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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing of Low Permeability Reservoirs: Slickwater, Mini-Fracs, and Other Key Factors
Jennifer L. Miskimins
Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists
...Advances in Hydraulic Fracturing of Low Permeability Reservoirs: Slickwater, Mini-Fracs, and Other Key Factors Jennifer L. Miskimins CHAPTER ELEVEN...
Fraccing Onshore Australia
Max Williamson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... History These included: Aug 2013 to Nov 2015 WA Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs 2015 NT Hydraulic Fracturing Inquiry (Chair Dr...
What we know, what we don't know, and things we do not know we don't know about hydraulic fracturing in high stress environments
Raymond L. Johnson
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... the Conductivity of Natural Fracture Systems in Conjunction with Hydraulic Fracturing in Stress Sensitive Reservoirs, SPE-182306-MS. Khanna...
Hydraulic fracture plane identification based on unsupervised learning
Zizhuo Ma, Tao Liu, Junzhou Liu
International Meeting for Applied Geoscience and Energy (IMAGE)
... fracturing; (2) It helps to evaluate hydraulic fracturing effects and analyze whether hydraulic fractures intersect natural fractures and production...
The Determination of Stress Reorientation in Shale Gas Reservoirs with Complex Natural Fracture Distribution
Jia He, Yanli Pei, Kamy Sepehrnoori
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... Numerous shale outcrops contain short and long fractures, and hydraulic fracturing events can reactivate these natural fractures to form a complex...
Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Interaction of Hydraulic Fracture and Natural Fracture Using the Cohesive Zone Finite Element Method
Minghui Li, Xiaodong Hu, Fujian Zhou, Bo Wang, Shaobo Han, Guopeng Huang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... likely to propagate along weakly cemented natural fractures. Sufficient numerical simulations elucidate the role of NFs in hydraulic fracturing...
Impact of Natural Fractures Beyond the Hydraulic Fracture Complexity in Unconventional Reservoirs A Permian Case Study
Piyush Pankaj, James Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
.... The dynamic fluid leak-off to the natural fracture and its dilation while propagating the hydraulic fracture has an impact on the subsequent fracturing...
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of the Slippage of a Natural Fracture Resulting from an Approaching Hydraulic Fracture
Lianbo Hu, Behzad Hemami, Ahmad Ghassemi, Spencer Riley, Dan Kahn, David Langton
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... a natural fracture or a bedding plane discontinuity has not been studied, particularly under triaxial stress and hydraulic fracturing conditions...
Diagnostics of Casing Deformation in Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Stimulation in Lower Silurian Marine Shale Play in Southwestern China
Guan Qin, Yanchao Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... fractures/faults during hydraulic fracturing stimulation. The simulation studies show that the orientation of natural faults, the distance between...
Subsurface Characterization of Hydraulic Fracture Test Site-2 (HFTS-2), Delaware Basin
Fadila Bessa, Kanay Jerath, Chris Ginn, Patrick Johnston, Yu Zhao, Tim Brown, Ruben Lopez, James Kessler, Brian Nicklen, Vinay Sahni
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... by anyone other than the author without the written consent of URTeC is prohibited. Abstract Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site-2 (HFTS-2) is a field-based...
Abstract: Evaluation of Two Scale Inhibitors in Seawater Hydraulic Fracturing; #90254 (2016)
Hicham El Hajj, Tawfik Al-Ghamdi, Prasad Karadkar, and Mohamed Hamam
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Evaluation of Two Scale Inhibitors in Seawater Hydraulic Fracturing; #90254 (2016) Hicham El Hajj, Tawfik Al-Ghamdi, Prasad Karadkar...
Investigation of Methods to Improve Utica Shale Hydraulic Fracturing in the Appalachian Basin, by Javad Paktinat, Joseph Pinkhouse, Jim Fontaine, Gary Lash, and Glenn Penny; #40391 (2009).
