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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Mechanical Stratigraphic Controls on Fracturing (Jointing) and Normal Faulting in the Eagle Ford Formation, South-Central Texas, U.S.A.; #90289 (2017)

David Ferrill

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... Antonio Abstract Production from self-sourced reservoirs relies on natural and induced fracturing to enhance permeability and produce connected pathways...


Dont forget your keys when trying to unlock the productivity of low-permeability coals

Raymond L. Johnson Jr

Australian Energy Producers Journal

... have been unsuccessful, new hydraulic fracturing technologies have been developed to enhance the stimulated reservoir volume (SRV) in coals, using...


Damage and plastic deformation of reservoir rocks: Part 2. Propagation of a hydraulic fracture

Seth Busetti, Kyran Mish, Peter Hennings, Ze'ev Reches

AAPG Bulletin

... mechanism of the microseismic events may also conform to the local structure. For example, high-energy microshear events induced during hydraulic fracturing...


New Developments in Well Stimulation

Gerald R. Coulter

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... of money. Figure 2. Example production increase curve. Considerations in Designing Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments There are many factors which...


Water-Flexible Fracturing Systems

Jesse Farrell, Ted Baudendistel, Mark Kidder

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... transportation and subsequent disposal, novel waterflexible fracturing systems use non-freshwater sources for hydraulic fracturing operations. This type...


ABSTRACT Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in the Vicinity of a Natural Fracture, #90104 (2010)

Ghassemi Ahmad

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...ABSTRACT Numerical Simulation of Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in the Vicinity of a Natural Fracture, #90104 (2010) Ghassemi Ahmad Numerical...


Quantifying the Influence of Three Dimensionality on Hydraulic Fracturing in Coal Seam Gas Wells

Christopher R. Leonardi, Thomas Flottmann, Vibhas J. Pandey, Raymond J. Johnson Jr.

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... of Hydraulic Fracturing in an Emerging Coalbed Methane Prospect - An Example from the Peat Coals of Australia. Paper presented at the SPE Asia Pacific Oil...


Fracture Hit Monitoring and Its Mitigation Through Integrated 3D Modeling in the Wolfcamp Stacked Pay in the Midland Basin

Baosheng Liang, Shahzad Khan, Yula Tang

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... had the following characteristics (Figure 4): pressure started with natural falloff and then increased due to hydraulic fracturing from nearby wells...


Seepage pathway assessment for natural gas to shallow groundwater during well stimulation, in production, and after abandonment

Maurice Dusseault and Richard Jackson

Environmental Geosciences (DEG)

..., the migration of hydraulic fracturing or formation fluids including natural gas to the surface because of deep hydraulic fracturing of typical shale-gas...


Artificial Formation Fracturing in Southern Oklahoma and North-Central Texas

Warren L. Sallee , Fred E. Rugg

AAPG Bulletin

...Artificial Formation Fracturing in Southern Oklahoma and North-Central Texas Warren L. Sallee , Fred E. Rugg 1953 2539 2550 37 11. (November...


Geological Considerations during Microseismic Monitoring, Processing, and Interpretation of Hydraulic Fracture Treatment

J. Le Calvez, S. Hanson-Hedgecock, P. Primiero, T. Al-Wadhahi, O. Harrasi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... configurations, we demonstrate that ignoring the geology (e.g., lithology, stress contrast, natural fracturing, structural or depositional dip, faulting...


Geomechanical, Geological, and Engineering Controls of Hydraulic Fracturing

Gang Han, Kirk Bartko, Uno Mutlu

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... anisotropy, and natural fractures in hydraulic fracturing. They allow arbitrary fracture growth to develop longitudinal and/or transverse fracture complexity...


Fracture Description of the HFTS-2 Slant Core, Delaware Basin, West Texas

J. F. W. Gale, S. J. Elliott, B. G. Rysak, C. L. Ginn, N. Zhang, R. D. Myers, S. E. Laubach

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... unknown, and could be due to hydraulic fracturing, drilling, or core-handling. Reactivation of natural fractures, including bedding-parallel...


Probabilistic Modeling of Well Interference for Shale and Tight Development with Subsurface Uncertainty

Yuguang Chen, Ryan Burke, Tom Tran, Andrew Roark, Scott Hanson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) and existence of natural fractures at various scales. Horizontal drilling with multi-stage hydraulic fracturing has enabled commercial oil and gas...


Increasing Hydrocarbon Recovery From Shale Reservoirs Through Ballooned Hydraulic Fracturing

Ahmed Algarhy, M. Y. Soliman, Lloyd Heinze, Sheldon Gorell, Steven Henderson, Hisham Nasr El-Din

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Increasing Hydrocarbon Recovery From Shale Reservoirs Through Ballooned Hydraulic Fracturing Ahmed Algarhy, M. Y. Soliman, Lloyd Heinze, Sheldon...


Determining Failure Behavior at Hydraulic Fracturing Conditions through Experimental Rock Deformation, #41684 (2015).

Robert Charles Choens, Frederick M. Chester

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...Determining Failure Behavior at Hydraulic Fracturing Conditions through Experimental Rock Deformation, #41684 (2015). Robert Charles Choens...


Abstract: Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring of Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale; #90171 (2013)

Robert C. Downie, Joel H. Le Calvez, and Ken Kerrihard

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...Abstract: Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring of Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale...


Abstract: Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring of Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale; #90171 (2013)

Robert C. Downie, Joel H. Le Calvez, and Ken Kerrihard

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...Abstract: Real-Time Microseismic Monitoring of Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing Treatments in Adjacent Horizontal Wells in the Woodford Shale...


Fracture Analysis Before and After Hydraulic Fracturing in the Marcellus Shale Using the Mohr-Coulomb Failure Criteria

Kaitlin Evans, Randy Toth, Tobi Ore, Jarrett Smith,Natalia Bannikova, Timothy Carr, Payam Kavousi Ghahfarokhi

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... fractures. It was observed that prior to hydraulic fracturing, resistive natural fractures are mechanically dead and are in the stable region...


The Effect of Gravity on the Shape and Direction of Vertical Hydraulic Fractures

Saeed Salimzadeh

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

...). Hydraulic fracturing applied to inducing longwall coal mine goaf falls. In ‘Pacific Rocks 2000: Rock around the Rim: Proceedings from the Fourth North American...


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