Oriented Gypsum Crystals in the Badenian Evaporite Basin of the Northern Carpathian Foredeep
Maciej Babel, Anna Becker
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
..., Models for evaporite, selenite and gypsum microbialite deposition in ancient saline basins: Acta Geologica Polonica, v. 54, p. 219–249. Babel, M., 2004b...
Cyclic Stratigraphy of the Upper Member of the Guilmette Formation (Uppermost Givetian, Frasnian), West-Central Utah
B. R. Larsen, M. A. Chan, S. R. Bereskin
Dallas Geological Society
.... Stratigraphic models for carbonate tidal-flat deposits. In: Warme, J.E. and Shanley, K.W. (Eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments, Modern and Ancient, Part 3...
Cyclic Stratigraphy of the Upper Member of the Guilmette Formation (Uppermost Givetian, Frasnian), West-Central Utah
B. R. Larsen, M. A. Chan, S. R. Bereskin
CSPG Special Publications
.... Stratigraphic models for carbonate tidal-flat deposits. In: Warme, J.E. and Shanley, K.W. (Eds.), Carbonate Depositional Environments, Modern and Ancient, Part 3...
Abstract: Models and data for tidal power studies
David Greenberg
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Models and data for tidal power studies David Greenberg atlantic geology . volume 46 . 2010 52 Models and data for tidal power studies...
Abstract: Fossil Finder: a case study of the use and development of machine learning models to identify fossils in situ
Nathan Rowbottom
Atlantic Geology
...Abstract: Fossil Finder: a case study of the use and development of machine learning models to identify fossils in situ Nathan Rowbottom Fossil...
Methods in Exploration Series #2: Seismic Models of Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps in Rocky Mountain Basins - Title Page
Robert T. Ryder, Myung W. Lee, Gerald N. Smith
AAPG Special Volumes
...Methods in Exploration Series #2: Seismic Models of Sandstone Stratigraphic Traps in Rocky Mountain Basins - Title Page Robert T. Ryder, Myung W. Lee...
Geoscientific reasoning via graph neural networks
Grant Seastream, Huseyin Denli
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... 2D synthetic geologic models along with seismic and simplified hydrocarbon migration simulations to create a sufficient number of subsurface examples...
An Analysis of Coastal Recession Models: North Carolina Coast
Orrin H. Pilkey, Thomas W. Davis
Special Publications of SEPM
...An Analysis of Coastal Recession Models: North Carolina Coast Orrin H. Pilkey, Thomas W. Davis Copyright © 2012, The Society of Economic...
Testing hypotheses on signatures of precipitation variability in the river and floodplain deposits of the Paleogene San Juan Basin, New Mexico, U.S.A.
Kristine L. Zellman, Piret Plink-Björklund, Henry C. Fricke
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
... systems and the proposed facies models, in addition to alternations of poorly drained and well-drained floodplain deposits and/or slickensides indicating...
Recognition of Transgressive and Post-Transgressive Sand Ridges On The New Jersey Continental Shelf
W. L. Stubblefieldi, D. W. McGrail, D. G. Kersey
Special Publications of SEPM
... developed by synthesis of two previous models One model suggests the ridges formed features forming at the base of the shoreface The transgression...
Facies and stratigraphic architecture of the Upper Devonian–Lower Mississippian Sappington Formation, southwestern Montana: A potential outcrop analog for the Bakken Formation
Anna S. Phelps, Michael H. Hofmann, and Bruce S. Hart
AAPG Bulletin
...) horizontal well. Geosteering horizontal wells in the Bakken along bedding surfaces, that is, along gently dipping clinoforms, is likely to cause variations...
A Straightforward Workflow for Monitoring CO2 Storage
Marc-Antoine Dupont, Sven Philit, Fabien Cubizolle
GEO ExPro Magazine
... 1a). The gas accumulation is distributed into several sand units which are separated by thin clay/mudstone layers of limited extent that vertically...
The Hybrid Theory-Guided Data Science-Based Method: Unlocking the Full Potential of Seismic Reservoirs Characterization
Rino Saputra, Akash Mathur, Awal Mandong
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... of the hybrid theory-guided data science (TGDS) approach. Data augmentation is performed by simulating many pseudo-wells based on rock physics models...
Reservoir Characterization and Modeling of the Jurassic Smackover and Norphlet Formations, Hatters Pond Unit, Mobile County, Alabama
Elliott P. Ginger, Andrew R. Thomas, W. David George, Emily L. Stoudt
Special Publications of SEPM
...' GeoLinkB and vertically averaged into thirteen simulation layers: three for the Smackover Formation and 10 for the Norphlet FormationThe Hatter's...
Determining the Contributing Reservoir Volume from Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in the Wolfcamp Formation in the Midland Basin
Mickey Friedrich, Mike Milliken
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Determining the Contributing Reservoir Volume from Hydraulically Fractured Horizontal Wells in the Wolfcamp Formation in the Midland Basin Mickey...
Intelligent Well System (IWS) Selections Optimizes a Multi Layer Gas Reservoir Development Plan, Bawal Field, Natuna Sea
Imaduddin Kartoatmodjo, Agung Ertanto, Lukman Hidayat, Irene Sihombing, Sugiharto Danudjaja, Retno Wijayanti, Ludy Andria
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... strategy. Horizontal production wells completed in single zones have proved highly successful in similar Arang dry gas developments in the area resulting...
Three-Dimensional Seismic Modeling and Seismic Facies Imaging
Hongliu Zeng , Noel Tyler , Milo M. Backus
GCAGS Transactions
...-property models were generated for a Lower Miocene shorezone system at Powderhorn Field, Calhoun County, Texas. These models were based on detailed...
Automated hyper-parameter optimization for deep learning framework to simulate boundary conditions for wave propagation
Harpreet Kaur, Sergey Fomel, Nam Pham
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... a direct impact on the performance of machine learning models. We implement three different hyper-parameter optimization techniques, namely random search...
The Place of Faults in Petroleum Traps
Rasoul Sorkhabi, Yoshihiro Tsuji
AAPG Special Volumes
... in a fault zone caused by fracture network, whereas minimum permeability is vertical in sedimentary layers but becomes horizontal in a fault zone caused...