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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Hypothesis Combining Dilation, Natural Hydraulic Fracturing, and Dolomitization to Explain Petroleum Reservoirs in Monterey Shale, Santa Maria Area, California: ABSTRACT
Lowell Redwine
AAPG Bulletin
...Hypothesis Combining Dilation, Natural Hydraulic Fracturing, and Dolomitization to Explain Petroleum Reservoirs in Monterey Shale, Santa Maria Area...
Super basins—New paradigm for oil and gas supply
Bob Fryklund, and Philip Pete Stark
AAPG Bulletin
... hydraulic fracturing were required to realize the tight rocks’ reservoir potential (Martineau, 2007). The tight rock revolution has raised questions around...
3D Modeling and Analysis of the Utah FORGE Reservoir Stimulation
Dharmendra Kumar, Ahmad Ghassemi, Baohua Liu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...e and pressure record. The findings underscore the significant impact of natural fractures on hydraulic fracturing in EGS and the need to design fracturing job...
Chapter 15: Fracturing in the Bakken Petroleum System, Williston Basin
Stephen A. Sonnenberg, Julie A. LeFever, Ronald J. Hill
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...; source beds are located in the False Bakken, upper Bakken, and lower Bakken shales. Natural fracturing enhances these low porosity and permeability...
A Vaca Muerta Geomechanical Modelling Workflow for Optimizing Well Spacing, Completion Intensity and Well Profitability while Mitigating Casing Deformation Risks
J. Will, S. Eckardt
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., operational management strategies, and production performance. In a first step the hydraulic fracturing model is calibrated to best available field...
Geomechanics of Fault Activation and Induced Seismicity during Multi-stage Hydraulic Fracturing
M. Grob, S. Maxwell
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... that stimulation of the DFN during a hydraulic fracturing treatment is minor and would not affect the results concerning the interaction with the natural fault...
Seismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing Activity at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) Site, West Virginia
Abhash Kumar, Erich V. Zorn, Richard Hammack, William Harbert
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Seismic Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing Activity at the Marcellus Shale Energy and Environment Laboratory (MSEEL) Site, West Virginia Abhash Kumar...
In-situ Estimation of Unpropped Fracture Conductivity in Shale and Assessing its Role during Stimulation and Production; #120189 (2015)
Mark W. McClure, Saurabh Tandon, Mingyuan Yang, Siddharth Senthilnathan
Search and Discovery.com
... United States Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Association Symposium, San Francisco, CA. Figure 1. Example CFRAC simulation of one hydraulic fracturing...
Abstracts: Using Geomechanics to Characterize Natural Fracture Attributes in Shales and to Predict their Influence on Hydraulic Fracturing; #90173 (2015)
Jon E. Olson
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstracts: Using Geomechanics to Characterize Natural Fracture Attributes in Shales and to Predict their Influence on Hydraulic Fracturing; #90173...
Determining Failure Behavior at Hydraulic Fracturing Conditions Through Experimental Rock Deformation
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Assisted History Matching Workflow to Shale Gas Well Using EDFM and Neural Network-Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm
Sutthaporn Tripoppoom, Wei Yu, Kamy Sepehrnoori, Jijun Miao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fractures only and hydraulic fractures with natural fractures. The uncertain parameters for history matching consist of fracture geometry, fracture...
Ultrafast Hydraulic Fracturing Model for Optimizing Cube Development
Egor Dontsov, Andrew Bunger, Bradley Abell, Roberto Suarez-Rivera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Ultrafast Hydraulic Fracturing Model for Optimizing Cube Development Egor Dontsov, Andrew Bunger, Bradley Abell, Roberto Suarez-Rivera URTeC: 884...
Abstract: Fractures Identification and Modeling of an Unconventional Reservoir Using Advanced Petrophysics; #91204 (2023)
Sara Kellal, SanLinn I. Kaka
Search and Discovery.com
... the sampling and create a fractures network to best locate the hydraulic fracturing site. To accomplish this, multiple data were integrated into this study...
