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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,249 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Achievement of Optimum Production by Performance Evaluation in an Offshore Field in Southeast Sumatra

Citra Prilyanata, Afriandi Eka Prasetya

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Achievement of Optimum Production by Performance Evaluation in an Offshore Field in Southeast Sumatra Citra Prilyanata, Afriandi Eka Prasetya...


Design, Execution and Lesson Learnt of Open PIT Trial Study in Iliran High Shallow Heavy Oil

Dyah Pitaloka Citrarasmi, Yasin Zaidun, Endras Pribadi, Saras Noer Hidayat, Bernard P. Sinambela

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... optimum production result. It was identified that due to its low reservoir pressure, none of the conventional methods would work. Therefore, the open...


Comparing the Results of the Kelly Criterion and Risk Aversion: Quick Look Practical Alternatives to Portfolio Optimization

James A. MacKay

GCAGS Transactions

... an additional method to directly calculate the Optimum Working Interest in an investment or a series of investments with a constrained budget. The difficulty...


Who Should Make the Optimum Upscaling Decisions, A Geologist or An Engineer?, #41783 (2016).

Benmadi Milad, Roger Slatt

Search and

...Who Should Make the Optimum Upscaling Decisions, A Geologist or An Engineer?, #41783 (2016). Benmadi Milad, Roger Slatt PS Who Should Make...


Domestic … Export Gas Subsidy: An Incentive Mechanism to Optimize Government and Contractor Share

Taufik R. Sidik

Indonesian Petroleum Association

..., optimum field economic gas price and attractive to investor. Government should have a clear and strategic planning to increase gas sales volume (both export...


Determination of Optimum Parameters for Anaerobic Thermophilic Bacterium Injection Using Commercial Simulator: Core Flooding Validation and Sensitivity

Argavi Koto, Sudarmoyo, Boni Swadesi, Hilal Hamdan, Agra Adipta

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Determination of Optimum Parameters for Anaerobic Thermophilic Bacterium Injection Using Commercial Simulator: Core Flooding Validation...


Depth Imaging Coil Data: Multi Azimuthal Tomographic Earth Model Building and Imaging of Tulip (Paper A15)

S. Chen, M. Buia, L. Livraghi, M. Bakhrudin, M. Tham, M. Bayly, S. Ng, O. Zdraveva

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

... to an optimum weighted summation. Multi Azimuthal Anisotropic Tomographic Velocity Model Building and Depth Imaging Workflow The Coil configuration...


Uranium Favorability by Lithofacies Analysis, Oakville and Goliad Formations, South Texas

Larry D. Brogdon, Charles A. Jones, John V. Quick

GCAGS Transactions

... to 100 ft thick are favorable for uranium mineralization. Sandstones 20 to 50 ft thick are considered optimum. Medium to highly permeable sandstones...


A Reservoir Description, Based on Wireline Logs, Geological and Production Data, Aids Selection of New Well Locations for Optimum Oil Production

Sungarna Sukandar, Sofyan A. Siregar, Louis Leverbvre

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...A Reservoir Description, Based on Wireline Logs, Geological and Production Data, Aids Selection of New Well Locations for Optimum Oil Production...


Preliminary Study of CBM Potential in Jorong - Kintap Area, Asem-Asem Basin, South Kalimantan

Zikri R. Sulistyo, Artedi Sutanto, Hanung Sukhendra

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... formations. The gas content of Miocene coals of * PT. Sugico Warukin Formation at an optimum depth 300 to 1000 meters is approximately 78.39 scf/ton...


An Attempt to Improve Plantation Road Soils Using an Organic Stabilizer

Md. Zoynul Abedin, Tang Lon Mood Joseph

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

..., on five selected soil samples using various proportions of stabilizers. The study suggests that there is an optimum dilution ratio of the stabilizer...


Numerical Solution to Design Velocity Strings to Unload Wet Gas Wells for Optimum Flow Rate and Recovery

Bernando Purba, Awaldi Fitrah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

...Numerical Solution to Design Velocity Strings to Unload Wet Gas Wells for Optimum Flow Rate and Recovery Bernando Purba, Awaldi Fitrah IPA13-SE-040...


