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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 38,197 Results. Searched 196,763 documents.
Controls on Petroleum Phase and Water Production in the Wall Creek Resource Play, Powder River Basin, Wyoming
Search and Discovery.com
ABSTRACT Similarities and Differences of a Submarine Foreland Fold-and-Thrust Belt and Gravity Driven Delta Toe-Thrusting: A Case Study from the Central American Back-Arc, #90123 (2011)
Christian Brandes, Jutta Winsemann
Search and Discovery.com
... and lithologic control. The faults and the detachments were mapped on the individual seismic sections and 3D models were created. The models provide insight...
Hydrocarbon Production and Microseismic Monitoring Treatment Optimization in the Marcellus Shale; #80310 (2013)
Carl W. Neuhaus, Cherie Telker, Mary Ellison, and Keith Blair
Search and Discovery.com
... the Alleghenian Orogeny (Engelder et al., 2009). These fractures are parallel to the current maximum horizontal stress orientation in the Appalachian Basin. J2...
Fluid Processes and Sea-Floor Response on a Modern Storm-Dominated Shelf: Middle Atlantic Shelf of North America. Part I: The Storm-Current Regime.
Donald J. P. Swift, Gregory Han, Christopher E. Vincent
CSPG Special Publications
.... Brenner, R. L. 1980. Construction of process-response models for ancient epicontinental seaway depositional systems using partial analogs. American...
Stratigraphic Framework and Depositional Controls on Reservoir Occurrence, Big Valley Formation, Southern Alberta
Jacqueline Colborne, Gerry Reinson, R. Marc Bustin
CSPG Bulletin
.... 3–41. James, N. P., Kendall, A. C. and Pufahl, K. 2010. Introduction to biological and chemical facies models. In: Facies Models 4: Response to Sea...
Numerical Modeling of Groundwater Flux through a Low-Level Radioactive Waste Repository for Performance Assessment
Abel Porras, Changbing Yang, Kan Tu, Brad Broussard, Alex Sun
GCAGS Transactions
... precipitation, evapotranspiration and root water uptake. While the specific flux constrained with observed hydrogeologic data and site conceptual models...
The geometry of fluvial channel bodies: Empirical characterization and implications for object-based models of the subsurface
Luca Colombera, Nigel P. Mountney, Giacomo Medici, and L. Jared West
AAPG Bulletin
...The geometry of fluvial channel bodies: Empirical characterization and implications for object-based models of the subsurface Luca Colombera, Nigel P...
Permeability from NMR in the Unconventional Point-Pleasant Formation
Xinglin Wang, Philip M. Singer, Yunke Liu, Zeliang Chen, George J. Hirasaki, Zheng Yang, Scott J. Seltzer, Boqin Sun, Marcus O. Wigand, Jon E. Burger
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Permeability logs have direct impact on calculating producibility and recoverability of hydrocarbons, and are used to optimize horizontal-well...
Deep Learning for Quantitative Hydraulic Fracture Profiling from Fiber Optic Measurements
Weichang Li, Han Lu, Yuchen Jin, Frode Hveding
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... data to model daily gas production from a multistage horizontal production well. More recently, in (Sherman et al. 2019) a synthetic data trained deep...
Rhythmic Sedimentation in a Mid-Pennsylvanian Delta-Front Succession, Magoffin Member (Four Corners Formation, Breathitt Group), Eastern Kentucky: A Near-Complete Record of Daily, Semi-Monthly, and Monthly Tidal Periodicities
Rhonda M. Adkins, Kenneth A. Eriksson
Special Publications of SEPM
... are vertical and horizontal trace fossils are rarely found within this occur interval Vertical tubes Skolithos in layers interval. Vertical tubes...
Deformation of Earth's Lithosphere with Reference to Tidal Couples
R. C. Bostrom, M. A. Sherif, R. H. Stockman
AAPG Special Volumes
...., and S. Bloch, 1969, Upper mantle structure--are the low-velocity layers thin?: Nature, v. 221, no. 5184, p. 930-933. Heezen, B. C., and M. Tharp, 1965...
Driving Mechanisms for Drainage Volume and Cumulative Oil: Case Studies for the Midland Basin with Diffusive Time of Flight and Machine Learning
Yuxing Ben, Osama Raba, Kyle Smith, Jaeyoung Park, Raquel Gordillo
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... to calculate the well spacing and track well sequencing. Two machine learning (ML) models were trained, one with DTOF-estimated drainage volume...