Fortín de Piedra Gas Field A Robust 3D Geomechanical Model that Integrates an Unconventional Vaca Muerta Formation Dataset and Captures Structural Effects on Stress Field Distributions
Alejandro Laurora, Raúl Varela, Adrian Rodriguez-Herrera
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... hydraulic fracture growth. For example, such conditions were reported in a horizontal well pad where the increase of natural fracture presence...
Advanced Dual-Porosity and Dual-Permeability Model for Tight Rock Integrated Primary Depletion and Enhanced Oil Recovery Simulation
Daegil Yang, Tyler Do, Changdong Yang, Hao Sun, Keith Ramsaran, Xundan Shi, Dengen Zhou, Jianping Chen, Mathis Lee
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... hydraulic fracture, unpropped hydraulic fracture, enhanced permeability, and natural fracture). The newly implemented local grid refinement algorithm...
Abstract: Growing Microalgae on Hydraulic Fracturing Return Water for the Combined Benefit of Bioremediation and Biodiesel Production, by Van Aken, Benoit; Ranjbar Kolachaie, Sibia; #90163 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Building Well and Fluid-Specific Pipe Friction Curves, Monitoring Perforation Cluster Efficiency During Stimulation, and Measuring Near-Wellbore Tortuosity Using Acoustic Friction Analysis
Eric M. Dunham, Saeed Rahimi-Aghdam, Junwei Zhang, Nathan Crawford, Craig Cipolla, Michael McKimmy, John Lassek
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... as the base fluid. Introduction Hydraulic fracturing is performed to enhance production, thereby facilitating extraction of oil and gas, or to create flow...
Impact of Natural Fracture Induced Elastic Anisotropy on Completion and Fracturing Design in Different Shale Reservoirs
Emre Can Dundar, Aymen Alhemdi, Ming Gu
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... and reservoir simulation to understand the impact of the natural fracture included acoustic anisotropy on hydraulic fracturing design and final fractured...
Integrated Design of Rigless Cementation and Completion: An Innovative Concept to Develop Unconventional Reservoirs in China and Its Prospect in Middle East
Fu Jin, Wang Xi, Zhang Shunyuan, Liu Bingshan, Yang Guobin, Lv Yangfan, Han Haochen
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., innovative cementation and completion technologies are demanded to develop low-perm reservoirs in China. Based on the classical hydraulic fracturing...
Message in a Bottle
Doug Bearinger
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... There is abundant evidence that hydraulic fracturing stimulates natural fractures and that they contribute to well production in many shales. The messages...
Abstract: Efficient Harvesting of Unconventional and Challenging Resources Using Wireline Imaging and Cross-Dipole Sonic Data, by P. Williams, #90188 (2014)
Search and Discovery.com
Improving Unconventional Reservoir Factory-Model Development by an Integrated Workflow with Earth Model, Hydraulic Fracturing, Reservoir Simulation and Uncertainty Analysis
Baosheng Liang, Shahzad Khan, Sinchia Dewi Puspita, Tan Tran, Song Du, Erika Blair, Stephen Rives
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Improving Unconventional Reservoir Factory-Model Development by an Integrated Workflow with Earth Model, Hydraulic Fracturing, Reservoir Simulation...
Abstract: "Flowers And Bees" Hydrate Technology: Possible Ways To Transform Marine Gas Hydrate Resources To Recoverable Reserves, by V. S. Yakushev; #90928 (1999).
Search and Discovery.com
Evaluating the Effect of Natural Fractures on Production from Hydraulically Fractured Wells Using Discrete Fracture Network Models
Thomas Doe, Alfred Lacazette, William Dershowitz, Clifford Knitter
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... hydraulic fracturing treatments. TFI is a passive microseismic method that uses surface arrays for imaging both natural and induced fractures...