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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 37,722 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Higher Spatial Resolution - A Frontier

Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore

Special Publications of SEPM

... variability or the nature of the climatic gradients and not model veracity. Higher resolution models may reduce this limitation. Unfortunately, high...


ABSTRACT: Near-Wellbore Black Oil Simulation to Evaluate Fracture Flow Potential in a Tight Reservoir in Kuwait; #90051 (2006)

Sefer B. Coskun, H. J. Lewandowski, S. Ismail Ozkaya, Ricardo Oosthuizen

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... Arab Emirates, phone: 971506410949, [email protected], (2) Kuwait Oil Company, Kuwait City, (3) Baker Hughes, Bahrain A horizontal well...


Spatial Variability of Porosity in Chalk: Comparison of an Outcrop and a North Sea Reservoir

P. Frykman

AAPG Special Volumes

... models and their flow performance (Kupfersberger and Deutsch, 1999). Uncertainty about the horizontal correlation ranges is already known from prior...


ABSTRACT The Use of Seismic Inversion Results as an Input in a High Resolution Petroleum System Modeling in the Santos Basin Brazil , #90104 (2010)

Lemgruber Adriana; Gonçalves Felix T T; Loures Luiz; Palmowski Daniel; Rostirolla Sidnei; Zagotto Eric; Araújo Armando

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... that, the  model's layers were subdivided and the grid was refined to increase the vertical and horizontal resolution within the layers of interest. The seismic...


Climate Models and their Application

Eric J. Barron, George T. Moore

Special Publications of SEPM

.... Second, there is a clear trade-off between spatial resolution and computational effort. Typical global scale climate models limit the horizontal...


Use of Synthetic and Antithetic Shear to Model the Development of Gulf Coast Listric Normal Faults

John H. Spang

GCAGS Transactions

... form a ramp and flat geometry in both the hanging wall and footwall. The models consists of a rigid , undeformable footwall (horizontal dashes...


Fabric of Coarse Deep-water Sandstones Tourelle Formation, Quebec, Canada

Richard N. Hiscott, Gerard V. Middleton

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

... with or without internal scour surfaces or fluid-escape pillars, and (2) layers containing thick divisions of near-horizontal stratification. Mean...


Mechanical Layer-dependent Fracture Characteristics from Fracture Density vs. Tvd Cross Plots. Examples from Horizontal Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs, North Oman; #90017 (2003)

Sait Ismail Ozkaya, Wilhelm Kolkman, Joachim Amthor

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...Mechanical Layer-dependent Fracture Characteristics from Fracture Density vs. Tvd Cross Plots. Examples from Horizontal Wells in Carbonate Reservoirs...


Horizontal Wells as a Solution to Produce Gas Bearing Low Permeability Sands in the G Zone Reservoirs of the Tambora Gas Field, East Kalimantan, Indonesia

A. Gautama, P. Grivot, S. Gunawan, F. Larrouquet

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Horizontal Wells as a Solution to Produce Gas Bearing Low Permeability Sands in the G Zone Reservoirs of the Tambora Gas Field, East Kalimantan...


Geomechanical insights on the importance of mechanical stratigraphy to hydraulic fracture containment

Kevin J. Smart, David A. Ferrill, and Alan P. Morris

AAPG Bulletin

... and realistic material models—to investigate the influence of mechanical stratigraphy (including mechanical layers and layer boundaries) on the distribution...


Determining Bedding Slip Planes With Microseismic Processing

Natalia Verkhovtseva, Ben Bagherian, Timur Mukhtarov

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the layers. Datasets recorded using straddling single or multiple arrays provide high locational accuracy of the events and therefore can be used to confirm...


Basement Tectonics and Fold Patterns--Kinematic-Model Approach: ABSTRACT

E. S. T. O'Driscoll

AAPG Bulletin

... of the varying ratio of horizontal to vertical movement in the shear systems. If the resistance of flexible layers to ductile compression...


Three-dimensional reservoir characterization and flow simulation of heterolithic tidal sandstones

Matthew D. Jackson, Shuji Yoshida, Ann H. Muggeridge, Howard D. Johnson

AAPG Bulletin

..., the sandstone and mudstone layers are positively correlated in the horizontal direction up to the boundary of the models (the correlation is always...


Abstract: Horizontal Drilling - Overview of Geologic Aspects and Opportunities

Phillip H. Stark

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

...Abstract: Horizontal Drilling - Overview of Geologic Aspects and Opportunities Phillip H. Stark 1991 10 11 Horizontal drilling and completions may...


Abstract: Reducing Reservoir Model Uncertainties with Real-time Fluid Contact Mapping Using Extra-Deep Azimuthal Resistivity - Case Study from a Mature Oilfield, Offshore China; #91204 (2023)

Viet Nguyen, Gao Xiaofei, Sanjun Chen, Lei Yu, Hai Wang, Hai Wang, David Holbrough

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... A is currently operated by CNOOC in Shenzhen area, southeastern China. Up to the present date, there are over 30 directional and horizontal wells drilled...


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