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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

Showing 3,348 Results. Searched 198,169 documents.

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Abstract: Evolution of Abnormal Pressure in Paleogene Es3 formation of the Huimin Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China;

Wang Qiaochu, Chen Dongxia, Wang Fuwei, Shi Xuebin

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... distribution of abnormal pressure, including overpressure, normal pressure and underpressure. The origins of abnormal pressure were also analyzed...


Origin and Distribution of Overpressure in the Northern Malay Basin, #41103 (2012)

Mark Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Andrew Laird, Orapan Limpornpipat, Kanjana Krisadasima, Hamish Macintyre, Suwit Pabchanda

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...Origin and Distribution of Overpressure in the Northern Malay Basin, #41103 (2012) Mark Tingay, Chris K. Morley, Andrew Laird, Orapan Limpornpipat...


Salt Basins of Western Europe and Gabon, West Africa: Which is a Gulf of Mexico Analog?

D. A. Thompson , I. Lerche , J. J. O'Brien

GCAGS Transactions

... of salt structures and hydrocarbon accumulations, in particular how they relate to Gulf Coast salt and hydrocarbons. The spatial separation of salt walls...


Diagenetic modeling to assess the relative timing of quartz cementation and brittle grain processes during compaction

A. Makowitz, R. H. Lander, K. L. Milliken

AAPG Bulletin

.... Magara, 1982, Frio Formation of the Texas Gulf Coast Basin: Depositional systems, structural framework, and hydrocarbon origin, migration, distribution...


Round up the Usual Suspects: Building the Case to Define Overpressure-Generation Mechanisms in Upper Cretaceous to Tertiary Shales Overlying the Eagle Ford Play

B. S. Hart, J. Schieber, J. Kalinec

GCAGS Transactions

...). Bebout D. G., B. R. Weise, A. R. Gregory, and M. B. Edwards, 1982, Wilcox sandstone reservoirs in the deep subsurface along the Texas Gulf Coast...


The Geophysical Aspects of Abnormal Fluid Pressures

Edward B. Reynolds, John E. May, Alf Klaveness

Houston Geological Society

... of predicted top of overpressure with well data, Louisiana Gulf Coast. 44 Figure 8. Comparison of predicted top of overpressure with actual well data, Texas...


Compaction of Wilcox and Carrizo Sandstones (Paleocene-Eocene) to 4420 M, Texas Gulf Coast

E. F.McBride, , T. N. Diggs, , J. C. Wilson

Journal of Sedimentary Research (SEPM)

...Compaction of Wilcox and Carrizo Sandstones (Paleocene-Eocene) to 4420 M, Texas Gulf Coast E. F.McBride, , T. N. Diggs, , J. C. Wilson 1991 Vol. 61...


Sediment Diagenesis in the Gulf of Mexico Basin and its Role in Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution: Implications for Hydrocarbon Transport via Solitary Waves, #20307 (2015).

Ajit Joshi, Martin Appold

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...Sediment Diagenesis in the Gulf of Mexico Basin and its Role in Pore Fluid Pressure Evolution: Implications for Hydrocarbon Transport via Solitary...


Computer Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways and Fluid Flow Histories from Carbon Isotope Anomalies in Gulf Coast Exploration Wells

D. F. Williams , Lerche , Z. Yu

GCAGS Transactions

...Computer Modeling of Hydrocarbon Migration Pathways and Fluid Flow Histories from Carbon Isotope Anomalies in Gulf Coast Exploration Wells D. F...


Pore-Pressure and Thermal Analysis for Understanding of Overpressure Mechanisms in West Baram Delta

Nurhajeerah Mhd Hanapiah, Kurniawan Adha, Wan Ismail Wan Yusoff

Geological Society of Malaysia (GSM)

...Pore-Pressure and Thermal Analysis for Understanding of Overpressure Mechanisms in West Baram Delta Nurhajeerah Mhd Hanapiah, Kurniawan Adha, Wan...


Variation of Vertical Stress in the Onshore Canning Basin, Western Australia

Adam H. E. Bailey, Paul Henson

Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA) Journal

.... (1998). Distribution and Origin of Overpressure in the Central Grabin of the North Sea. In ‘AAPG Memoir 70: Abnormal pressures in hydrocarbon...


Oil Generation as the Predominant Overpressure Mechanism in the Dongying Depression, Bohai Bay Basin, China, #50357 (2010)

Xiaowen Guo, Sheng He, Keyu Liu

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... as the major cause for overpressure Oil saturation of overpressured reservoirs Spatial distribution of overpressured reservoirs Reservoir sandstone...


The pore pressure regime of the northern Gulf of Mexico: Geostatistical estimation and regional controls

Scott Morris, Brian Vestal, Kelsey O’Neill, Michael Moretti, Cesar Franco, Nathan Hitchings, Jianmin Zhang, and John D. Grace

AAPG Bulletin

... pressures using seismic data: CSEG Recorder, v. 27, p. 8–32.Dickenson, G., 1953, Geological aspects of abnormal reservoir pressures in Gulf Coast Louisiana...


Hydrocarbon Generation and Migration Routes in the East Texas Basin

William A. Wescott, William C. Hood

AAPG Bulletin

..., in D. Schumacher and B. F. Perkins, eds., Gulf coast oils and gases, their characteristics, origin, distribution, and exploration and production...


ABSTRACT: Geologic Characteristics and Hydrocarbon Accumulation Mechanism for Continuous Oil Reservoirs in Songliao Rift-Depression Basin in NE China; #90108 (2010)

Shi-zhen Tao, Cai-neng Zou, Zhi Yang, Xiao-hui Gao, Xuan-jun Yuan, and Li-zhong Song

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... in deep tight sands in Songliao basin can be called “Overpressure Hydrocarbon Reversed Accumulation Model”. In the burial history, when the pressure...


Prediction of Porosity in Compacted Sands

Jon Gluyas,, Christopher A. Cade

AAPG Special Volumes

..., Port of Spain, p. 714-719. Luo, M., M.R. Baker, and D.V. LeMone, 1994, Distribution and generation of the overpressure system, eastern Delaware...


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