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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Fracture stratigraphy, stress, and strain evolution in shale succession of the lower Paleozoic Baltic Basin (Poland)

Marek Jarosiński, Kinga Bobek, Andrzej Głuszyński, Krzysztof Sowiżdżał, and Tomasz Słoczyński

AAPG Bulletin

... as a barrier in both manmade (Gajek et al., 2018) and natural hydraulic fracturing. The term “gray shale” will be applied to shale with relatively lower TOC...


Variation of in situ stress regime in coal reservoirs, eastern Yunnan region, South China: Implications for coalbed methane production

Wei Ju, Bo Jiang, Qi Miao, Jilin Wang, Zhenghui Qu, and Ming Li

AAPG Bulletin

... reservoirs. Differential stress and presence of natural fractures significantly affected the geometry and pattern of hydraulic fractures. In addition...


Abstracts: Fractures, Elastic Moduli & Stress: Geological Controls on Hydraulic Fracture Geometry in the Horn River Basin; #90173 (2015)

Rory Dunphy and David J. Campagna

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..., and friction (if the natural fractures are not healed). Many models of failure are used in trying to understand complex hydraulic fractures. For example...


Is it the Geological Environment, Engineering Skill or Luck that Differentiates the Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Australian Coal Seam Gas Projects?, #51115 (2015).

Raymond L. Johnson Jr.

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...Is it the Geological Environment, Engineering Skill or Luck that Differentiates the Success of Hydraulic Fracturing in Australian Coal Seam Gas...


Connecting the Dots: Microseismic-Derived Connectivity for Estimating Reservoir Volumes in Low-Permeability Reservoirs

Alexandre Hugot, Jean-Claude Dulac, Emmanuel Gringarten, Aymen Haouesse

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... Understanding and modeling the coupling between hydraulic fracture propagation and natural fracture networks is critical to evaluate potential...


A Novel Workflow from StimPlan to EDFM for Complex Hydraulic Fracture Modeling and Production Simulation

Yukun Yan, Jiayao Deng, Dante Guerra, Wei Yu, Jijun Miao

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... schemes with natural fractures network Conclusions An integrated StimPlan-EDFM workflow was developed through hydraulic fracturing simulator, non...


Advanced Petrophysical, Geological, Geophysical and Geomechanical Reservoir Characterization - Key to the Successful Implementation of a Geo-Engineered Completion Optimization Program in the Eagle Ford Shale

Tie Sun, German Merletti, Hemali Patel, Mitchell C. Graff, Stephan Cadwallader, Omar Aguirre, Jeff Wampler, Ivan R. Gil, Herbert M. Sebastian, David Spain

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

..., thus translating significant impact on hydraulic fracturing design. The mechanical is determined from the calibrated SHmin profile. SH min − αPp = SH...


Systematic Workflow for Characterizing Frac Sand: An Integrated Approach, #80551 (2016).

Waseem Abdulrazzaq, Bilal Zoghbi, Walter Suzart, Muhammad Salem

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... such reservoirs has led to increased hydraulic fracturing activities; and consequently, increased demand for hydraulic fracturing sand. Hydraulic fracturing...


Abstracts: Integrating Fracture Diagnostics for Complex Hydraulic Fracture Development Model; #120181 (2015)

Kan Wu and Jon E. Olson

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... HEDBERG CONFERENCE “Fundamental Parameters Associated with Successful Hydraulic Fracturing – Means and Methods for a Better Understanding” DECEMBER...


Integrating Geology and Engineering: Implications for Production in the Bakken Play, Williston Basin

Cosima Theloy, Stephen A. Sonnenberg

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the majority of operators employ massive hydraulic fracturing treatments with up to 40 stages and millions of pounds of proppant. However, numerous...


Optimizing the Development of the Haynesville Shale „ Lessons-Learned from Well-to-Well Hydraulic Fracture Interference

Raul Esquivel, Thomas A. Blasingame

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of natural fractures is thought to be a major contributor of the "enhanced permeability" zone created by the hydraulic fracturing process. Daneshy (2016...


Geomechanical and Flow Simulation of Hydrofracs Using High-Resolution Passive Seismic Images

Alfred Lacazette, William Dershowitz, Jan Vermilye

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... in the natural fracture system. URTeC 1935092 5 Tiltmeter studies show that hydraulic fracturing produces a strain wave that propagates vertically...


Hydraulic fracture aperture estimation using low frequency DAS and DSS in Austin Chalk and Eagle Ford Shale

Xiaoyu Zhu, Jonathan Ajo-Franklin, Julia Correa, Yuanyuan Ma, Jaewon Saw, Linqing Luo, Kenichi Soga

International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)

... of this study is to characterize cross-well fracture growth and aseismic closure during hydraulic fracturing using a combination of distributed fiber optic...


Parameter Estimations of Complex Fracture Networks Using Pressure Transient Analysis in Fracturing-shuttingŽ Data from Shale Oil Wells

Zhiming Chen, Luming Shi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the hydraulic fracturing, the microseismic data showed that complex fracture networks comprised of hydraulic and natural fractures are generated along...


Applications of Machine Learning for Estimating the Stimulated Reservoir Volume (SRV)

Ali Rezaei, Fred Aminzadeh, Eric VonLunen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of any part of this paper by anyone other than the author without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Hydraulic fracturing process...


Geological Occurrence and Origin of Secondary Sandstone Porosity

Volkmar Schmidt, David A. McDonald

AAPG Special Volumes

... of the North Sea. They represent a significant percentage of global reserves of natural gas and crude oil. Porosity and permeability...


Height Growth in Layered Unconventional Reservoirs: The Impact of Formation Moduli, Interfaces and In-situ Stress

Qian Gao, Ahmad Ghassemi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of modulus contrast, interface conditions, and in-situ stress on hydraulic fracturing and especially on fracture height growth is analyzed...


Application of D-Limonene as the Green High Viscosity Friction Reducer in Hydraulic Fracturing

Aminah Qayyimah Mohd Aji, Wan Nor Farahana Wan Nadhari, Cindy Dhevayani Savitri, Dzeti Farhah Mohshim, Belladonna Maulianda, Arvindraj Krishnan

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Application of D-Limonene as the Green High Viscosity Friction Reducer in Hydraulic Fracturing Aminah Qayyimah Mohd Aji, Wan Nor Farahana Wan Nadhari...


Quantifying Changes in Hydraulic Fracture Properties Using a Multi-Well Integrated Discrete Fracture Network (DFN) And Reservoir Simulation Model in an Unconventional Wolfcamp Fm., Midland Basin, West Texas

Arashi Ajayi, Roy Cox, Brian Schmitt, Brendan Elliott

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... approach to evaluate both natural and hydraulic fracturing in mechanical layered rock. Their method provides a full 3D assessment of hydraulic fracture...


Abstracts: ANDRILL Experiences with a Wireline Hydraulic Fracturing System for Minifrac Stress Measurements in Indurated Sediments; #90173 (2015)

Douglas R. Schmitt, Terry Wilson, Richard Jarrard, Timothy Paulsen, Simona Pierdominici, Thomas Wonik, and David Handwerger

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...Abstracts: ANDRILL Experiences with a Wireline Hydraulic Fracturing System for Minifrac Stress Measurements in Indurated Sediments; #90173 (2015...


Conditions for an Economical and Acceptable Development of Unconventional Resources Out of North America; #80374 (2014)

Ph. A. Charlez

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... and hydraulic fracturing implemented in a “trial and error” factory business process which consists of drilling and fracturing a huge number of cheap wells...


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