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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 42,028 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Using Geomechanical Modeling to Quantify the Impact of Faults on Multiple Phases of Unconventional Resource Production, #80522 (2016).

Nicholas Umholtz

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... there are too many natural fractures near faults or around low fracture density zones. The best hydraulic fracturing stages appear to cluster where...


Overview of Hydraulic Fracturing Test Sites (HFTS) in the Permian Basin and Summary of Selected Results (HFTS-I in Midland and HFTS-II in Delaware)

Jordan Ciezobka, Scott Reeves

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... set #2). Note that the hydraulic fracture in this example does not propagate across the natural fractures, instead it terminates at natural fracture...


Fracture Diagnostics in Naturally Fractured Formations: An Efficient Geomechanical Microseismic Inversion Model

Meng Cao, Mukul M. Sharma

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...ismic simulator that considers natural fractures is developed. The 3-D DDM-based hydraulic fracturing simulator with natural fractures is used to gen...


Natural-Hydraulic Fracture Interaction: Microseismic Observations and Geomechanical Predictions

Jian Huang, Reza Safari, Kevin Burns, Ingo Geldmacher, Uno Mutlu, Mark McClure, Stuart Jackson

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...) multiple modes of fracturing (opening, slip or any combination of opening and slip), (ii) hydraulic fracture propagation, natural fracture reactivation...


3D Discrete Natural Fracture Networks and Fracture Reactivation Potential Assessment in the Longmaxi Shale

Changrong Bian, Dianwei Zhang, Feng Shen, Yujin Wo, Wei Sun, Jingliang Li, Juan Han, Shuiquan Li, Qiang Ma

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the deformation of natural fractures due to hydraulic fracturing. Fracture stress-sensitivity are assessed based on changes of fracture volumes under...


Refracturing Vs. Infill Drilling - A Cost Effective Approach to Enhancing Recovery in Shale Reservoirs

Edgar Urban, Daniel Orozco, Alfonso Fragoso, Karthik Selvan, Roberto Aguilera

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...capacity of hydraulic fractures. Optimum time for refracturing. Fractures generated during the initial hydraulic fracturing job, and natural fractur...


Case Study: Fault Slip Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing and Risk Assessment of Casing Deformation in the Sichuan Basin

Zhaowei Chen, Yu Fan, Rui Huang, Bo Zeng, Rall Walsh, Xiaojin Zhou, Mark Zoback, Yi Song

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Case Study: Fault Slip Induced by Hydraulic Fracturing and Risk Assessment of Casing Deformation in the Sichuan Basin Zhaowei Chen, Yu Fan, Rui...


Lithologic and Geomechanical Control on CO2 Huff-n-Puff Enhanced Oil Recovery Processes Using Integrated Modeling Framework in Wolfcamp

Tien N. Phan, Bradley R. Cronk, Mouin M. Almasoodi, Zulfiquar A. Reza

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... and hydraulic fracturing design. Low permeability reservoirs require sufficient soaking period for miscible condition to occur before bringing back...


Shale Plays of the Middle East

Rasoul Sorkhabi

GEO ExPro Magazine

... – that requires hydraulic fracturing to produce oil and gas. Here I reluctantly adopt this current industry use but exclude the purely limestone and dolomite...


An Integrated Geomechanical and Microseismic Study of Multi-Well Hydraulic Fracture Stimulation in the Bakken Formation

Yi Yang, Mark Zoback, Michele Simon, Ted Dohmen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... formation, questions remain regarding how to optimize hydraulic fracturing and the importance of pre-existing natural fractures as fluid pathways...


HydroFracture Monitoring Using Vector Scanning With Surface Microseismic Data, #41459 (2014).

Quansheng Zhang, Zhanchun Ren, Bintao Zheng, Lei Wang, Shigang Yang, Beiyuan Liang

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... real time together with areal fracturing process, or performed for all time intervals after fracturing. Figures 2 and 3 show a typical example in data...


Studies on Influential Factors of Flowback and Productivity of MFHWs and a Field Case in Shale Gas Formations

Guicheng Jing, Zhangxin Chen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... for shale gas hydraulic fracturing. Natural Gas Industry, 2011; 31 (12): 81-84. Zhang X., Du C. and Deimbacher F. et al. Sensitivity studies...


Permeability Variation During CO2 Pre-Fracturing in Shale Reservoir: A Case Study of Junggar Basin

Weiyu Tang, Fujian Zhou, Iongqiao Hu, Guopeng Huang, Lizhe Li

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... mineral expansion on matrix permeability, the shale matrix permeability still tends to decrease. URTeC: 4035176 2 Introduction Hydraulic fracturing...


3-D Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Flow Modeling„Key to the Successful Implementation of a Geo-Engineered Completion Optimization Program in the Eagle Ford Shale

Herbert M. Sebastian, Ivan R. Gil, Mitchell C. Graff, Jeff Wampler, German Merletti, Tie Sun, Hemali Patel, David Spain, Stephan Cadwallader, Kay Cawiezel, Phil Smith, Richard Keck

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...3-D Hydraulic Fracturing and Reservoir Flow Modeling„Key to the Successful Implementation of a Geo-Engineered Completion Optimization Program...


Abstract: Challenges in Using Seawater for Fracturing Applications: A Comparison between Seawater-Based and Freshwater-Based Fracturing Fluids using Two Types of Guar Gum Polymers; #90254 (2016)

Maryam Alohaly, Ahmed BinGhanim, Raed Rahal

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... by combining two already existing technologies—hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling. This helped the US to be almost energy-independent...


Using a Calibrated 3-D Frac Simulator to Optimize Completions of Future Wells in the Eagle Ford Shale

Efejera Ejofodomi, Allen Dutt, Jason Baihly

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... as proper models did not exist. Until recently, hydraulic fracturing models were mainly focused on the growth of planar hydraulic fractures generated...


Utilizing Ant-tracking to Identify Slowly Slipping Faults in the Barnett Shale

Noha Farghal, Mark Zoback

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... drilled in the Barnett shale. In these five wells, Long Period Long Duration (LPLD) events were observed during multi-stage hydraulic fracturing. LPLD...


Well Production Performance and Fracture Height Evaluation Using Gamma Ray Tool, Case of Sisi Nubi Fractured Wells

Fia Utama, Ruchita Kusuma, Moch Rushatmanto, Haris Hidayat

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... the vertical fracture extension. Example#2 Well FU-111 The hydraulic fracturing target is layer FSy-xc with range of porosity and permeability 9.6 - 12...


Microseismic Response and Geomechanical Principles of Short Interval Re-injection (SIR) Treatments

Alana Kent, David W. Eaton, Shawn Maxwell

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... present a case study of hydraulic fracturing treatments for two horizontal wells located in the Horn River Basin, B.C. The wells were completed using...


Downhole Microseismic Mapping of More Than 400 Fracturing Stages on a Multiwell Pad at the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS): Discussion of Operational Challenges and Analytic Results

Neil A. Stegent, Cody Candler

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Downhole Microseismic Mapping of More Than 400 Fracturing Stages on a Multiwell Pad at the Hydraulic Fracturing Test Site (HFTS): Discussion...


Abstracts: The Importance of 3-D in Stimulation Modeling of Unconventional Reservoirs; #120181 (2015)

Daniel Moos

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... “Fundamental Parameters Associated with Successful Hydraulic Fracturing – Means and Methods for a Better Understanding” DECEMBER 7-11, 2014 – AUSTIN...


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