Well Interference and Optimum Well Spacing for Wolfcamp Development at Permian Basin

Richard Cao, Ruijian Li, Alejandro Girardi, Nitin Chowdhury, Chaohui Chen

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...Well Interference and Optimum Well Spacing for Wolfcamp Development at Permian Basin Richard Cao, Ruijian Li, Alejandro Girardi, Nitin Chowdhury...


Water Coning Control in Gas Well with Strong Water Drive Mechanism Reservoir

Benny Ariandy Saputra, Bela Devianti Retnoningsih, Panca Suci Widiantoro, Reza Ramadhan

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... Usually, a rule of thumb is used at 30% of the value of AOFP as the optimum rate of starting a new well. The purpose of this research...


Innovative Global Production Optimization Techniques of Kalimantan Oil Field with Gas Lift Allocation Under Limited Gas Supply Using Equal Slope Method

Winwibisma Putra Anggara, Fatwa Jelang Hari Ramadhan, Suwardi, Anas Puji Santoso

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... and price of the gas itself is high, an optimum allocation for several well is needed to get the optimum production, moreover however the gas supply...


Seeking Optimum-Profit Production Decisions: GEOLOGIC NOTES

Victor V. Cavaroc , Richard E. Sylla

AAPG Bulletin

...Seeking Optimum-Profit Production Decisions: GEOLOGIC NOTES Victor V. Cavaroc , Richard E. Sylla 1974 133 138 58 1. (January) Professional decisions...


Numerical Modeling and Optimization of Condensate Banking Treatment in the Hydraulic-fractured Shale Gas Condensate Reservoir

Wendi Liu, Reza Ganjdanesh, Abdoljalil Varavei, Wei Yu, Kamy Sepehrnoori

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the efficiency of DME and proposes several optimum injection strategies based on the actual field data from a rich gas condensate reservoir. A robust algorithm...


SRV Characterization and Optimum Lateral Well Spacing Study of a Two-well Pad in the Midland Basin

Jaeyoung Park, Candra Janova

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

...SRV Characterization and Optimum Lateral Well Spacing Study of a Two-well Pad in the Midland Basin Jaeyoung Park, Candra Janova URTeC: 93 SRV...


Evaluation of Cyclic Gas Injection EOR in Unconventional Reservoirs and Exit Strategies, Including Potential Storage Options Using Bakken Field as an Example Case

Abdulrahman Abdulwarith, Ahmed Kareb, Mohamed Ammar, Birol Dindoruk

Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC)

... the optimum injection rate, time, number of cycles, soaking time, and the diffusion of the gas solvent in the in-situ oil. Additionally, an economic model...


Review and Classification of Quantitative Mapping Techniques

James M. Forgotson, Jr.

AAPG Bulletin

... of distance on the triangle from an origin defined by the optimum facies composition. Maps of this type express the variation of lithological composition from...


Well-Bore Geometries for Optimum Fracture Characterization and Drainage: (Reprinted from WTGS December 1992, V.32, No. 4)

John C. Lorenz

West Texas Geological Society

...Well-Bore Geometries for Optimum Fracture Characterization and Drainage: (Reprinted from WTGS December 1992, V.32, No. 4) John C. Lorenz 2001 4 8 Vol...


An Interpretation of the Golden Grove Gravity High in Southern New Brunswick

V. K. Gupta, K. B. S. Burke

Atlantic Geology

... of Fletcher were used with constraint. The optimum causative body parameters indicate that the mafic intrusive mass is a sill-like (tabular) body, having...


The Laboratory Study of Indigenous Bacterial Activities From Handil Oil Reservoir for MEOR (Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery) Application

Isty A. Purwasena, Nuryati Juli, Septoratno Siregar

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... liquid medium containing of brine water supplemented with 2% (v/v) molasse, 2% (v/v) crude oil and urea. The optimum inoculum concentration, urea...


Associated Gas Compression Optimization in Marginal Field

Husnu S. Kusuma, Virzi Firmansyah

Indonesian Petroleum Association

.... SYSTEM MODELING A mathematical model to simulate the overall compression system operation is needed so that the optimum solution can be achieved...


Revolutionising the Prediction of Reservoir Performance

Sina Mohajeri, Matthias Hartung

GEO ExPro Magazine

.... It is therefore important to have an up-to-date and accurate reservoir model. However, E&P asset operators have an issue, in that their optimum history matched...


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