Search and Discovery.com
A Comprehensive Review of Fracture-Driven Interaction in Unconventional Oil and Gas Plays: Characterization, Real-Time Diagnosis, and Impact on Production
Harpreet Singh, Peng Cheng, Yuewei Pan, Chengxi Li, Yu Liu, Xi Wu, Mary Van Domelen, Samuel Rogers, Arash Dahi Taleghani, Meng Cao
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... in Texas using horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing, followed by the development of other shale plays such as Bakken and Eagle Ford...
The Problematical Solution of Shale Gas Exploitation as Alternative Energy for National Independent Oil and Gas
Hanif Indra Wicaksana, Anjar Trilaksono, Aufa Rifqi Alam
Indonesian Petroleum Association
... * University of Diponegoro © hydraulic fracturing technology, it is method to separate gas by using water to break the rocks (shale) and release the gas...
Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment for Tight Lower Pematang Sandstone Reservoir Field Case Example
Hani Mohede, Dian Nur Cahyono, Tri Firmanto
Indonesian Petroleum Association
...Impact of Hydraulic Fracturing Treatment for Tight Lower Pematang Sandstone Reservoir Field Case Example Hani Mohede, Dian Nur Cahyono, Tri...
Modeling and Analysis of Proppant Transport and Deposition in Hydraulic/Natural Fracture Networks
Dharmendra Kumar, Ahmad Ghassemi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... transport and deposition. In this paper, we simulate hydraulic fracturing in the presence of natural fractures in 3D and investigate key mechanisms...
Stress vs. Strain Understandings and Misconceptions in their Application to Hydraulic Fracturing; #80261 (2012)
Randy Koepsell
Search and Discovery.com
...Stress vs. Strain Understandings and Misconceptions in their Application to Hydraulic Fracturing; #80261 (2012) Randy Koepsell Stress vs. Strain...
The Impact of Natural Fracture Thickness on Hydraulic Fracture Interaction Mechanics
Weiwei Wang, Jon Olson, Maša Prodanović, Richard A. Schultz
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...The Impact of Natural Fracture Thickness on Hydraulic Fracture Interaction Mechanics Weiwei Wang, Jon Olson, Maša Prodanović, Richard A. Schultz...
Stimulation: Part 9. Production Engineering Methods
John L. Gidley
AAPG Special Volumes
... a reservoir stimulation technique, which can be either hydraulic fracturing or acid fracturing. The second case, formation damage, requires a damage...
Fractured Reality: Lateral Variations in Fractured Shales at Outcrop, Application for Subsurface Analogues, #42169 (2017).
Susie Daniels, Jonny Imber, Richard Jones, Jon Long, Max Wilkinson, David Oxlade, Seb Gilment
Search and Discovery.com
... fracture properties • How this could help in production from fractured shale Natural Fractures & Hydraulic Stimulation “Local knowledge on fracturing...
Model of the Use and Production of Water in the Gulf of San Jorge Basin, #80713 (2020).
Rogelio Neder, Viviana Aguirre, David Rubín, Pablo Eveling, Gabriela Cejas,
Search and Discovery.com
... in subsequent operations of hydraulic fracturing (after different levels of treatment), treatment in waste reconditioning plants (often followed by reuse...
Natural and Hydraulic Fracture Density Prediction and Identification of Controllers
Whitney Campbell, Joe Wicker, James Courtier
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Natural and Hydraulic Fracture Density Prediction and Identification of Controllers Whitney Campbell, Joe Wicker, James Courtier URTeC: 2934611...
Post-Fracture Pressure Decay: A Novel (and Free) Stage-Level Assessment Method
Michael Sullivan, Behnam Zanganeh, Austin Springer, Christopher Clarkson
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of modern-day hydraulic fracturing techniques, and the Duvernay’s favorable geomechanical and petrophysical rock properties, this formation is now...
Multi-Disciplinary Data Integration for Inverse Hydraulic Fracturing Analysis: A Case Study
Arash Dahi Taleghani, Ping Puyang, Joel LeCalvez
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of hydraulic fractures and the overall efficiency of fracturing treatment (Dahi Taleghani and Olson 2013, Kressy and Weng 2013); thus, natural fractures...