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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 493 Results. Searched 196,371 documents.

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New Integrated Workflows for Improved Pore Pressure Prediction and Seismic Imaging, #41705 (2015).

Marek Kacewicz, Sankar Muhuri, Weihong Fei

Search and

... inversion for velocity / anisotropy or trade off calculation, e.g., based on NMO)  Migrate seismic data  Iterate tomography / basin modeling gradually...


De-risking Appraisal Phase in the Recent Gas Discovery in Banggai-Sula Basin, Central Sulawesi: Application of AVO Analysis and Pre-stack Inversion in the Sub-ophiolite Reef Carbonate Play

Mufied Ahmad, Yudi Herdiana, Tika R. Pertiwi, Hendarsyah, Arie Naskawan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... shows the seismic data conditioning workflow prior performing AVO analysis and pre-stack seismic inversion. The PSDM NMO’ed gathers from the latest...


Chapter Ten-part 2: Depth Conversion

Leslie R. Denham, Dave K. Agarwal

AAPG Special Volumes

... survey does, and usually more accurately. Seismic data themselves provide velocity information through measurement of normal moveout (NMO). If a seismic...


Prospectivity of volcanic basins: Trap delineation and acreage de-risking

Max Rohrman

AAPG Bulletin

... spreading (Saunders et al., 1997). Basalts flowed mainly from the spreading ridges and generated sequences of ocean dipping reflector series (Smallwood...


Mini Seismic Processing System for Training and Research Purposes

Suprajitno Munadi, Bambang Triharjanto

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... If spatial aliasing happens the seismic data above a certain frequency must be filtered out to avoid ambiguitie in representing dipping events. Figure 5...


Abstract: Converted Wave Receiver Statics from First Break Mode Conversions; #90171 (2013)

Kristof De Meersman and Marcelo Roizman

Search and

... that there is significant steeply dipping noise associated to this part of the stack which is caused by diffractions at the edges of the low velocity...


Abstract: Converted Wave Receiver Statics from First Break Mode Conversions; #90171 (2013)

Kristof De Meersman and Marcelo Roizman

Search and

... that there is significant steeply dipping noise associated to this part of the stack which is caused by diffractions at the edges of the low velocity...


Seismic Modeling of Fluvial-Estuarine Deposits in the Athabasca Oil Sands Using Ray-Tracing Techniques, Steepbank River Area, Northeastern Alberta

C. W. Langenberg, F. J. Hein, D. Lawton, J. Cunningham

CSPG Bulletin

... reflector simulation". Each reflecting surface is a source and each ray has the same vertical path that is orthogonal to the receiver...


Brazos A-105 D-Sand Reservoir Modeling by Integration of Seismic Elastic Inversion Results with Geostatistical Techniques

W. Xu, K. Wrolstad, D. Kramer, P. Dooley, K. Domingue, D. T. Vo

AAPG Special Volumes

... is a Rutherford and Williams (1989) class 2 reflector with higher P-wave velocity and lower density than the overlying shale. This gives a phase reversal...


Abstract: Application of Target-oriented VVAZ on Relatively thin Fracture Reservoir; #90174 (2014)

Stephen K. Chiu, Jack Howell, Jason A Stein, Samik Sil, and Jeff Malloy

Search and

.... It uses differential residual NMO travel times between the top and base of a fracture layer and performs a least-square inversion using travel times...


Assessment of a Marcellus Shale Prospect Using Seismic, Microseismic, and Completions Data

Scott Singleton, Mark Suda

GCAGS Transactions

... conditioning workflow. The elements in this workflow are only applied if needed. This is particularly applicable to de-multiple and reflector alignment. Both...


Abstract: New Seismic Technology in Acquisition & Processing Re-Opens Areas for Pre-Tertiary Exploration in Eastern Indonesia

Andrew Cochran

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... normal moveout (NMO) and subsequently muted before stacking. The ability to use a full Kirchhoff algorithm in pre-stack time migration (PrSTM), or UTMOST...


ABSTRACT: Back to Basics on Broadband Seismic Amplitudes, Phase and Resolution

Andrew Long

Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)

.... These variations are attributed to three first-order processes: 1. Progressive attenuation of higher frequencies with longer travel paths, 2. NMO...


Joint Anisotropic Parameter Inversion Based on Nonhyperbolic Moveout and Azimuthal Amplitude Variance

Fangyu Li, Jie Qi, Bin Lyu, Kurt J. Marfurt

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., for weak anisotropy, the P wave normal moveout (NMO) velocity at an arbitrary azimuth is given by Tsvankin (1997): Vnmo    V0 1  2 cos2...


Abstract: Seismic Data Gather Conditioning for Prestack Seismic Data Inversion; #90319 (2018)

Gang Yu, Yusheng Zhang, Ximing Wang, Xing Liang, Benjing Liu, Scott Singleton, Maggie Smith

Search and

... signal/noise ratio, removing NMO stretch and aligning reflection events. Velocities from residual moveout (RMO) analysis on individual sectors were used...


Abstract: Converted-Wave Statics Estimation from a PS-Receiver-Stack Image; #91204 (2023)

Yimin Sun, Mohammed Mubarak, Victor Dolgov

Search and

... and the common-conversion-point normalmoveout (CCP-NMO) correction are applied. The corresponding PP dataset, which is NMO corrected and with both source-side...


Anisotropy Analysis in Shale Using Advanced Sonic Data - Bakken Case Study, #41049 (2012)

Mehdi Ostadhassan, Zhengwen Zeng, Hadi Jabbari

Search and

... model in exploration seismology. Neglecting anisotropy in shales may lead to crucial errors in normal move-out (NMO) corrections; dip move-out (DMO...


Pre-Stack Inversion to Seismic Rock Type Predictability (SRT) Case Study: Gabus Zone 3B in Belanak Field

Baskoro Arif Kurniawan, Maria Fransisca Meirita, Aguslianto Efendy Harahap, Haniva Navilova, Willy Gunary Abadi

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... The field consists of two areas, Belanak and Southwest Belanak. The main Belanak structure is a bi-lobate anticline steeply dipping to the SE, bounded...


III Columbia Oil & Gas Investment Conference: Conventional & Unconventional Hydrocarbon Resources - Abstracts

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... Additionally, the elastic thickness of the crust in the area (~ 25 to 35 km) did not change during basin history. Seismic-reflector geometry can...


Uncertainty Analysis for Top Tuban Carbonate Prediction using Velocity Modeling Design in "Aquila" Field, East Java Basin

Ayu Indri Firdani, Azhar Kholiq Affandi, Erik Wahyu Irawan, Kamal, M. Wahdanadi Haidar, M. Freddy Yulisasongko

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and the adjust seismic stacking velocity data. The final analysis of depth conversions continued with further NMO velocity correction and combined a method...


Abstract: DMO Accuracy Requirements for AVO Analysis

Craig J. Beasley

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...: normal-moveout (NMO) done with dip-corrected velocity, followed by an appropriate velocity-dependent dip filter (Jakubowicz, 1990). We first analyse...


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