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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 493 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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Vertical Seismic Profiling--A Measurement that Transfers Geology to Geophysics: Chapter 2

B. A. Hardage

AAPG Special Volumes

... to a subsurface reflector and back to the receivers is mostly a matter of inference based on the characteristics of the source and on the properties...


Recording and Processing Procedures for Multi-channel Seismic-Reflection Data Collected in the Western Ross Sea, Antarctica

S. V. Dadisman, H. F. Ryan, D. M. Mann

Circum Pacific Council Publications

... PASS FILTER: VELOCITY RANGE: (see text) 100 ms 4-8-30-35 Hz 1400-6500 m 6. NMO CORRECTION 7. MUTE 8. 24-FOLD STACK: WEIGHTED: by offset (100 m) 9...


Zama--A Geophysical Case History: Case Histories

Hugh Evans

AAPG Special Volumes

... dictated that a 4,000-ft (1,220 m) spread would give sufficient NMO differential to attenuate adequately the near-surface multiple reflections emanating...


Abstract: Sea-Bed Imaging through High Resolution Short Offset Re-Processing in the Malay Basin (Poster 18)

Sriyanee de Silva, Wee Eng Swee, Julian Sherrif

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... the requirement for far offset corrections as applied in conventional processing (e.g. accurate NMO, DMO) prior to zero offset migration. Restricting...


ABSTRACT: Crooked CDP Lines and Structure; Whose Fault Is It?; #90019 (2003)

Edward R. Tegland

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... Moveout (NMO) and other time correctional processes. We will demonstrate the behavior of the data relative to the choice of traverse line orientation using...




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... to the normal move out (NMO) corrected common depth points (CDP’s.) Residual noise contamination was then reduced by the application of an frequency...


ABSTRACT: Removal of Surface and Internal Multiples from Land Data: Experience from North Africa Data; #90051 (2006)

Riaz Alá'i, Eric Verschuur

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..., regularization and the signal enhancement in the NMO corrected domain. Some examples will illustrate the successful application of the method...


ABSTRACT: Improving Reservoir Characterization Using 3D-CRS Stack Method; #90051 (2006)

Michele Buia, Paolo Marchetti, Alfonso Iunio Marini, Renzo Zambonini, Falah Owaina

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... are used; therefore calculation robustness and reliability increase. Additional information are also recovered, i.e. very detailed NMO velocities...


Abstract: Shallow VSP Survey using a Small Vibrator Source; #90171 (2013)

Joe Wong, Soo K. Miong, Robert R. Stewart, Eric V. Gallant, and Kevin W. Hall

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... for spherical divergence, and NMO correction to flatten the reflections on Figure 2f. AAPG Search and Discovery Article #90171 CSPG/CSEG/CWLS...


Abstract: Statics Preserving Sparse Radon Transform; #90224 (2015)

Nasser Kazemi

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... of the proposed method in noise and multiple suppression using real data examples. Examples To test the performance of the proposed algorithm I show an NMO...


Abstract: Prestack Seismic Data Inversion for Shale Gas Reservoir Characterization in China; #90255 (2017)

Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang

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... conditioning improved seismic data quality prior to prestack inversion by improving signal/noise ratio, removing NMO stretch, and aligning reflection events...


Abstract: Full Azimuth Long Offset Data for Fracture Characterization: A Jurassic Case Study in North Kuwait; #90319 (2018)

Hanan Al-Hasan, Fatma Basha, Riyanto Kusumo, Agus Abdullah, Taiwen Chen

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... will be presented. As a byproduct of gather flattening, magnitude of azimuthal anisotropy and azimuth of fast velocity were computed using NMO...


Abstract: Efficient Supergrouping Approach for Enhancement of High-Channel Count and Single Sensor Seismic Data; #90319 (2018)

Maxim Dmitriev, Andrey Bakulin, Pavel Golikov

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... for intra-array statics and wavelet variation. We demonstrate noise-removing properties of such generalized supergroups with NMO corrections...


Abstract: Target-Oriented Imaging for Continous Seismic Reservoir Monitoring; #90319 (2018)

Hongwei Liu, Mustafa Al-Ali

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... use the NMO velocity defined at the target horizon to derive the initial operators. The principle of equal-traveltime affirms that the traveltimes...


Azimuthal Anisotropy „ A New Interactive Approach Leads to More Accurate Imaging

Graeme Eastwood

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... ly dependent NMO ellipse is azimuthal an isotropy, or by performing a pre• We have developed an interactive techn ique to defined by phi...


Abstract: A Comparison of Standard Migration with EOM for Hussar Data; #90174 (2014)

Thais A. Guirigay, John C. Bancroft, and J. Helen Isaac

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... is the application of a simplified Kirchhoff migration on the CSP, that consists of scaling, filtering, normal moveout (NMO) and stacking. CSP gathers...


Abstract: Structurally-Consistent Interval Velocity Variation with Azimuth; #90187 (2014)

Darren Schmidt, Alicia Veronesi, Chris Davison, and Jeff Durand

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... be corrected (Figure 1b) using the azimuthal NMO equation (Contreras et al., 1999): t 0  zero offset time (sec) 2 t 2  t0   cos 2     sin 2...


Observations of Azimuthal Anisotropy in Prestack Seismic Data, #41572 (2015).

David Gray

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... 3D visualization software, as is shown in Figure 1. It is used for quality control of azimuthal processes, such as azimuthal NMO and azimuthal AVO...


Investigation of Possible Shallow Gas Accumulations Associated with Pockmarks on the Otago Slope Southeast of New Zealand

Jasper Hoffmann, Andrew Gorman, Gareth Crutchley

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

... on velocity analysis are a standard procedure undertaken during long-offset seismic processing to determine accurate normal moveout (NMO) corrections...


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