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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.
Abstract/Excerpts: Modelling Hydraulic-Fracturing in 2D, by Magnus Wangen and Nina Simon; #120098 (2013)
Search and Discovery.com
Modeling Well Performance in Piceance Basin Niobrara Formation Using Embedded Discrete Fracture Model
Yifei Xu, Wei Yu, Ningning Li, Ely Lolon, Kamy Sepehrnoori
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... sensitivity studies. We investigated the impact of hydraulic fracture half-length, natural fracture density, and natural fracture conductivity on long...
Environmental Impact Analysis on the Hydraulic Fracture Test Site (HFTS)
Sarah Eisenlord, Thomas Hayes, Kent Perry
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...., M Elshahed. 2011. "Bacterial communities associated with hydraulic fracturing fluids in thermogenic natural gas wells in North Central Texas, USA...
North American Shale Gas Reservoirs - Similar, yet so Different.., #80136 (2011)
Murray Roth,
Search and Discovery.com
..." fairways and converse "dead zones". Whether it is faulting in the Woodford, karst collapse chimneys in the Barnett, natural fracturing...
ABSTRACT Hydraulic Fracture Propagation in Fractured Media, #90104 (2010)
Thiercelin Marc; Chuprakov Dimitry; Siebrits Eduard; Jeffrey Robert; Zhang Xi
Search and Discovery.com
.... Understanding the propagation of hydraulic fractures through natural interfaces or discontinuities is therefore an important topic to predict...
Unconventional Reservoir Development in Egypts Western Desert: Lessons Learned From the First Appraisal Wells
Mohamed Salah, Mazher Ibrahim
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... exploratory wells were drilled and completed via multistage hydraulic fracturing in the appraisal stage of the program for collecting the required data...
High-Resolution HFTS2 Slant Core Imaging Through X-ray Computed Micro Tomography
Javier O. Guerrero, D. Nicolas Espinoza, Julia F.W. Gale
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of the slant core from the Hydraulic Fracturing Testing Site 2 project (HFTS2) in the Delaware Basin, and (3) to map rock heterogeneity, including...
The Behavior of Fractures and Weak Planes in Response to Thermal and Mechanical Stress Changes During Drilling, Fracturing and Production
Search and Discovery.com
Application of Simulation of Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Propagation by Implementing Natural Fracture Modeling in Shale Oil Reservoir - A Case Study from Junggar Basin, China
Yanyan Ding, Yu Liang, Tingfeng Zhao, Mingwei Ma, Xingning Huang
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Application of Simulation of Coupled Hydraulic Fracture Propagation by Implementing Natural Fracture Modeling in Shale Oil Reservoir - A Case Study...
Applications of Indirect Hydraulic Fracturing to Improve Coal Seam Gas Drainage for the Surat and Bowen Basins, Australia
Raymond Leslie Johnson Jr., Honja Miharisoa Ramanandraibe, Ayrton Ribeiro, Matthew Ramsay, Kaa Tipene, William Corbett
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of activating the natural cleat network. 16 URTEC-208375-MS Fig. 13—Orientation and longwall interceptions (black dots) of the hydraulic fracturing...
Multi-Fractured Plug-Less or Non-Isolated Stage Horizontal Shale Gas Well Placement Experiment in the Canadian Horn River Basin
Claudio Virues, Peter Chernik, James F. Pyecroft, David Meeks, Christopher Petr, Jurgen Lehmann
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... ULC (“Nexen”) has developed and applied a multi-stage hydraulic fracturing process for horizontal wellbores eliminating the need for mechanical bridge...
