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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 6,249 Results. Searched 196,194 documents.

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Oil-Gas Potential of the Sea of Azov

E. M. Golovachev

Petroleum Geology: A Digest of Russian Literature

.... 35–40, 1993) Figure 1 is a map on which are plotted those areas of the Sea of Azov where conditions are optimum for the accumulation of oil and gas...


Seismic Monitoring of Cold Heavy Oil Production

Tingge Wang

Search and

... be used to determine production footprints and allow for optimum infill drilling. Introduction The cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) was pioneered...


ABSTRACT: Seismic detection of faults and fractures; #90136 (2011)

Santinder Chopra

Search and

... noise free and should have optimum frequency content for meeting the desired goals. Certain types of noise can be addressed by the interpreter through...


Seismic Monitoring of Cold Heavy Oil Production

Tingge Wang

Search and

... be used to determine production footprints and allow for optimum infill drilling. Introduction The cold heavy oil production with sand (CHOPS) was pioneered...


Abstract: Reading Between the Lines: A NEBC Shale Gas Quantitative Interpretation Case Study; #90224 (2015)

Laurie M. Weston Bellman and Jennifer Leslie-Panek

Search and

... and map the prime zones for optimum gas development. The workflow illustrates the successful integration of geological information and seismic attributes...


Abstract: Determining Optimum Well Spacing Using Completion Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs; #90228 (2015)

Vivek Sahai

Search and

...Abstract: Determining Optimum Well Spacing Using Completion Characterization in Unconventional Reservoirs; #90228 (2015) Vivek Sahai AAPG Datapages...


Formation of Rich and Lean Oil Shale Deposits in the Eocene Green River Lake Basin - Link to Climate Changes: Piceance Creek Basin, Colorado, U.S.A., #50488 (2011)

Kati Tänavsuu-Milkeviciene, J. Frederick Sarg,

Search and

... with the long-term climate curve during the early to middle Eocene. We suggest that the Stage 1 formed during the warming phase of the climate optimum...


Well Technologies in Pre‐Salt: Results and Future Vision, , #42439 (2019).

Julio Cesar Costa Leite,

Search and

...-UP RELIABILITY OPTIMUM LOCAL Up RBD System Bottom-Up strategy: No guarantees the desired system reliability will be achieved. Efforts and energy...


Borehole Electrical Imagery, a Power Full Tool in Complex Reservoir Characterization: Abstract

R. Martínez, I. Nieves, M. Frass, J. Piedrahita, C. Rincón

Asociación Colombiana de Geólogos y Geofisicos del Petróleo (ACGGP)

... fractures. These results can then be used to understand the fracture processes in the field and help predict, the optimum locations and orientations...


Pliocene Biostratigraphy and Depositional Environment of the Jacalitos Canyon Area, California

Robert J. Stanton Jr., J. Robert Dodd

Pacific Section SEPM

... was so variable that the likelihood of occurrence of a given taxon throughout its potential stratigrapihic range.was small. The optimum biostratigraphic...


Abstract: Geophysical Evidence for Sediments Beneath the Crystalline Southern Appalachians and Termination of Sediments by the Master Decollement

William P. Iverson

Earth Science Bulletin (WGA)

... is less well defined. Optimum data processing has emphasized the important series of dipping reflections beneath Kings Mountain Belt in the eastern...


Associating the temperature difference model, used for AVHRR and GOES, to the MODIS image from February 19, 2001 of the eruption plume of Mt. Cleveland, Aleutian Islands, Alaska - Abstract

Steve J. Smith

Alaska Geological Society

..., the spectral signature of airborne volcanic ash is compared for all 36 MODIS bands to determine the optimum channel to apply the temperature difference...


Abstract: Seismic Direct Hydrocarbon Indicators in the Malaysia-Thailand Joint Development Area

Cathal Daly

Southeast Asia Petroleum Exploration Society (SEAPEX)

... anomalies, with the aid of 3D seismic, forms the basis for determining the P1, P2 and P3 reserves and for deciding the optimum locations for the appraisal...


Comparative Study of Compositional Viscosity Models for Medium-Heavy Oils - Abstract

Bipin Raut

Alaska Geological Society

..., the Semi-fundamental models, with an optimum blend of previous two classes, would provide an ideal choice to model the viscosities. The proposed work...


New Approaches to Interpretation and Validation of Structures in 3-D: Abstract

F. Jaffri, C. Whitefield, P. Griffiths, A. Gibbs, J. Brown

Houston Geological Society

... results in the selection of the optimum picking strategy and eliminates unfruitful strategies and structural models early in the project...


Intermittent Gas Lift Implementation in Low Influx and Gassy Wells

Fajar Ariesita, Agustinus Zandy

Indonesian Petroleum Association

... to identify liquid build-up in the wellbore. There are 2 others functions of performing a build-up pressure survey, i.e. to estimate an optimum liquid build...


Abstract: Submarine Fan Faces Analysis Using Well Logs and 3-D Seismic: An Example from the Miocene of The Texas Gulf Coast

W. C. Riese and Rebecca S. Olsen

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... the reservoir. Seismic-stratigraphic interpretation was conducted on an interactive color terminal which facilitated the selection of optimum display scales...


ABSTRACT: Geophysical Technologies improve success in development of Jonah Field, Sublette County Wyoming

Nancy J. House, David Uhl

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... and orientation is a critical component to planning optimum development infill locations and spacing. Geophysical tools for understanding resultant...


ABSTRACT: Howard Ranch: Hunting For Overpressured Plumbed Structures In The Wind River Basin, Wyoming

Gary C. Stewart

Rocky Mountain Association of Geologists

... to find the optimum frac techniques and frac fluid for artificial stimulation. Gas-in-place calculations for both the Madden and Howard Ranch...


Abstract: Geomechanics Approach to Management of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs: Interrelationship Between Natural Fractures, In-Situ Stress, and Reservoir Permeability Anisotropy

Lawrence W. Teufel

Four Corners Geological Society

... breakthrough in producing wells, thereby achieving optimum sweep efficiency and maximum oil recovery. In order to assess the role of natural fractures...


Abstract: Integrated Geological and Geophysical Characterization of Gulf Coast Reservoirs for Incremental Natural Gas Recovery

Robert J. Finley

Houston Geological Society Bulletin

... in that field. Careful use of zero-offset VSP data have allowed the optimum tie of stratigraphy to the geophysical data for seismic surveys completed...


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