Middle Miocene Paleogeography of Coastal Southern California and the California Borderland Evidence from Schist-Bearing Sedimentary Rocks
Charles J. Stuart
Pacific Section SEPM
... and Wagner, 1977; and Vedder et al , 1974) are used to reconstruct parts of the middle Miocene paleogeography. Models of Miocene tectonic development...
Structural and diagenetic control of fluid migration and cementation along the Moab fault, Utah
Peter Eichhubl, Nicholas C. Davatzes, Stephen P. Becker
AAPG Bulletin
... in diameter with distance away from faults. Locally, concretions are dense enough to coalesce and to form cemented layers. In thin section...
Gravity's Role in a Modern Exploration Program
Gene Greene
Houston Geological Society Bulletin
... with the accumulation of oil and gas are directly related to horizontal density changes of magnitudes large enough to be mapped by an accurate gravity survey...
Giant Armored Mud Boulder from the 1982 Mount St. Helens Mudflows: DISCUSSION
Gary A. Smith
Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)
...., v. 67, p. 464. FOSTICK, L., AND REID, I., 1977, The origin of horizontal laminae in ephemeral stream channel-fill: Sedimentology, v. 24, p. 1-9...
Abstract: Improving Borehole Instability Analysis by Investigating the Impacts of Stress and Rock Anisotropy; #90224 (2015)
Qing Jia, Douglas Schmitt, Inga Moeck, and Randy Kofman
Search and Discovery.com
..., pore pressure, etc., but the input mechanical data sometimes cannot be easily accessed. This study presents different models to investigate...
Depositional Facies Control on Reservoir Characteristics in the Middle and Lower Abu Roash G Sandstones, Western Desert, Egypt - Presentation
Mark A. Pasley, Gabe Artigas, and Osama Nassef, and Joe Comisky
Search and Discovery.com
... models for sandstone intervals within the middle and lower “G” Member of the Abu Roash Formation. Core descriptions and data from nine wells were tied...
Accelerating Well Construction Using a Digital Twin Demonstrated on Unconventional Well Data in North America
Gurtej S. Saini, Pradeepkumar Ashok, Eric van Oort, Matthew R. Isbell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a digital twin is a complex undertaking wherein real-time data and physics-based models are integrated with historical data to provide real-time...
Structural characteristic comparisons and deformation controlling factors of intra-craton strike-slip faults in the three major basins in central and western China
Yongtao Liu, Xukui Feng, Guizhong Wang, Shuanghe Dai, Yijun Zhou, Haishan Sun, Xu Li, Xiangwen Li, Xiaohui Zhao, Binhua Guo, Yu Zhao
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... characteristics in different layers. In the northern depression area of Tarim basin, the mid-Caledonian fault system is compresso-shear, while the middle...
Quantifying flow in variably wet microporous carbonates using object-based geological modeling and both lattice-Boltzmann and pore-network fluid flow simulations
S. R. Harland, R. A. Wood, A. Curtis, M. I. J. van Dijke, K. Stratford, Z. Jiang, W. Kallel, and K. Sorbie
AAPG Bulletin
... of microporous carbonates, quantifying single and multiphase flow using lattice-Boltzmann and network models. In purely micritic fabrics, average pore radius...
Production-Induced Capillary Breakdown of Reservoir Barriers, #41133 (2013)
Alton Brown
Search and Discovery.com
... understand and predict fault barrier behavior in reservoir simulations. Relatively small-scale, detailed barrier flow models were simulated so...
Completion Optimization While Drilling Geomechanical Steering Towards Fracable Rock Using Corrected Mechanical Specific Energy
A. Jacques, A. Ouenes, R. Dirksen, M. Paryani, S. Rehman, M. Bari
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... is prohibited. Abstract The drilling of thousands of unconventional horizontal wells in North America has highlighted the impact of landing zone...
Evaluation and Optimization of Completion Design using Machine Learning in an Unconventional Light Oil Play
Luisa Porras, Christopher Hawkes, Arshad Islam
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Abstract Innovations in horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing in the last decades have led to exploitation and development of unconventional...
Quantitative seismic geomorphology of the middle Frio fluvial systems, south Texas, United States
Hamed Z. El-Mowafy, and Kurt J. Marfurt
AAPG Bulletin
... to quantify the morphometric parameters important to building predictive geologic models for fluvial reservoirs. Three categories of channel systems...