Long Period, Long Duration (LPLD) Seismic Events Observed During Monitoring of Hydraulic Fracturing in Pennsylvania and West Virginia
Search and Discovery.com
AAPG Hedberg Research Conference “Structural Diagenesis: Fundamental Advances and New Applications from a Holistic View of Mechanical and Chemical Processes,” February 8-11, 2004, Austin Texas, AAPG, #90027 (2004)
Search and Discovery.com
Abstract: Listening to the Rocks: Understanding Rock Fabric Heterogeneity for Hydraulic Fracturing In the Montney - Integrating Seismic Inversion with Microseismic; #90224 (2015)
Claudia Duenas, Matthew Lee, Thomas Davis, and David D'Amico
Search and Discovery.com
...Abstract: Listening to the Rocks: Understanding Rock Fabric Heterogeneity for Hydraulic Fracturing In the Montney - Integrating Seismic Inversion...
Hydraulic Fracturing in Coals Can the Data Assist Us in Better Understanding Reservoir Complexities in Coal Seam Methane Reservoirs?
Ray Johnson Jr., Thomas Flottmann, David Campagna
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA)
... of the natural fracture system of the coal seams to the wellbore by means of the minimum necessary level of stimulation, either by hydraulic fracturing...
Successful Implementation of High Viscosity Friction Reducers from Laboratory to Field Scale: Middle Bakken Case Study
Mohammed Ba Geri, Abdulaziz Ellafi, Bruce Ofori, Ralph Flori, Huosameddin Sherif
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... of Hydraulic Fracturing Fluids in the Bakken and Three Forks Formations of North Dakota. Society of Petroleum Engineers. https://doi:10.2118/169580-MS Greaves...
An Efficient Model to Simulate Reservoir Stimulation and induced Microseismic Events on 3D Discrete Fracture Network for Unconventional Reservoirs
Matthieu Delorme, Jean-Marc Daniel, Chakib Kada-Kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, Christine Souque
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... problem in modeling hydraulic fracturing. Moreover, the pre-existing natural fractures in shale formations complicate hydraulic fracture propagation...
Performance Evaluation of Synthetic and Natural Polymers in Nitrogen Foam-Based Fracturing Fluids in the Cooper Basin, South Australia
Tuan Tran, M. E. Gonzalez Perdomo, Klaudia Wilk, Piotr Kasza, Khalid Amrouch
Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal
... at a concentration of 1.2 g/L. Polymer W is an HPG, which is a natural and fast hydrating guar gum. HPG has been commonly used in hydraulic fracturing...
How to Add Value to Tight Rock Fracturing Stages Using Geologically Constrained 3D Fracture Models and Microseismicity; #41154 (2013)
Jean-Marc Daniel, Matthieu Delorme, Chakib Kada-kloucha, Nina Khvoenkova, Sylvie Schueller, and Christine Souque
Search and Discovery.com
...) Sturm S.D. and Gomez E., (2009) Role of Natural Fracturing in Production from the Bakken Formation, Williston Basin, North Dakota, Search and Discovery...
Focal Mechanism Determination and Stress Inversion for Induced Seismicity Related to Shale Gas Hydraulic Fracturing
Yuyang Tan, Jun Hu, Zhengguang Zhao, Lei Li
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
..., P., & Turner, P. (2014). Felt seismicity associated with shale gas hydraulic fracturing: The first documented example in Europe. Geophysical Research...
Fracture Induced Stress Measurement and Evaluation Considering Influence of Complex Natural Fracture
Xingyu Chen, Yanchao Li, Feng He
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... interference in shale reservoirs. Keywords: Induced stress, Shale gas, Natural fracture, Hydraulic fracturing, Experiment 2 Introduction...
Differentiating Wet and Dry Microseismic Events Induced During Hydraulic Fracturing
Shawn Maxwell, Drew Chorney, Melanie Grob
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
...Differentiating Wet and Dry Microseismic Events Induced During Hydraulic Fracturing Shawn Maxwell, Drew Chorney, Melanie Grob URTeC: 2154344...
Optimization of Infill Well Development Using a Novel Far-Field Diversion Technique in the Eagle Ford Shale
Yuri Rodionov, Cyrille Defeu, Kush Gakhar, Kevin Mullen, J T. Mayo, Dan Shan, Dmitri Usoltsev, E.A. Ejofodomi
Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)
... America were studied to understand the impact of parent-child well interference during hydraulic fracturing operations. It was found that several...